198 avsnitt • Längd: 80 min • Månadsvis
Looking at all of the unexplained mysteries in our universe…from alien activity to Zak Bagans and every other phenomenon in between…The paranormal The extra-terrestrial. The cryptids. The Psychic. The Metaphysical. The Conspiratorial. It’s all here! Stay curious! ’Cause If You Ain’t Curious You May As Well Already Be Dead! This Is Where The Unknown Connects With The Empowered!
The podcast Unexplained Inc. is created by Phantom Phil. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
In this edition of Shadow Sermons....Phantom Phil Fortune lets us know how much he detests Spring. Why he has changed his look slightly for this episode and he will let you know who the real Antichrist is after he celebrates one of his new found favourite people. Stay ignorant...useful idiots!
Amber Taylor returns to the podcast to help us say goodbye to this sticky and heavy winter and push us forward into spring. Her and Phantom Phil share that they've been through a lot this past winter and why it should go. Here are some other topics discussed:
- Phil's spirit encounter on Halloween night at the event Amber was co-hosting.
- The relocation of the Obskurrah Bazaar...which has unexpectedly played a significant role in the show's history.
- Trying to balance day to day life as a medium
- The planetary transits, alignments and eclipses coming through shortly.
- Spiritual bypassing...and so much more!
- Also...is the show getting an uninvited intruder next week??
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Adam Gell makes his debut on the show and really brings the fire. The conversation weaves around such subjects as shamanic healing, power animals, the masculine and feminine polarities, the Akashic Records...and drones over his home in New Jersey...and they weren't without company! Find all this out and how a part of a gymnasium he used to teach in caused him to have panic attacks...and how he healed it through travelling to past lifetimes.
Connect and book with Adam here:
Watch Conversations With Adam Gell here:
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We all want to work through our trauma and unwanted patterns correct? Of course we do...there are many wonderful modalities to work through these but here is one that you may not be aware of...it is not quite energy healing nor breath work, nor hypnosis but can have similar effective conclusions....April and Phil both practice at Lavender Lane and you will hear about how they connected and their thoughts on various forms of this type of treatment. April also has some unexplained experiences that she didn't get time to share in this episode as the Cafe was pinging ideas back and forth as usual. Here is a short snippet about what she does for her clients:
April is a Coach with expertise in using somatic healing modalities to help her clients overcome the damaging effects of chronic stress and stored trauma; and develop deep inner resilience and nervous system regulation.
In addition to her Coaching training, April has a Psychology degree from Simon Fraser University and is in training to become a Somatic Experiencing® Practitioner with the Somatic Experiencing International Organization founded by Dr. Peter Levine.
April has successfully walked her own path of recovery from childhood trauma, and nervous system dysregulation. It is her own healing journey that inspired her to become a Somatic Experiencing® Practitioner.
You can book with April here:
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Isaac from Hidden In The Shadows Paranormal makes a surprise return...as this episode was originally going to be a solo one. However, Isaac has brought another face with him who is sure to become a fav. here on the pod.
Mike V. from The Unknown Paranormal joins the fray to officially back up a lot of Isaac's claims that he has made previously on the show. He tells some harrowing tales as to how Isaac has not only remotely removed negative entities from his home affecting his family but that he's witnessed him help with others that he has never met before. Mike also seems to be slowly tapping into Isaac's ability to capture and hopefully eradicate dark entities in this realm once and for all.
We also get into other various discussion topics including the egoic side of paranormal investigation, past lives and spiritual identity and what movies and music are really telling us! Strap in as these two may be leading the charge in changing the game of how investigations are being done!
Connect with Hidden In The Shadows Paranormal here:
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Happy V-Day True Believers!
Even though this is a day I honestly don't particularly care for I thought a special show was in order. What is the twin flame phenomenon? Is it divine? Is it a scam? What about it is legit and what is a myth? How connected is it really to Source? Is this available for everyone or just the "144,000"? Why is it so triggering and painful for some?
All these questions and more will be answered with one of our favourite guests from down under...Carrie-Anne Fields...not only does she have clear connection with the divine...but she's lived in one of these connections and can actually talk from experience...instead of reading and reciting cookie-cutter terms and points from the internet...P.S...she's also really bringing the sass on this one...absolute fire...so if you have a significant other...or you don't....this show will make you realize why your'e worthy of self love!
Follow Carrie-Anne on Facebook or support her business here:
Meet Andy Wingate.
He's doing a podumentary (part podcast, part documentary) and the title is self-explanatory. Here is the explanation from his Youtube channel (which you can view and subscribe to here....https://www.youtube.com/@andyjoinscults)...
Podumentaries about Cults. What really happens on the inside, and what is a cult anyway?
Andy and myself got into this and so much more...including aspects of Tantra and sacred sexuality and how these practices could bring major healing to the world. But our main focus was on channeling non-physical beings and why Andy had to leave a retreat he was visiting tied into this phenomenon.
We also dabble on his documented adventures that include a very strange trip to Egypt and getting involved with what he refers to as a Shamanic Sex Cult...yeah...it's true! This episode contains more profound wisdom than I was expecting and we just scratch the surface!
You can also engage with Andy here:
Instagram: instagram.com/andyjoinscults
Tik Tok: tiktok.com/@andyjoinscults
Zoe Fields
Andye Murphy
Karly Van Every
A fine tradition that began on the show almost two years ago.
We all reconvene for this first time since late 2023. Much has changed since then but our light has not been dimmed. In fact it may be shining brighter than ever. We mainly discuss how to keep it all together in what is already proving to be an insane start to 2025.
Some of the other topics we also discuss on here are the illusion of separation, true divine knowledge coming from within, humility when seeking ethereal knowledge, the interplay between the light and the dark within the individual and collective, Dean Henderson's latest book on Royal Annunaki Bloodlines and The Great Remembering of the Lakota Tribe. One thing for sure is that we won't wait for over an entire calendar year to do this again.
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Karen Holton makes a swift return to the show to promote her new book which you can buy and review right at this link below:
Karen will have to come back for an additional chat to finish what we started as there was just so much to get into! Some of our topics of discussion include:
- A.I. art-work
- Bob The Grey and his sense of humour
- The differences between Earth time and non-dimensional time
- Similarities and differences between her and other E.T. experiencers
- The diet and lifestyle of another dimension
- What our relationship to E.T.'s is really like and how it may not be what you think
Connect with Karen and her content here:
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***The views and opinions expressed in this episode do not represent the Unexplained Inc. podcast and its affiliates***
Phantom Phil Fortune is back to celebrate the opening days of 2025. He's super excited that the man who many think will right the ship is being sworn in officially next week. What he's really excited about is the fact that he is likely a trojan horse for the elitist central bankers. That is may all be a ploy to the 4th Industrial revolution and the post-human era of civilization. While also paying respects to who he feels was a true legend that departed almost a year ago. Exciting times to be alive!
Nathaniel Epting and his wife Kelly run Modern Mornks (https://www.modernmonks.net/) and help out with various forms of spiritual coaching including meditation, mediumship development and trance channeling.
Nathaniel was introduced to Phantom Phil through a very familiar friend of the show. Divine timing came into play to this meeting and you'll hear why and other synchronistic musings in this chat, including:
- His insane meditation stats...that he's kept track of!
- The six guiding principles
- The flow method of strengthening mediumship through meditation
- How crazy is 2025 going to get?
- Decoding messages form Spirit vs. dialogue from your own ego and it's own set of lessons
- Synchronicities off by a digit or two
- Sacred sites including Sedona, sites in Europe and of course...Uluru
- What potential E.T. contact may like look after the wild finish to 2024
Show lineup for the rest of January announced in outro:
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Happy New Year!
True Believers!
Connect with me here: https://www.unexplainedinc.com
The Law Of Attraction....a polarizing subject for many!
In this edition of The Great Escape...you will find out that this concept is fact and not fiction...however...it is being widely misused and misunderstood.
I came to this conclusion after I read a book and took the 10 week journey that accompanied with it known as The Presence Process by Michael Brown. I am in no way affiliated with the author nor receive kickbacks or sponsorship...but applying this book and journey properly could solve a lot of your internal issues...I will kindly put the Amazon link here:
Within this reading I learned what many 'celebrity' and 'trendy' people associated with LOA are not telling you...likely in order to 'invest' in their programs and materials to make a fortune off your back while you are likely still not getting the truth on these concepts. It is our birthright to attract joy, health and abundance into our lives. The process is not easy...but it's worth it...get 2025 started off right by unlocking the skills you never knew you had to build the life of your dreams.
Materials mentioned within the episode:
Tracy L. Clark: https://www.youtube.com/@tracylclarkenergyhealer/videos
Wu Wei Wisdom: https://www.youtube.com/@WuWeiWisdom
Mark Manson Blog: https://markmanson.net/the-secret
This is the last show of 2024 and it's a beauty! An epic one...I would only send you out of this turbulent year with a bang! I'll just have the guest tell us a bit about himself below...no other description will suffice...you'll just have to listen.
My Name is Frank Castle, founding member of the music group HeistClick and NYC Neo Shaman. After a serious injury sidelined my carrier in 2013, I decided to set out on an adventure to search for myself, with the help of the plant medicine Ayahuasca. What I discovered waiting for me, was something I could have never prepare for. It's time for me to become something more, Someone More, it was time I became FearLess ..!
FearLess Links and Contact
https://iamwearefearless.com/ “I am We Are FearLess Website”
www.Youtube.com/@SunsOftheSun "SunsOftheSun Music"
www.Youtube.com/FrankCastleFearLess “Frank Castle FearLess” or
https://x.com/FrankieFearLess "X"
https://www.facebook.com/groups/TheFearLessFamily/ “The FearLess
Family" Group
https://www.facebook.com/frank.castle.902266 “Frank Castle FaceBook”
[email protected] “Email"
https://www.youtube.com/HeistClick “HeistClick Music"
https://www.instagram.com/frankie_fearless/ "Instagram"
Good friend of the show Laura-Lee Petty returns for the first time in over a year (www.https://luminouslivingwithlauralee.com/) and she has plenty to discuss.
From the state of collective consciousness to the power of our language and words. To the mysterious drones over the United States northeast and allegedly elsewhere. Plus she treats us to a card pull for the collective energy of 2025...and it may surprise you. What may or may not be going on in the skies right now is likely a desperate power-play from a dying regime. We truly are a fish out of water as we turn the page on the Piscean Age.
Connect with me here:
David C. Bumblebee is a key note speaker at the Cosmic Consciousness Conference in Uluru which is happening in exactly one week!
In this episode he gives us a thorough breakdown of some of the material he will be presenting there...it is all too much to squeeze into one episode but the hypothesis is that through our hearts and minds we all have antennas connecting us to the cosmos. We start out by sharing the concept of 'As Above..So Below' as it is linked to all this.
This is David's first ever podcast interview...ever! It does not disappoint and I do understand that this material is NOT for everyone! It is dense and at times chaotic but the overall themes and evidence brought up is astounding. Only a mind of sheer brilliance and eccentricity could put this all together.
Some parts were lost due to technical difficulty...and about 80 minutes in you will hear a 'fast-forward' sound and it will have a graphic for the video viewers. In fact I strongly recommend that the audio listeners check out the video link here on Rumble...as this is a visual presentation and may sink in more. This will require your full attention in order to get it
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Video Link to Rumble here:
Karen Holton is making her debut on Unexplained Inc. and is an E.T. and Angelic experiencer, wholistic coach, and transdimensional channel.
Her professional experience includes Shamanic guidance, awakening and ascension counselling, as well as public discourses.
As part of the Forbidden Knowledge News Network, Karen hosts the Quantum Guides Show – This weekly podcast is ideally suited to the newly awakened, and for those who are awake, but may be socially isolated by their alternative beliefs.
She also hosts the podcast called Aliens & Angels which focuses on personal paranormal experiences.
In this chat...here are some topics discussed:
- How to open yourself up to Divine guidance...even when things are bleak
- E.T. & Angel encounters
- Her new book - Transdimensional: Meet The New Neighbours...coming soon!
- Phantom Phil's NDE he experienced without actually dying!
- Why you shouldn't get caught up in the recent Washington D.C....E.T. 'disclosure' hearings
- The benefits of orgonite
Connect with Karen here:
Karen Holton’s Website – https://www.karenholtonhealthcoach.com/
Services - https://www.karenholtonhealthcoach.com/product-category/services/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@KarenHoltonTV
Quantum Guides Show:
exclusive audio content found only on SPREAKER,
Spotify, Apple, Podbean, iHeart, Goodpods and more – https://www.spreaker.com/show/quantum-guides-
Zen Domes Orgonite - https://www.karenholtonhealthcoach.com/product-category/zen-domes-orgonite/
***Last Chance To Book***
50$ off your purchase for the Cosmic Consciousness Conference:
Promo Code: PHIL
More info on the conference here...taking place December 20-22nd, 2024
The Cafe returns after a brief hiatus related to Spooky Season. It's a perfect time to post as best wishes go out to the American True Believers as they give thanks!
C.J. is making his first appearance on the show in almost a year and has a long running history with Phantom Phil and the fine souls of the Infinite Rabbit Hole podcast. Lots of stories and shoutouts in relation to all of this.
But the main reasons for C.J. coming on is some important updates. As an autism parent he has started a newer podcast The Bright Spectrum as a place for like-minded parents to bond, connect and get helpful information. They are certainly getting little to no help from the system...gotta fund those Banker Wars overseas...ya feel?
Also shockingly the former host of The Mystery Stone podcast has revealed that he has given up practicing magick and his reasons why may surprise you. To close out...of course...they get into some pretty interesting theories about the recent 'UFO/UAP' hearings from Washington D.C...we are in interesting times indeed! Stay curious!
Connect with Unexplained Inc here:
50$ off your purchase for the Cosmic Consciousness Conference:
Promo Code: PHIL
More info on the conference here...taking place December 20-22nd, 2024
Thought this was posting on Black Nobility Friday...but apparently that's next week...who knew...one question needs to be asked...Are you mad as Hell right now? If so...good! That's not a bad thing...but what may not be so positive or constructive is where you are directing your anger. We can only control what goes on in our own lives...not what other people choose to do or believe. This edition of The Escape kicks off with continuation of last week's election wrap-up. The episode then goes into the targeted anger of an MLB legend, surprising Youtube advice and how one book that Phantom Phil is working through is changing the game not only in his own life but the sharing of some of it's contents could change your perspective too. Your anger is a gift...don't waste it with half-assed superficial wrapping! Stay curious!
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Check out the aforementioned Jared Bauer video here:
50$ off your purchase for the Cosmic Consciousness Conference:
Promo Code: PHIL
More info on the conference here...taking place December 20-22nd, 2024
Julie Aitchison triumphantly returns to Unexplained Inc. Back in the summer she laid down the foundation for what goes into S.R.A. and who is likely behind most of it. This time she goes deeper into it's connection to the military-intelligence field and the dark aspects of mind control.
Before we get into this aspect of the discussion we have a fairly bipartisan discussion on the U.S. Election results and why people should be interacting with each other with humility...whether their 'side' is the victor or the loser. We also dive into whether or not Donald is a saviour of the masses or a well-crafted charlatan...you be the judge! Plus...in the outro Phantom Phil shares the most far-out theory he's heard on who Trump is really representing.
Then we look into the harrowing Project MKOFTEN, various aspects of mind control and some of the harrowing aspects of S.R.A. This ties into how underground tunnels likely play a major factor into this dark phenomenon. Plus...if public figures like Hanks & DeNiro have such a major problem with the elected official? Why are they bailing on their country instead of sticking ground to fight? Seems fishy...hmmmm
Julie wraps all of this up with an interesting take on the times we are living in through a Biblical perspective. I advise to take what resonates from this chat and leave what doesn't...no need to get yourself triggered and shoot the messenger! Stay curious!
Connect with Unexplained Inc here:
50$ off your purchase for the Cosmic Consciousness Conference:
Promo Code: PHIL
More info on the conference here...taking place December 20-22nd, 2024
Dr. Clay Spencer will be appearing at the CCC in December (links for registration below...there is still time!) and he has direct history with Uluru and its elders.
As a practicing medical doctor Clay is also very connected to aboriginal healers and is on board with the careful prescription of psychedelics to psychiatry patients which is now being legalized down under. You will also hear about his travels to different shamanic elders, his research into land and aquatic cryptids around the world...and his surprising assessment of them all.
More surprises come into play when he discusses why death should not be feared and more celebrated. Plus the shocking origins of the word 'sin' and how it's likely not what you think it means...all this and more in a provocative chat with a man that is challenging us to think differently.
You can reach him directly here:
[email protected]
Connect with Unexplained Inc here:
50$ off your purchase for the Cosmic Consciousness Conference:
Promo Code: PHIL
More info on the conference here...taking place December 20-22nd, 2024
***The views and opinions expressed in this episode do not represent the Unexplained Inc. podcast and its affiliates***
It is finally here! The long-awaited (depending on who you ask) return of Phantom Phil Fortune...the dark half of our beloved host! This is also the FIRST video episode of the show and it can be viewed here (https://rumble.com/v5l9u6z-shadow-sermons-ft.-phantom-phil-fortune-110124.html)
Audio episodes will still be available alongside video episodes. Platforms can change or expand in the near future...so far view and follow at the link to the platform above. Back episodes will be available on video platforms with audio and a graphic...coming soon.
In this episode Fortune talks about where this segment is going and what the meaning of the Instagram reels from the past month have meant to him and his philosophy moving forward...stay ignorant!
In the conclusion of this lengthy chat Isaac shares even more unbelievable experiences that include him connecting with a multi-dimensional version of himself. Find out why in this life-time he believes he is the 'supreme' version of himself...and that isn't coming from a place of ego.
Him and Phantom Phil share fascinating aspects of their respective journeys that tie into the butterfly effect, the Mandela effect and so much more. This one hits different for a go-home show going into Halloween...but how spooky is it to realize that reality may not be what you think it is? Plus in the outro Phil gives an update on the last little while and why things are about to shake up in a big way going into Hallow's Eve and into November.
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Connect with Hidden In The Shadows Paranormal here:
50$ off your purchase for the Cosmic Consciousness Conference:
Promo Code: PHIL
More info on the conference here...taking place December 20-22nd, 2024
Isaac from Hidden In The Shadows Paranormal was set to return before Halloween but had so many more amazing stories to tell that it was decided to have him on for a two-part episode to close out spooky season.
He picks up right where he left off on his first appearance on the show August 16, 2024...you may wanna check that one out before this for the purposes of context. Not only is he capturing and ousting demons and dark entities into the ring...he has encounters with grey aliens as well...and some forces even more nefarious!
This chat goes into the territory of extra-terrestrial and inter dimensional talk that will really get you questioning what's out there...or in here...whatever way you wanna slice it!
Connect with Unexplained Inc her:
Connect with Hidden In The Shadows Paranormal here:
50$ off your purchase for the Cosmic Consciousness Conference:
Promo Code: PHIL
More info on the conference here...taking place December 20-22nd, 2024
Miranda Young makes her return to Unexplained Inc. for the first time in three years...believe it or not! The conversation picks up right where it left off and here are some of the discussion topics:
- Activity from the Historic Scott County Jail
- Her new event...Historic Rugby After Dark
- The expansion of local paranormal tours and investigations
- Paranormal investigation etiquette
- The Ghost Biker Garage Show
- Haunts of Nashville, TN
- The Harold Young Scholarship
Plus so much more...
Check out Ghostbiker Explorations here:
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Cosmic Consciousness Conference: December 2024, Uluru, AUS...book here and save $50:
and your promo code to give your listeners a $50 discount is:
One of our fav. paranormal teams is back and they have some updates. Kassy and Rain of Weeping Willow paranormal get us primed up for the official start of spooky season. They pick up right where they left off when they met in person back in June at the Ridgeway Cinema. What findings were uncovered during that investigation?
Also some chats on paranormal investigation etiquette, the fall of The Conjuring house...why Kassy still hasn't seen The Conjuring. A little bit too about harsh skeptics, spirit encounters during reiki, a bizarre ghost tour and under-the-radar horror flicks to check out this October. Plus some you may want to avoid altogether. This is a light-hearted chat during some chaotic times that will hopefully bring some joy to others right now!
Support Weeping Willow Paranormal here:
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Book your spot for the CCC here:
Cosmic Consciousness Conference: December 2024, Uluru, AUS...book here and save $50:
and your promo code to give your listeners a $50 discount is:
Welcome to the official kickoff of Spooky Season 2024...True Believers!
For the first time the show would like to welcome a fictional paranormal author. Eastern Ontario native Jessica Lee Sheppard decided to study psychology and social work but then decided to use that foundation to write fictional for teens / young adults. Don't let the age group fool you though as these stories are meant for anyone open to expanding their mind and getting some decent scares.
Jessica has taken on penning the Izzy Adams series known as Descending Into Darkness. Phantom Phil read book one before this chat and it can be purchased here:
Book two in the series was released in the wee hours of September 24, 2024. It can be purchased here:
This discussion goes into the themes of the first book but also onto these riveting topics:
- The astral plane
- Spirit animals
- Psychic Fairs...and their gimmicks
- Restrocausality
- Where does creativity and imagination come from?
- Energy & Psychic Vampires
Plus so much more:
Learn more about Jessica and her appearance schedule here:
Connect with Unexplained Inc. here:
Connect with Unexplained Inc. here:
Book your spot for the CCC here:
Cosmic Consciousness Conference: December 2024, Uluru, AUS...book here and save $50:
and your promo code to give your listeners a $50 discount is:
Rebecca Llewellyn is a breath work practitioner.
According to her website Rebecca is also a Shaman Of Light and a Way Shower. We go through her impressive resume and why hours upon hours of experience is really important to have under your belt as a practitioner. This is one of those conversations that could have gone an extra hour but is kept within the time frame. You will gain an understanding on the importance of the breath and what types of major shifts can go down during one of her breath work sessions. Also learn why plant medicines aren't for everyone and so much more in a conversation that will likely leave you feeling better than before you tuned into it. An embodiment of what to leave behind and what to take with you as summer turns to autumn this weekend.
Connect with Rebecca and her social media through here:
Connect with Unexplained Inc. here:
Book your spot for the CCC here:
Cosmic Consciousness Conference: December 2024, Uluru, AUS...book here and save $50:
and your promo code to give your listeners a $50 discount is:
Buckle up as we are about to jump into light speed!
Chris Bygraves is speaking at the C.C.C. alongside great friend of the show Carrie-Anne Fields. She introduced Chris to Phil online earlier this year and said that he is currently working on something that needs to be discussed on the show.
That project is his upcoming book The Orion War and it's a deep dive into our hidden Galactic History. After the two lads get to know each other and share their thoughts on media, the shift of 2020, and consciousness expansion Chris goes deep on this topic. If that isn't enough to wrap your head around they then discuss how this war is almost entirely parallel to the original Star Wars trilogy. Strap in and keep an open mind as this marathon chat will stretch the limits of your imagination! We are connected to the stars far more than we are conditioned to believe! Chris is looking to have his book released by the time of the conference...and if you are still interested in booking....look no further:
Book your spot here for the CCC:
Cosmic Consciousness Conference: December 2024, Uluru, AUS...book here and save $50:
and your promo code to give your listeners a $50 discount is:
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In a rare window of time when back-to-back cafe episodes are airing we go to western Canada for this one.
Kate Emberton runs Mystic Mountain healing which offers all kinds of services in terms of energy healing and getting rebalanced. In this chat you will learn the embodiment of just how much of the external world is affected by your internal frequency. Also how bypassing the shadow or the dark can do a major disservice to not only yourselves but the others around you. All that and more in this edition of the cafe....here is how you can connect with Kate
Mystic Mountain Healing:
Mystic Mountain Coaching:
Cosmic Vibrations Frequency Art:
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Book your spot here for the CCC:
Cosmic Consciousness Conference: December 2024, Uluru, AUS...book here and save $50:
and your promo code to give your listeners a $50 discount is:
Kathryn Hand makes her long awaited return to the show. She is joining us from mainland Australia and has a much more stable connection this time. Here are some topics discussed on the cafe:
- The power of Uluru and how it can be used by the light and the dark
- Some of the challenges and setbacks at past conferences
- The importance of the emergence of light workers and an interesting take on the New Earth
- Kathryn shares a harrowing story of a psychic attack publicly for the very first time and how she recovered from it
- Some of the amazing keynote speakers coming up at the Conference
Book your spot here:
Cosmic Consciousness Conference: December 2024, Uluru, AUS...book here and save $50:
and your promo code to give your listeners a $50 discount is:
In order to apply a winning mindset and take action like in the first two chapters of The Great Escape...you may want to take a detour to understand the basic functions of our universe. Understand that no matter what you read or what you choose to worship that we are co-creators of our existence. These principles will amplify that statement and help you understand ways to in fact control the nature of your reality for your highest good.
This episode starts with a tie in to Phantom Phil meeting Sam Tripoli in Toronto last year and then lists the principles and ways to apply them with some very off-the-wall stories and examples. Anything is in fact possible...when you apply the concepts from these very texts.
Connect with me here:
50$ off your purchase for the Cosmic Consciousness Conference:
Promo Code: PHIL
More info on the conference here...taking place December 20-22nd, 2024
***Programming Note***
This episode was initially advertised to feature the director of Spiritual Bigfoot whom I met in Denver last month. He was not available at this time and will be rescheduled for a later date.
Who ended up showing up instead is Isaac the co-founder of Hidden In The Shadows Paranormal. Him and his wife are paranormal investigators who have parlayed their experiences into a podcast. We get into Isaac's background and how he started walking this path but before we recorded he alluded to a specific story to tell that would change the trajectory of the entire conversation...and it did not disappoint!
The clue as to what that story is about is in the show title and I can easily say that this is one of the most thought provoking discussions I've ever had on the show. Strap in...because you're likely not prepared for what you're going to hear!
Follow and tune into Hidden In The Shadows Paranormal Here:
Connect with me here:
50$ off your purchase for the Cosmic Consciousness Conference:
Promo Code: PHIL
More info on the conference here...taking place December 20-22nd, 2024
Andye is back for her first solo episode in almost two years on this special Thursday night edition of the show. Here are a few of the things discussed in this edition of the Cafe:
- The Denver Airport and it's wonderful weirdness
- Her migration from Louisiana to Colorado and all of its blessings
- Metaphysical Denver
- What is lighting her up about the Akashic this days?
- Origins of orb sightings
- Why its an awesome time to exist with all the external chaos
Plus so much more...
Connect with her here:
Connect with Unexplained Inc. here:
50$ off your purchase for the Cosmic Consciousness Conference:
Promo Code: PHIL
More info on the conference here...taking place December 20-22nd, 2024
In this edition there is a compilation of interviews and a surprise swap cast from the True Crime And Paranormal Podcast Festival from Denver, CO this past month. Here is the lineup for tonight's show:
Robin Warder...host of The Trail Went Cold (https://www.trailwentcold.com)...he got Phantom Phil on board with attending this festival and he stops by for a discussion on his insane presentation earlier that day on a Colorado based true-crime case that affected him directly. Also the ever-so fun and ongoing discussion of psychic mediums and the unexplained colliding with true crime cases.
Rick Webster....Rick is a regular attendee of this festival and became friends with Robin which led to him giving a group that included Phantom Phil a lift upstate to The Stanley Hotel. He discusses that tour as well as that one time for work he had to make a special delivery to Skinwalker Ranch....yes...that one!
Savannah Steele...Savannah is the host of the Woo! There It Is podcast (https://www.youtube.com/@woothereitispodcast) and did an impromptu swap cast with Phantom Phil. This one went over an hour but some of the audio got lost...so most of it is intact. They share their journeys of their faith, spirituality, podcasts and Phil's recent orb video and what he thinks it all means.
Plus...a special announcement regarding next week's show and part of the August lineup...stay curious!
Cosmic Consciousness Conference: December 2024, Uluru, AUS...book here and save $50:
and your promo code to give your listeners a $50 discount is:
Julie Aitchison is a born-again Christian who believes that years ago we moved into a timeline that will expose the dark doings in this world. This took her into deep research on Satanic Ritual Abuse (S.R.A.) and how deep it runs into the chains of command in our world.
Wherever you stand on this touchy subject after listening to Julie you will likely come to the conclusion that indeed something is going on behind closed doors and underground and it's not good.
Here are some of the topics discussed:
- Why May 2011 was so important for Julie
- The 'witchy' teacher that put her into a trance and likely cast a spell on her
- The spread of S.R.A. by the military industrial complex
- Elite family bloodlines
- How realistic is the film Rosemary's Baby?
- Some of the strangeness of Arden, Delaware...hometown of Joe Biden
This goes deep with so much more that a continuation on the origins of these horrors will be recorded and aired on a future date
Connect with Unexplained Inc. here:
50$ off your purchase for the Cosmic Consciousness Conference:
Promo Code: PHIL
More info on the conference here...taking place December 20-22nd, 2024
Welcome back to The Astral Report. Phantom Phil travels back to October 4, 1967...and some of the days after to get further insight into Canada's most famous UFO crash. A lot more clarity seems to be revealed than in the first Astral Report. Some of the insights may surprise you and remember that this is only for entertainment purposes.
The town has its own annual UFO festival which you can check out here:
Connect with Unexplained Inc. here:
50$ off your purchase for the Cosmic Consciousness Conference:
Promo Code: PHIL
More info on the conference here...taking place December 20-22nd, 2024
Tonight two fellow Ontarian's who packed up for a better life join the show...Don Rogers and Canadian Spinja.
Don Rogers currently hosts The After Dark Show on the Forbidden Knowledge Network and his parter Canadian Spinja hosts Surviving With Spinja on Youtube...all links below.
This discussion goes in all different weird and wonderful directions and here are a few of the topics discussed:
- Don's unsettling journey into the Secret Space Program
- The Nature of reality
- Out Of Body Experiences
- Alternate timelines / realities
- The importance of understanding retro causality
- Harvard telling us aliens walk among us?? Really??
Plus so much more...
Listen To the After Dark Show Here:
Surviving With Spinja:
Connect with the Forbidden Knowledge Network Here:
50$ off your purchase for the Cosmic Consciousness Conference:
Promo Code: PHIL
More info on the conference here...taking place December 20-22nd, 2024
The newest addition to the bestselling Campfire series, True Ghost Stories: Jim Harold’s Campfire Volume Six is a compilation of some of the most haunting stories from the top-rated podcast, Jim Harold’s Campfire.
Jim makes his second appearance on Unexplained Inc. (www.unexplainedinc.com) to promote his newest book. Phil and Jim discuss how the book came together plus some of its stories...with a brief detour on the function of ouija boards.
Some of the stories from Jim's book explored on this episode include the themes missing time, parallel dimensions, dopplegangers, messages from deceased love ones and so much more. Plus they get into the recent new polarizing article from Harvard that was merely deemed 'conspiracy' not too long ago.
Buy Jim's books here:
Connect with Jim on any of his platforms and check out his various podcasts:
Website: https://jimharold.com/
Newsletter: https://jimharold.com/free-newsletter/
Podcasts: Jim Harold’s Campfire and The Paranormal Podcast
YouTube: @JimHarold
Facebook: @Jim Harold and @Jim Harold’s Virtual Campfire
Instagram: @TheJimHarold
Twitter/X: @TheJimHarold
If you wish to attend the 2024 Cosmic Consciousness Conference in Uluru (hosted by great friend of the program Kathryn Hand) use this exclusive affiliate link here to book:
Promo Code to get $50 off your booking:
After giving one of the most epic interviews in the show's history in late 2022....Carrie-Anne Fields makes her long awaited return to the podcast. Once again...this edition of the cafe goes a bit over time and doesn't have a formal outro. You shouldn't expect anything less than that when the two of us light up the airwaves...here are some discussion topics between two souls that (likely) crossed lifetimes to reconnect!
- Carrie's challenges and setbacks of the last year and a half
- Rising above victimhood and understanding the true nature of triggers
- The blessings and challenges of residing on the island of Vanuatu
- Can the residents of this island spot and call out Shape-Shifting Reptilians?
- More owl synchronicities
- Carrie-Anne delivering news to Phantom Phil in his mushroom ceremony...likely from the 7th dimension
- The hijacking of the Twin Flames
Plus so so much more...
Check out some of Carrie's work through her business:
If you wish to attend the 2024 Cosmic Consciousness Conference in Uluru use this exclusive affiliate link here to book:
Promo Code to get $50 off your booking:
On this edition of Unexplained Inc. (https://www.unexplainedinc.com) Phantom Phil is joined by his old friends from Beautiful British Columbia...Jason Hewlett and Kelly 'Clare' Berge. Jason has to skip out a bit early but the conversation remains engaging...and yes some stories get repeated from the previous episode because of the order they were recorded in...here is what is talked about in this episode:
- Ogopogo and sea monsters...including their indigenous roots
- Whatever happened to the Bermuda Triangle? Is it 'uncool' now?
- Full bodied apparitions during paranormal investigations
- Shamanic journeys and synchronicities
- Fireworks, no parking and runners in the forest....the conversation about the strangest happenings during a ghost tour or an investigation.
- Spirit animal messages and the action of free will
Plus so much more...
Connect with the Vancouver Paranormal Society here:
Jason Hewlett's new book:
The Legend Of Ogopogo: Canada's Loch Ness Monster
Coming Soon...courtesy of Small Town Monsters Publishing
Amber Taylor is a psychic, reiki practitioner and sound healer commonly known to those in her community as The Belladonna...you can connect with her here:
For readings, workshops, sound healings etc.
Amber parlayed a corporate career as a systems analyst to become what one would likely call a 'spiritual entrepreneur'. Although long before she made this leap she discovered her intuitive abilities as a youngster and never let go. Here are some other topics discussed on this show:
- Fav. tarot decks
- Misconceptions about tarot readings
- Mediumship circles
- Existing in multiple timelines
- Sound healing and the journeys it can take you on
- Spirit animal guides
- A freak encounter with The Jersey Devil...that was positive??
- Plus so much more
Connect with the show via:
In chapter two of this spiritual and personal development series Phantom Phil goes in a different direction and breaks down why in life there really is Nothing To It But To Do It,
The saying comes from an unlikely source...its from the musings of former record store owner, producer and manager in the New Jersey heavy metal scene Jon Zazula...aka Jonny Z. He's a man here ruthlessly followed his passions after learning some difficult life lessons that lead him to get his hands on a demo tape of a band from the Pacific Coast that would not only alter his life...but the planet's as well.
We'll examine his journey into metal music, his lessons, the catch phrase and what this means to empower you on your own journey. This isn't just a random collection of episodes anymore....The Great Escape is becoming it's own sonic novel and this is only the second chapter!
Unexplained Inc:
In this edition of the cafe...buckle up! Some opinions expressed in this will resonate with some and likely infuriate others and that's ok. We don't all want to echo each other now do we?
Borsellino Holistic Healthcare started under some rather unusual circumstances. After a career in dance was halted due to a freak injury Paula turned to herbs and aromatherapy. Everything kind of snowballed from there and she has sharpened her skillset to include many modalities that have helped many clients over the past 25 years. Here are some of the subjects touched upon in this chat:
- Letting your lawn grow wild...the answers may surprise you
- Cloud seeding
- The potentially harmful effects of veganism
- The nefarious Mr. Gates
- The Borsa Massage and it's Egyptian roots
- Biggest misconceptions of witch-craft
- Ghost tours and the perception of spirits
- Should you face your demons?
Plus so much more
Connect and book services with Paula at her website:
Connect with Unexplained Inc. here:
Kassy, Raun and Reese from Weeping Willow Paranormal come by for a fun chat. About 42 minutes in we had some good ol' technical glitches but most of it was cleaned up. Must have been those pre-full moon vibes or something...in this episode we talk about:
- The origins of the team and their name
- The Screaming Tunnel in Welland, ON....haunt or hoax?
- Hidden haunted gems in Ontario
- Canada's 'most haunted town' Niagara-On-The-Lake
- Can spirits be pervs??
- Bobby Mackey's Music World
- The Conjuring House
Plus much more...
Follow them on Instagram:
Check Them Out On Youtube:
Check Out Their Merch:
Connect with Unexplained Inc.
Connect and listen through here!
Jeremy Socha...very good friend of the show makes his long awaited return for the next edition of the Consciousness Cafe. He ended up being a source of inspiration for this segment to become a thing in the first place.
This episode was going to focus on the work of Mike Clelland and the connection of UFO's, ET, and owls and how they present themselves s screen memories. We didn't quite end up there which is ok....some of it was discussed but Phantom Phil has a lengthy story to share in terms of the owl totems....and how it is all a part of a series of seemingly connected synchronistic events that began one year ago when Phil read Chris Bledsoe's UFO Of God.
Jeremy filled us in with the 'craft' that was shot down over Lake Huron in early 2023 and the stages of NDEs. This edition of the cafe went a little bit longer than normal so no formal outro was recorded.
Connect with me here:
This is Sarah Lauren.
She has gone on an incredible healing and spiritual journey after suffering through unspeakable trauma. She is telling her story to help empower others and to get them out of the vicious cycle of victimhood. Psychedelics have been a major part of her journey as well as just keeping an open mind to certain texts / philosophies that are out there waiting to be discovered.
This episode includes topics of...
- Her trauma of being sold into sex trafficking
- Flipping from the perspective of a victim to a perspective of empowerment
- The Bible and many other spiritual texts she continues to explore
- The healing connection of Magic Mushrooms and ethereal realms
- The mycelium sanctum and it's healing properties
- Thoughts on the film 'Sound Of Freedom' and some of it's bizarre criticism
- Dark entities behind trafficking and the power structures of our world
Plus so much more...
Connect with Sarah here:
Alchemizing Exploitation
Connect with Unexplained Inc. here:
April 12, 1941 had the first (scarcely) reported UFO crash on American soil a full six years before Roswell, NM.
Phantom Phil astral projects to the crash site on that night...or so he believes.
His findings may shock and surprise you.
This is the first of astral travels into past unexplained events...stay curious!
On the heels of round one of the NFL Draft....Unexplained Inc. introduces a new solo series. This one is a little bit different from the show's normal canon. It deals with personal development and gives you the template to help live the life you want. Not the life you've been born into and programmed with.
This first chapter shows you an example of the mindset of tenacity and ruthless determination in order to pursue your goals. Being on the spiritual path is not all about fluffy kindness...it is also about picking up your sword and shield and eliminating obstacles in your path to truly get what you want and deserve.
In a mode of completely geeking out I bring this point across with examples from my favourite sports team of all time...the 1976 Oakland Raiders...and the ruthless mindset of their late, great and often misunderstood owner...Mr. Al Davis...bear through the geeking out if this isn't your thing as there is an important message to be had....like all future episodes of The Great Escape!
Connect with Unexplained Inc. here:
Karena Osborne is a professional witch, intuitive tarot reader, mystic and identity alchemist. She is also a reiki master and loves sharing tales from paranormal investigations...you can connect with her website and socials below. Here are some of the discussion topics in this episode:
- Childhood premonitions and forms of precognition
- Growing up in a religious home with paranormal experiences
- What witchcraft is really supposed to be all about
- Adventures with Weeping Willow Paranormal
- Summoning spirits / entities through divination
- Identity alchemy
- Spiritual entrepreneurship
Plus much more...
Phantom Phil will also explain Lauren Holder's absence and an unexpected twist on one of the show's soon-to-be-arriving segments.
Connect with Karena here:
Listen to the Spiritually Unhinged podcast here:
Connect with Unexplained Inc. here:
Christine Cardoza, Intuitive Business Coach and Sacral Energy Coach Trainer
Christine Cardoza is a new paradigm trailblazer. She combines your birthcharts with German New Medicine conflict resolution tools to uplevel outdated emotional patterns, new language to express your true feelings & your naked soul self.
Christine trains wellness coaches & Community leaders on expressing their authentic business self with your birthchart, plus how to read your clients emotional body for a deeper and lasting transformation.
When you 'Know thy Soul Self', you can alchemize childhood patterns, increase intuitive abilities, and create an inner frequency level that matches your outer reality in your business, home, and bedroom. For fun she likes reggae parties and traveling.
Energy & Emotional Body Reset Sessions,
Own Your Lane Coach training, or
Birthchart True sky & Numerology Readings
In person (more fun) or online
Contact: [email protected]
Topics Discussed On This Edition Of The Cafe:
- How you are in fact your own best healer (not big pharma)
- German new medicine
- Sound Healing
- The power of your own breath-work practice
- How you can heal without the aid of cannibis or psychedelics
- Healing from religious trauma
- Connecting with practices of sacred intimacy
Plus much more....
The long time friend of the show Gio D. makes his return. Gio is one of the minds behind the Intrinsic Minds podcast and even though its on a hiatus he wanted to come on and discuss the speculation behind recent upcoming events....in this first edition of the cafe here are some of the vast topics discussed:
- Astrological themes of this time
- Situational Awareness
- Road rage on the highway
- The fears surrounding the eclipse...are they rational?
- The Book Of Revelations Playbook
- Predictive Programming
- Are you 'good' to stare into the sun during or after the eclipse?
Plus so much more...
Like, subscribe, follow and connect through:
Zenka Caro is the founder of LightNet - a collective intelligence think tank centered around consciousness. Caro is a pioneer in mind-over-matter consciousness research. She is an expert in spoon bending and electromagnetic radio ham radio contact with ET's and past loved ones. She is passionate about blending science and spirituality and has been working in frontier technology for over 20 years running software development companies and working in augmented reality. Caro loves strategic planning for our best future and is an inspirational speaker on the TEDx stage and beyond.
This is the guest for the four year anniversary of Unexplained Inc. Not only is this a logical continuation to last season's finale interview with Jacquelin Smith, but it is a representation of where the show is at and where it will likely evolve. Here are some talking points of this electric chat:
- Bending spoons mentally with the Jack Hook method
- How the numbers of group members can dramatically affect the results
- The synchronous work of Lynne McTaggart
- Contacting E.T's through ham radios
- The bedrock foundation of light and sound
- Our connection to E.T.'s through music
- The amazing projects of Lightnet
- Choosing to shape your own reality
Plus so much more...
Here is where you can connect with Zenka and her projects:
YouTube @ourlightnet / @zenkacaro
Instagram @ourlightnet / @zenkacaro
TikTok lightnet.org / @zenkacaro
Twitter @ourlightnet / @zenkacaro
Contact the show:
Email: [email protected]
Meet Jacquelin Smith. She is coming on Unexplained Inc. for the very first time. She has been an animal communicator since 1979 and is the author of the book Star Being In The Mirror: My Journey As A Hybrid. Jacquelin has made claim to being a human / extra-terrestrial hybrid that has been able to have crystal clear communication with star beings since childhood.
Approach this one with a loving heart and an open mind as Jacquelin takes us through some amazing experiences of star being communication, visits to many star craft, bearing hybrid children and that wild experience from Thanksgiving 2013.
Also find out how we are in fact all star seeds (it's not a term reserved for the 'chosen few') and can all choose the ability to communicate with our star families. Find out which family Phantom Phil belongs to after he had a Star Origin reading with Jacquelin earlier in the autumn season. You will also hear about the amazing synchronicity that brought the two of them together in a rather unexpected fashion. This is a thank you to the True Believers for another amazing season....things will never be the same again!
To learn more about Jacquelin's story and book one of her services...visit her site:
For residents outside of the U.S. who want to buy her book....click this link here:
For the first time in over two years C.J...the beardless wonder....returns to Unexplained Inc! C.J. has been on many episodes promoting various shows over the years. Phantom Phil recently appeared as one of his first episodes of the new podcast Philosofa Talk (which you can listen to here....https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/philosofa-talk/id1716588038).
In this chat they go through the various motions of podcasting...touch on a little bit with the status of The Mystery Stone podcast (which you can listen to here...https://mysterystonepodcast4.wordpress.com). But the main aspect of this discussion is the shadow. How to integrate, how not to bypass it, how much of it should you actually integrate, what should be avoided. This chat gets raw and candid on both sides. The pinnacle being when C.J. admits making some difficult life decisions after coming face to face with an ethereal entity in meditation.
Strap in as this one goes in several different directions and will have you intrigued in every way possible. It's all summed up with a classic N64 reference from Phantom Phil.
P.S...the situation with Phantom X comes to a head at the end of the show!
Magic Mind Link:
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So who are team Z.A.K?
This name may not even stick
But if you've been listening for a while...you'll know
Roll Call:
Zoe Fields...a wise old soul from the land down under...spiritual teacher extraordinaire
Andye Murphy....coach, shaman, oracle, badass...friend of Unexplained Inc...has a bit of a crush on all things ancient Egypt too
Connect with her here:
Listen To Her Podcast Here:
Karly Van Every...reiki practitioner, psychic intuitive, galactic communicator, ball of light...one of the few to appear on Unexplained Inc. more than 3x
Connect and book with her here:
Watch her on Youtube here:
These three appeared on the Mother-Gaia episode last season...it was such a smash hit I decided to bring them back for another round. We all go deeper this time on some of these specific discussion topics:
- Black 'Nobility' Friday and it's spell
- The Earth's current volcanic activity
- Humility towards nature
- Star Beings
- UFO Of God
- Phantom Phil's otherworldly nighttime highway encounter
This is another lengthy one that will fly by like nothing...just go with the flow:
Magic Mind Link:
Promo Code:
Valid for 56% off until November 27, 2023
For the first time the Thunder Wizard Michael Denney joins the show. Michael runs an incredible Youtube channel that attempts to give us deep understanding to the forces in this world and beyond.
Michael....a former actor...surfer...shamanic practitioner and someone who is very connected to extra-terrestrials gives us an amazing outlook into his experiences and this is just barely the tip of the iceberg in this two hour conversation....here are some topics discussed:
- Solar flashes and solar flares...why is one so potentially different from the other
- His former skepticism towards E.T. encounters
- His journey from the U.S. to Australia
- The friendly Mantis being
- How wacky are these dark controller elites anyway?
- Discernment and misconceptions over certain aspects of E.T. phenomena
- Should direct channellers be trusted?
All this and so much more....this was a real treat! Here is how you can find out more about Thunder Wizard...
Amazon Link:
Twitter - X
Magic Mind Link:
Promo Code:
Valid for 56% off until November 27, 2023
Are the powers of corridor within our world infiltrated by dark forces? After exhaustive research that led to the book The Roots Of The Federal Reserve (you can purchase your copy here: (https://www.amazon.com/Roots-Federal-Reserve-Tracing-Nephilim/)
Dr. Laura Sanger, Ph. D. has put together some really compelling evidence that this could very well be the case. She has also taken the time and energy to decipher what we can do about it. Here are some key highlights from this discussion:
- How a near nervous breakdown after the 2008 recession led to this research.
- The history of the Nephilim and who they are.
- Where eyewitness accounts of giants have happened in the modern world.
- The resilience of Dr. Sanger's faith and devotion to Jesus Christ while compiling this troubling research.
- How the Nephilim likely survived The Great Flood and birthed our modern royal and political power structures.
- The potentially terrifying endgame of the Nephilim infused globalist power brokers.
- A rousing speech of transcending fear with love.
You can explore more of Dr. Sanger's research here:
Instagram: @laurasanger444hz
This episode delves into the darkest spaces in the show's history. It is not recommended for everyone...especially younger listeners...it is an important discussion to have nonetheless and stay tuned to an extended outro for the show by Phantom Phil.
Jon Uhler is a licensed therapist that has come face to face with the worst society has to offer. On this episode he stops by to break down the dark doings of Satanic Ritual Abuse (aka...SRA). This term has been deemed to be 'cooky conspiracy theory' by many but after this discussion one will see this is likely not the case. But in order to understand these happenings Jon goes deep into the mindset behind these heinous acts...here is what else gets discussed:
- His background working in various correctional facilities
- The difference between a sociopath and a psychopath
- Why psychopathy is a downward spiral one may not be able to come back from
- The differences between ritualistic abuse and satanic ritual abuse
- How this type of abuse stretches into the highest corridors of power within society
- MK Ultra and mind control
- Who would perp on children and why
- Could some of these acts be the bidding of spiritually low-level entities?
- Why he can likely prove that Jeffrey Epstein did NOT kill himself
- How distorted the term 'extremism' can get
You can explore Jon's work and his vast array of links and other projects here:
Connect with Jon Uhler on X:
For the go-home show leading us to Halloween this year we welcome back a favourite. Spirit Medium Daniel Jackson makes his third appearance on Unexplained Inc. Here are some of the discussion topics on the table:
- Famous tourist spots and haunted locations in Tombstone, AZ
- A well known theatre in Tombstone he will not enter
- More personal hauntings that have taken place within the last year
- Which friend of the show might have a negative attachment following them
- Some of his new abilities Spirit gave him whether he wanted them or not
- Is someone on his tail in his hometown of Sierra Vista?
- 'False' psychics and healers he sees at local trade shows
All that and much more...Daniel and Phantom Phil take you by the campfire under the stars in the cool remote desert to entertain you at the conclusion of this spooky season.
Connect with Daniel here:
Listen to his podcast here:
- Buy his book The New Beginning: My Awakening As A Spiritual Medium here:
Chris Mathieu is the host of Forbidden Knowledge News. It is one of the top podcasts out there on all things fringe. Chris started this as a Facebook blog that grew into a podcast, a network and is now branching out into documentary films. In his Unexplained Inc. debut here are some of the topics discussed:
- The evolution of FKN
- The definition of truth / perception management
- Magic mushroom trips: the good and the bad
- Occult Louisiana and sightings from experiencer Scott Pace
- Tie-ins to The X-Files
- Manufactured extra-terrestrials
We also go into his latest passion projects including the side-podcast to the main show...The Trip Report (https://forbiddenknowledge.news)
Also the first chapter in the Forbidden Documentary series...Occult Louisiana
You can download the first episode here...please support:
Watch and subscribe on Rokfin:
Watch on Rumble:
Connect with FKN on Instagram:
Sadly during this fabulous interview there was some compromised audio. The guest's connection was a little sketchy at times and is most noticeable in the first fifteen minutes or so. One story had to be heavily edited because the audio wasn't usable. But have no worry as this is only a small part of the chat....just wanted to give a heads up!
True Believers! Welcome Spirit Guide Jonathon Shannon to the show for the very first time. Jonathan is a Canadian care-of Wales with a bit of feisty Scottish in him and is affiliated with the space Metaphysical Mojo.
Metaphysical Mojo is located in Dundas, Ontario, CA. A suburb of the sprawling city of Hamilton...you can connect with the space and see it's event list here https://www.metaphysicalmojo20.com
Jonathon is leading History Of Halloween Ghost Tours, a haunted pub crawl, paranormal investigations and having a great time doing it. He is also instructing classes on meeting your spirit guides, astral projection and the true practice of Wiccan philosophy...among other things.
This interview covers all of that plus some incredible synchronicities between himself and Phantom Phil. You will find out just how insanely haunted parts of Ontario actually are and we broach the burning question...did Elvis Presley actually live in eastern Ontario after his supposed death? The urban legend surrounding this may surprise...stay curious!
Connect with Phantom Phil here:
Kicking off the first month of spooky season Unexplained Inc. welcomes for the very first time the host / creator of the podcast On Wednesdays, we talk weird...Ashley Hilt...AKA...Asherz...on this episode her and Phantom Phil get into these topics:
- The application process for her show's new upcoming co-host
- The show starting at almost the exact same time as Unexplained Inc.
- The Mothman festival
- Mothman theories and myths
- 'True events' based horror movies
- The legend of the Flatwoods Monster
- The UK's seemingy terrifying cryptid that resembles an owl
- Other cryptid / weird acts of high strangeness...plus so much more!
Connect with Asherz and her show here:
Instagram: @itsasherz
Connect with Unexplained Inc. here:
Link up to all socials here...plus the Patreon with NEW upcoming bonus content later in October
Phantom Phil announced this during the show...a fan has started a clips page of Unexplained Inc. on Tic-Tok...give it a follow:
This week on Unexplained Inc. we have another double dose. Both returning voices and familiar faces...plus an extended outro from Phantom Phil dealing with a very unexpected spirit encounter on a night out at the beginning of autumn.
Segment #1: Becky McKiddy-Gydesen returns to the show. This is her first appearance on the show in over a year and a half. These are some of the topics discussed:
- Her in-person meet up with Phantom Phil in Tucson, AZ last Christmas
- Running the first ever wildly successful Tucson Paracon
- Haunts of the old desert movie sets
- What seriously scared her in the town of Jerome, AZ?
- Why she may write a book somebody about all of her paranormal experiences
- How she has been anointed the 'unofficial saviour' of Unexplained Inc.
Connect with Becky here:
Segment #2:
On September 23, 2023 Phantom Phil attended a local event hosted by Unexplained Inc. alumni Lauren Holder-Flynn. The evening was about connecting with Spirit at a local historical museum. It was a paranormal investigation that ended with a seance. Phantom Phil conducted a quick interview with Lauren after the event. Then at the end Phil tells the tale of his own Spirit encounter and what he had to do about it after he got home! This is a story you won't believe!
Connect with Lauren here and book your spot for future events:
Connect with Unexplained Inc. and it's socials here:
Welcome Back True Believers! In the first episode of the new season the first ever guest and the first ever documented listener in the show's history come aboard.
Angel Card Amy makes a special return
- She discusses her story of meeting Criss Angel in Las Vegas in August 2022
- On that same trip she took a tour of Zak Bagans' Haunted Museum and had some very interesting experiences
- She does a card pull for the remainder of the upcoming season
Follow and connect with Amy for readings here:
Ghost Guide Daniel returns to appearance number four!
- Dan returns to discuss several topics including his upcoming events of Ghost Walks during spooky season
- The work of Lauren Holder-Flynn
- Freemasonry
- The Ghost Guide Daniel Podcast
- Hauntings At The Hockey Hall Of Fame
- The extra-terrestrial bodies of Mexico
Follow The Ghost Walks and book your tour here:
Connect with the show here:
Sign up for the Unexplained Inc. Patreon today:
Ok ok...they didn't walk into a bar...but they all appeared on the Season Finale of Unexplained Inc. Original plans for the episode kind of went sideways so some audibles were called and this is what we have...so be thankful!
Guest #1:
Longtime friend of Unexplained Inc....Jeremy Socha from the Infinite Rabbit Hole podcast...comes by to discuss the many changes of his show....Louisiana cryptids...midwest cryptids...and UFO/UAP disclosure...follow Jeremy and IRH here:
Guest(s) #2:
Kelly Claire-Berge brings in some of her team members of the Vancouver Paranormal Society. They will be quarterly contributors to the Patreon page starting in July (https://www.patreon.com/unexplainedinc). This is a segment to get to know them and what to expect when we start recording together
Guest #3:
A new friend of the show...Laura-Lee Petty. Laura-Lee does a card pull for the Collective and for Unexplained Inc. during the fall season and the results sound fairly promising. Follow and connect with her here:
Also Before Laura-Lee appears Phantom Phil connects cards from the major arcana tarot with this past season's guests...let us know what you think...
In this edition of Unexplained Inc. (https://www.unexplainedinc.com)....Phantom Phil is joined by Lynn Nicholls...a psychic medium and intuitive expert...Lynn came on Phil's radar when she was a guest on Daniel Jackson's Beyond The Veil podcast and found out she was somewhat local and was able to get her on as a guest...here are some of the main conversation topics for this week's show:
- The hacking of Lynn's IG account / Psychic scammers of social media
- The connections to Daniel Jackson & the great state of Arizona
- An obscure book from 1982 that sharpened Lynn's intuitive abilities
- Possible 'scammer' psychics in the tourist section of her hometown of Niagara Falls, ON, Canada.
- How we can all sharpen our intuition and tap into our gifts.
- How Lynn can shut her gifts 'off' from time and time and live a regular life.
Plus much more...
Connect with Lynn here:
This is the proper IG account to follow her on:
On Facebook:
In this episode the two hosts of Paranormally Blonde stop by for a very fun chat that could have easily gone way longer than it did if certain people (ie: Phantom Phil) wasn't on a specific time constraint.
Follow the blondes and connect with them here:
Here are some of the conversation pieces of this episode:
- How Dee Dee and Sara connected and started the show
- The massive undertaking of the Girls Vs. Boys ghost hunting event in April 2023
- Reiki + paranormal investigation
- Dream Interpretations
- Haunted Dolls
- The hijacking of the term 'paraunity'
Plus a misunderstanding on the true origins of Paranormal Day which took place on May 3, 2023. Phantom Phil expands on this in the show's outro and quite possibly causes more confusion than clarity.
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Connect with Laura-Lee and view her offerings at her website above. Laura-Lee is a healer based out of southern Ontario that was introduced to Phantom Phil at an open house on the shores of Lake Ontario back in December 2022.
Phil had a card reading / healing and was stunned by the immediate results. He asked her to come on the show in the spring and she was delighted. Not only did she experience paranormal activity growing up but suffered harrowing traumas in her childhood. Laura-Lee believes these traumas open dark portals in her immediate life and would suffer from sleep paralysis and night terrors.
Later in life Laura-Lee would find the teachings of Jesus but would also be a victim of spells and dark magic. Find out how she turned her journey around and became a full fledged light worker.
This episode also features some discussion on unique healing from another local face known as Tracy L. Clark. Tracy specializes in body regeneration and Laura-Lee passes on its message. Also some talk on spiritual authors like Wayne Dyer.
Learn more about body regeneration here:
Follow Unexplained Inc. and connect with its socials here:
Check out the NEW Unexplained Inc. Patreon page here...new bonus content added monthly:
True Believers this show has been intentionally left as a mystery until now. On the cusp of Mothers Day around the world Unexplained Inc. goes spiritual with a fiesta and celebration of Mother Earth...aka Gaia. This one touches on a lot of metaphysical, spiritual and even conspiratorial topics but is all shared for the greatest and highest good...here are out feature guests:
Zoe Fields...the mother of Carrie-Anne Fields...Carrie-Anne had to postpone her appearance but we get mama Zoe instead and I'm glad that we did...here is a link to Carrie-Anne's business:
Andye Murphy...Aka The Rock'N Roll Shaman...Andye was a guest on last season...Chapter 10 to be exact and she returns to bring the fire...her website is here:
Karly Van Every...helping Phantom Phil steer the ship as a guest co-host...Karly is a psychic intuitive and reiki practitioner making her third appearance on the show...you can connect via her Youtube channel and book through her website:
Here is a special link to the video Phantom Phil mentions in the intro of the interview from July 2021:
Connect with Unexplained Inc:
Become A Patron With Loads Of Bonus Content:
Welcome to this special edition of Unexplained Inc.....on this special Thursday addition Phantom Phil is joined by Ray & Gio of the Intrinsic Minds podcast (very good friends of the show) and break down the esoteric themes that define Star Wars...on the prefect day of course! Here are some of the discussion topics on tap...alongside the Blue Milk!
- The Jedi and The Sith...commonalities, differences and what did Disney add to their books about these factions that they didn't include in the movies?
- A breakdown of each trilogy and the key esoteric themes and what they may represent to the attuned viewer
- Is the light side or dark side of the force good or bad? Or does it just merely exist?
- Star Wars connections to ancient Egypt, the Roman Empire, and other ancient civilization with connections likely not too accidental
- Stars Wars links to The Bible...especially in Episode I
- Light sabers....cool laser swords? Or a roadmap of the chakras and a symbol of Kundalini Awakening?
- Some not-so discussed esoteric themes displayed in the animated series' like Rebels and The Clone Wars
Plus much more...MAJOR show news in the outro of this one and make sure to check out the Intrinsic Minds on Facebook and the podcast is on Apple and the other major networks
Unexplained Inc:
On Facebook: Unexplained Inc.
***NOTE*** The Patreon link will be available for the next episode!
Kathryn Hand is the co-founder of the Cosmic Consciousness Conference (known as the CCC) off east coast of Australia. In this episode here are some of the vast topics that get discussed:
- Her relationship with Carrie-Anne Fields
- Her home of Norfolk Island and it's connection to ancient Lumeria
- Portals, weather events and The New Earth
- Past life regression hypnotherapy and the Life Between Lives
- The anxious behaviour of the Dark Controllers
- The evolution of the conference and how it navigated certain 'restrictions'
- Ley lines and the grid points of the Earth
- The adoption of the term 'conspiritualist'...it's surprising origins, where the name came from and why its being used to disempower people
- A light workers quest and responsibility
Plus we get into so much more....during the show intro there is an explanation of certain connection issues and why they happened at key points in the interview....most of the audio was salvaged though!
Here is more info on the conference:
Follow Unexplained Inc. and all of it's socials here:
After a long hiatus Kelly returns to Unexplained Inc. She was supposed to join Phantom Phil and Jason Hewlett last season to discuss Jason's book Dying Light and NDE's but fell ill. However she is back to discuss that book as well as other NDE matters...this conversation went to unexpected places and here is some of the topics that were touched upon:
- Excitement for the upcoming Ghostbusters movie
- Further perspectives on near death experiences
- Do we exist as inter-dimensional beings?
- Kelly's own paranormal experiences at her residence
- A story from Kelly that gets Phantom Phil riled up and slightly angry
- Happenings of the VPS since the end of COVID restrictions
- Her chance meeting with William Shatner
***Stick around for the extended outro as Phantom Phil breaks down his meeting with Sam Tripoli in Toronto and the synchronous spiritual experiences that also happened on that evening...it's a long one but a goodie***
Follow Unexplained Inc. here:
Facebook: Unexplained Inc.
Twitter: @phantomphil3
Instagram: @unexplained_inc_official
Email: [email protected]
Follow Kelly and her team here:
Lauren Holder Flynn is a psychic medium as well as a paranormal investigator. She also teaches psychic development and has a subscription service on her website (https://laurenholderflynn.com) called The Spiritual Playground. This service offers training and tips with all kinds of spiritual modalities. She is soon starting a podcast with the same name. In this episode here are some of the pointers she discusses with Phantom Phil:
- Her mutual paranormal acquaintances and connections with Phil
- Her upcoming ghost hunts and spirit circles (aka: seances) in various parts of southern Ontario Canada.
- How deepening her psychic abilities helped her through crippling anxiety.
- The paranormal investigator connection to Indiana Jones.
- Psychic premonitions in dreams...the good...and the not-so good
- The ancient societies of Atlantis and Lumeria and why some of their lost wisdom may in fact be returning.
- Plus so much more...
Connect with Lauren here:
Connect with Phantom Phil Here:
Unexplained Inc. (Just passed 500 followers...yay!)
[email protected]
For the first time since Halloween 2021 Ron Feyl Enright returns to Unexplained Inc. In his first appearance he discussed his story and the formation of the internationally renowned Order Of Exorcists (https://orderofexorcists.com). On this edition we get into some slightly different topics that include:
- The longtime schism that exists within the Catholic Church
- His relationship with Unexplained Inc. alumni Ralph Sarchie
- His published book Exorcist's Secret Confession: Concealed Cases Of Diabolical Activity and Demonic Possession
Buy it here on soft cover
Buy the Kindle version here:
- Movies involving demonic subject matter and whether they bother him or not. Plus opinions on the Exorcist reboot coming this Fall.
- Examining some of the Catholic criticism for The Pope's Exorcist even BEFORE it has been released theatrically.
- The Order's new directory to help those in need of spiritual protection.
- Ron's very provocative view on extraterrestrials and Phantom Phil's synchronicity that happens in the outro.
- The outro provides further updates on the remainder of the season.
Connect with the show here:
Unexplained Inc. turns 3 years old and we are in the mood to celebrate! The man who we can all thank for blazing the trail in this podcasting realm is here for this special occasion. Cleveland, OH native Jim Harold began his first paranormal podcast before podcasts were a wide-spread thing. Since then he has created an amazing network / business meshing together his media background and the celebration of all things unexplained. You can access his shows and plus membership through his website below:
In this episode he talks about his journey from radio to podcasting with Phantom Phil. They also get into some of Jim's more memorable Campfire Stories, psychic premonitions, doppelgängers, some of Jim's most memorable guests, why its important to host a show with opinions you disagree with, some baseball talk and so much more. Couldn't have found a better way to celebrate this milestone and stick around for the outro with some announcements, gratitude and words of wisdom from Phantom Phil. Stay curious!
Tonight’s guest has been featured on A&E’s Paranormal State…Travel Channel’s Portals To Hell…also appeared on CNN, A&E, Fox News, The History Channel…and Coast To Coast with George Noory…….she’s a psychic medium…psychic development teacher…occult expert…author…singer
Please welcome Michelle Belanger appearing on Unexplained Inc. for the very first time. Phantom Phil first heard this native of northern Ohio on the Psychic Teachers podcast during is summer break in 2022. He knew he had to have her on for a chat at some point to cover subjects like the polarities of energy vampires, psychic training, dream-walking, the haunted air B&B and some of her books on demonology and vampirism. All that and more featured in this wonderful chilly evening chat!
Support and connect with Michelle here:
Check out the NEW Unexplained Inc. website here:
The season finale of where the unknown connects with the empowered is here! There will be a guided explanation of the reveal of this season's theme with exclusive narration and episode clips.
But not before Phantom Phil gives the unlikely back story that inspired the theme of this season and how it played out in the physical world right around the release of Chapter IV back in October. The journey of a pro wrestler with esoteric / conspiracy tie ins that lost the purpose of his character, eventually his job and the loss of one of his closest ring brothers in Dec. 2020. A journey that progressed to an impossible return in autumn 2022. Referenced clips to this story are below:
Bray Wyatt's Man In The Woods Story:
Bray Wyatt's Return Promo 10/14/2022:
After the reveal Phantom Phil discusses early plans for next season and discusses some of his past blogs which can be accessed below:
The Four Pillars Series and other works:
Shamanic Journey Blog Trilogy:
Carrie Ann Fields hosts Transcending The Matrix on the Ickonic Platform. She is also the curator of My Health Yoga:
You can connect with her here:
This discussion runs the gambit of what Unexplained Inc. is all about but here are some things we touch on in this marathon:
- The epic shutting down of an online troll
- Carrie-Ann's & Phantom Phil's yoga journeys
- Phantom Phil's response to a bizarre Wikipedia citation on Carrie-Ann's Youtube page involving Reptilians
- How Carrie-Ann serendipitously connected with the Icke family and would end up working with them
- The Mantid Race and why they should be more feared than the negative Reptilian races.
- Grounding & Earthing
- The surprising alternate reason for the existence of underground tunnels and military bases
- False Light, the Law of Attraction and the Hermetic Principles
- Hacks for transcending the Matrix
- Plus so so so much more!
To describe Andye here is part of a writeup from her website:
Rock ‘n Roll Shaman is an embodiment, a calling, and a gift of service. She brings mischievous and gentle delight that shifts limitations and enlightens your soul.
This is exactly what she brought to the table in this episode...what do we discuss? It's more like what don't we discuss...it's a bonified banger and goes to some of these rich and wonderful places...
- The Cosmic Mama Podcast and it's future
- Cultural appropriation
- Starseeds and ascended beings
- Past life memories - human and non-human included
- Why she doesn't like David Icke
- What is truly the meaning of an Old Soul?
- What entity did Phantom Phil see in an altered state this past summer?
- Mystery Schools & Rosicrucianism
- The Dark Knight
- False Light
- Black Nobility Friday...bad behaviour y'all
Check out The Cosmic Mama Podcast on all major platforms
Connect with Andye here:
Good friend of the show Medium Courtney Dawson returns fresh off of further spiritual studies in England. Here are some of the main topics discussed on this stage of the journey:
- Shamanic Psychopomp
- Death being just the beginning of the soul journey
- Where you can astral project...and where you can't!
- Is the intelligence community enabling psychic spies on their payroll?
- Remote viewing...a brief history
- The Farsight Institute remote views the events of 9/11
- Questioning the narrative of 9/11
- Courtney's run-in with negative entities
- Institutes that research the afterlife...ie: http://www.afterliferesearch.org/ (a.r.e.i.)
- Men Who Stare At Goats
- Can we remote view off planet...ie: into space?
Visit Courtney on the web here:
Watch the fascinating study of the Faright Institute here:
Part I:
Jason Hewlett is a seasoned veteran in the alumni of Unexplained Inc. In this edition he returns to discuss the book he co-authored with Peter Renn called Dying Light. You can buy your copy of it here:
You will find out what original paranormal story Jason and Peter didn't include in their previous offering because it was too profound for a short chapter. That story (which involves a man in black) gave birth to Dying Light. Here are some other topics discussed:
- What happened to our other guest lined up for this discussion?
- How Jason handled losing his father at a young age while appearing to be perfectly healthy
- Phantom Phil almost studying to become a mortician and his near brush with death in the summer of '04.
- Peter Renn's near death experience and how it may have been a test for his soul
- Music and colours in the spirit world
- Negative NDE's....is there such a thing?
- Commonalities to alien abductions
- Relations to core shamanism
- Also...does Phantom Phil have another photo to get examined by Jason?
- Did Jason partake in drunken ouija board antics this past spooky season?
All that and more as you don't want to miss this chat on life, death and every other experience in between!
This is an episode that could have easily made the cut as part of what used to be the Light Worker series. With Spooky Season now behind us we talk more of a spiritual turn in this next chapter.
This was the site co-founded by our guest Fish Fischer. In this chat we learn about Fish's journey to this modality and how he had to hit his form of rock bottom to get there.
Phantom Phil also shares his journey into this breath work from July 2022 and how he may have driven an entity out of his subconscious because of it.
Phil also shares a touching moment he had with Fish on Instagram while he was bedside with his ailing father. Also hear about some of Fish's many travels.
For the first time ever Unexplained Inc. went live on it's Facebook page on Sunday October 30, 2022...it can now be heard as a full episode for those who missed it putting a bookend on spooky season for another year!
We welcome back:
Mystery Mike
Declassified Dave
Slick Fronk Sanders
These individuals make up the enthralling podcast Hush Hush Society Conspiracy Hour. You can listen to their show right here:
In this special livestream here are some of the topics discussed:
- The 'hidden' history or agenda behind Halloween
- Do spirits and entities harvest our consciousness when the veil is thin?
- Their interview with David Icke
- David Icke's thoughts on the origins of Halloween
- Strangest items received while trick or treating
- a breakdown of the classic tv show "The-X Files"
- a shout-out to honourable mention 'Millenium'
- How did we end up discussing the tag team of Jesse 'The Body' Ventura & Alex Trebek...WTAF???
- A throwback clip when Hush Hush appeared on the show in May 2021.
- Various updates from Phantom Phil in the outro
FB: Unexplained Inc.
IG: unexplained_inc.
IG: phantom_phil_unexplained
Twitter: @phantom_phil3
In this next instalment of the latest season of Unexplained Inc. We welcome back one of our most talked about guests in the early stages of 2022...Spirit Medium Daniel Jackson.
The basis of this episode is a frank discussion on the differences of walking on the spiritual path while living from the heart of being controlled by the ego. As expected this goes into some territory that was unexpected...which is how we like it...here are some of the discussion points:
- How did Daniel feel when he knew he could communicate freely with Spirit and will it eventually completely take over his 3-D personality?
- Why we shouldn't mistake his confidence with arrogance...which includes him shutting down a surprise debater he had to deal with while on a different podcast hosted by another 'Phil'...go figure!
- Being mindful in how spiritual practitioners use 'certification' for their students
- Why Daniel feels religion is completely man-made and is disconnected from Spirit.
- Discussing his podcast Beyond The Veil and which guest got Phantom Phil fired up over his opinions on Core Shamanism.
- Tattoos as portals to unwanted energies.
- Some new spooky spirit encouters from Daniel and elaborating on an older one.
- His new book The New Beginning: My Awakening As A Spiritual Medium
Which you can order here:
Order a personalized autographed copy here:
Connect with Daniel here:
Listen to his podcast here:
In this instalment of Unexplained Inc....Phantom Phil is joined by a special fist time guest. The founder and owner of Nexus Occult Books & Oddities based in Tucson, AZ. If it deals with magick, witchcraft, hidden history, demonology, vampires, conspiracy and so much more...Andrew's shop likely has it in stock.
Follow them on Instagram here:
This episode will make you laugh, make you wonder and likely wince in disgust...here are some other topics discussed at this stage of the journey:
- Why the word 'occult' still freaks people out and why it shouldn't
- How Andrew's obsessive hobby was almost forcibly turned into a business
- How did Andrew actually benefit from the pandemic?
- What kind of oddities and trinkets get sold at the shop...it may surprise you!
- Do certain titles (and) or customers need enabling of energetic protection?
- What won't be found in stock at Nexus
- Discussion of various titles that range from the mysterious, the laughable and even the revolting
- Phantom Phil's extended outro to properly explain the story of the mysterious Merovingian Dynasty
Join Unexplained Inc. for the conclusion of What's Keeping Us Disempowered? featuring Spiritual Hypnotherapist Jennifer Schlueter:
You can see part two here as this is what's discussed in this episode...
This theme perfectly fits the newly revamped Unexplained Inc. of how the unknown connects with the empowered. In the outro Phantom Phil has two more points to add that don't get discussed in this episode. Also hear why the recording location had to unexpectedly move and why audio connection issues may be a thing of the past with this show.
Here is the largely discussed clip from The Never-Ending Story:
Jennifer Schluether is a spiritual hypnotherapist and facilitates
Connect with Jenny on social media here:
Jennifer Schluether is a spiritual hypnotherapist and facilitates
In the late spring / early summer of 2022 she posted two Instagram posts on the theme of what is keeping the collective disempowered and how can they break out of it?
You can see part one here as this is what's discussed in this episode...
This theme perfectly fits the newly revamped Unexplained Inc. of how the unknown connects with the empowered. The conclusion of this discussion will air the following week.
Connect with Jenny on social media here:
Unexplained Inc. is back!!!!
It is kicking off the first ever seasonal format with an explosive episode one!
In this episode Phantom Phil flies solo to discuss his healing journey through heavy metal music. Also the misconceptions and false stereotypes get examined. Phantom Phil even takes us back to his interview with Phil Jacobs of Toronto Sound Therapy from earlier this year to reinforce key points of this show.
But the main themes revolve around two concepts
1. Music heals and ascends consciousness of the individual or the collective
2. Phantom Phil's journey with Metallica's Master Of Puppets and how the inclusion of the song on the Stranger Things season finale was a MAJOR breakthrough for collective consciousness and a victory of epic proportion for long serving metalhead worldwide.
Here is a clip of that scene below:
Buckle up as this new incarnation of Unexplained Inc....where the unknown connects with the empowered...gets real spicy and real emotional. Stay curious cause if you ain't curious you may as well already be dead.
Unexplained Inc. on FB or Instagram
Connect w/ Phantom Phil:
[email protected]
IG: @phantom_phil_unexplained
Twitter: @phantomphil3
Happy Black Nobility Friday folks!
During this mad time of the year it is the perfect day to drop the November edition of the Light Worker Series...today we are joined by Jennifer Schlueter who is calling in all the way from Capetown, South Africa. Here are some of the talking points of this episode...which had some time constraints:
- Is the mania around Black Nobility Friday a form of hypnosis or spell-casting?
- Steps to becoming a hypnotherapist and how it can boost your meditation practice
- Past Life Regression
- How Jennifer channels higher beings (ie: extraterrestrial entities) to aid with her practice
- Is channeling really as dangerous as some say?
- Are dark entities that sneak through channelling and other modalities a byproduct of unconscious shadow-work or unconscious personal manifestation?
All this and much more on this edition of the Light Worker series...here is where you can connect with Jennifer and learn more about her work:
Subscribe to the Mind Your Subconscious podcast on Apple today!
Rev. Borwaski identifies as many things and has a remarkable story...her and Phantom Phil only scratch the surface on this chat that easily could have gone another couple of hours...here is some of the topics discussed:
- Mela's difficult upbringing in an abusive religious cult
- How she overcame that as well as years of bad luck and misfortune
- The concept of forgiveness
- Living with a rare condition commonly known as 'face blindness'
- The definition of a green witch, a hedge witch and the real lowdown on the origins of witchcraft and how its supposed to be used for good
- Hypnotherapy and Phantom Phil's misfortunes involving it
- Spiritual entrepreneurialism
- Ghost stories from South Carolina including the haunting of 'Bubba'
Much more is discussed but stick around for the outro as you won't believe what happened after the two of them stopped recording!
Find Mela and her work here:
Facebook & Instagram under BelleBookCandleSC
Calling an audible in the 11th hour a brand new guest comes to Unexplained Inc...
Dr. Kristy Sumner PHD of Soul Sisters Paranormal stops by for an enlightening chat..
Kristy and her twin sister Jenny founded this paranormal investigation team on a trip from their home base in central Florida all the way up to West Virginia where they stayed in an allegedly haunted penitentiary!!
From there they had such a thirst for knowledge of the unexplained and coupled with their passion for road trips that they started Soul Sisters paranormal which would expand to include friends and more family...some of the topics discussed in this episode are:
- The history of Soul Sisters Paranormal
- How a twin connection can help aide paranormal investigations
- The 'unromantic' side of investigating
- Television ghost hunting shows & Unsolved Mysteries
- Some hidden haunted gems in the US
- Future investigative spots in Europe
- Motorcycles
...and much more
Learn more about the team and watch amazing video footage on unexplained phenomena caught on camera at their website
Also give 'em a follow on Facebook and Instagram!
Meet Daniel Jackson. He's a spirit medium...he refuses to use the term 'psychic'...his story is as real and unreal as any guest that has been on Unexplained Inc. He hosts the podcast Beyond The Veil. Here are just a few of the fascinating topics discussed in this interview:
- Keeping a sound mind in and amongst the craziness
- Daniel's odd paranormal experiences growing up
- His incredible journey into mediumship after the age of 50
- What really took him and his wife to relocate to southern Arizona?
- His encounters with The Hat Man...who he is, where he's from and why he's here
- How do his spirit guides and Archangel Michael communicate with him?
- What are aliens in his view?
- Shamanic Psychopomp
- How many past life incarnation has Daniel had? How about Phantom Phil?
- Approximately when are both of them going to die?
- Just what is going on with that damn light switch?
All this and much much more in a conversation that includes some red hot takes with synchronicity that you will not forget anytime soon! Stay curious!
Connect with Spirit Medium Daniel here:
Listen to his podcast here:
Support our wonderful friends at the Sinister C&C:
Promo code PHANTOM10 for 10% off any purchase
I just turned 40 True Believers....and a new episode is available as my gift to you!
This will detail where the show is at...where it is headed and why this ride for the Legion Of The True Believers will never be the same again!!!
Stay curious...cause if you ain't curious you may as well already be dead!
Another edition of the Friday Night Fright brings on a guest who shares a real-life haunting that deeply affected her and her surrounding family.
Rene and her family moved from Michigan to Arizona and share a terrifying experience they had to live through when a former residence was placed onto an ancient Native burial ground. Rene grew up a member of the Apache tribe but had to seek out another one to help alleviate the situation. Phantom Phil then discusses famous alien and UFO stories tied to the Grand Canyon State...oh yeah and their family currently lives close to Superstition Mountain....more reason to drop this episode to Friday the 13th....hope you don't suffer from paraskavedekatriaphobia
Also pay attention for several announcements throughout the episode including a new social media platform & an Unexplained Inc. store ready to be open for business??? More coming soon....
In this episode...Phantom Phil wraps up the true events that inspired Serpent And The Rainbow and breaks down the history and misconceptions of voodoo with CJ of the Infinite Rabbit Hole Podcast...you will hear...
- How Phantom Phil and CJ perceived voodoo through pop culture
- A David Lee Roth tie-in...yes you read that correctly!
- How voodoo arrived in Haiti from Western Africa and how it helped ignite a revolution to overthrow French Colonial Rule
- How the US government could have played a major role in the misconceptions and stereotypes surrounding voodoo
- The story of Wade Davis and the events that helped him write the book Serpent And The Rainbow and how he wasn't thrilled with the film
- The similarities voodoo shares with other theistic religions
- The power of drumming and sonic drivers
- Animal sacrifice and so much more...
Follow Infinite Rabbit Hole and Unexplained Inc. on social media!
Phantom Phil and Angel Card Amy explore the bizarre 1988 Wes Craven movie The Serpent And The Rainbow...there was so much to get into it couldn't be contained all in one episode...here is what was covered...
This episode contains graphic content and is not recommended for sensitive ears...if this does not apply to you...carry on....
- A rundown of the cast and crew
- A brief rundown of the true events that lead to this movie
- Canadian anthropologist Wade Davis and his book exploring the 'Zombie Powder'
- The good the bad and the downright ugly of this film
- Why Zekes Mokae makes a terrifying villain
- What scene made position #29 on Bravo Network's Top 100 Scariest movie scenes ever?
- Why the crew only lasted eleven days out of the thirty day filming schedule in Haiti
- Was this film production cursed?
- Phantom Phil recites a popular Youtube theory connecting this to another film dissected in a past case study...
- Plus much more...
Serpent & Child's Play theory:
Jim Dean is based out of Canada's capital, Ottawa, ON. He started with the Haunted Walk as a tour guide and worked his way up the ladder. He started The Haunted Talks podcast in 2015 and his company have brought forward some unbelievable innovations to thrive during the second wave of this pandemic. Phantom Phil tried out these innovations before recording and shares some astounding findings in his report...they also talk about popular haunted spots within Ottawa and around the country...
For any True Believers who dare try The Haunting at Home with a group of friends or family sign up here and use the promo code below:
Promocode "unexplained" to get 40% off The Haunting at Home
Follow Unexplained Inc. on FB, Twitter & Instagram...
also check out www.thephantomhub.com for past episodes + additional content
In this episode Dan Cumerlato (the very first guest of Unexplained Inc.) returns for one fun and informative chat...in this episode you will hear:
- A rundown of the Niagara-On-The-Lake and Hamilton Ghost Tours
- When and how Ghost Walks resumed amid the pandemic
- Why Toronto and Cambridge had to go to on a temporary hiatus
- Ouija Boards
- Further insights from Dan's paranormal investigation days
- 'Ghost-hunting' shows on television
- Dan and Phantom Phil trading 'war' stories of strange 'street' people
[email protected]
Email your stories or photos....
Facebook & Twitter: Unexplained Inc.
Like the title says...Richard Fiennes-Clinton joins Unexplained Inc. and tells us about his business Muddy York Tours....Muddy York does many different tours focusing on the amazing hidden history of Toronto, Ontario, Canada. However the focus of this discussion will remain on his ghost tours and happenings at famous Toronto theatres and concert halls. Mysterious details of a former Canadian Prime-Minister will also be discussed....plus how ghost tours compare from here to the United Kingdom
Unexplained Inc....FB, Twitter....thephantomhub.com
Soundstripe – A subscription based service that delivers high-quality and royalty-free music to licence for your podcast, videos or any other projects. All music used on Unexplained Inc. is delivered through this service. Click this affiliate link to sign up and get 10% off…promo code FRIGHT
Psychic Soiree Fundraiser: Oct. 29th-31st....limited tickets still available!
My Arbonne website:
In the May edition of the Light-Worker series...psychic medium (and fellow Canadian) Courtney Dawson make her first appearance on Unexplained Inc...this is a highly articulate chat you DON'T want to miss....here are some of the subjects discussed:
- Courtney's ability and development
- Her online medium workshops
- Her work as a spiritualist minister
- Transparency and ethics in the profession
- Protection tips
- A commentary on the state of the vibration in the modern world
- Of course...her work with Angel Card Amy
Facebook Medium Courtney Dawson
Instagram: mediumcourtneydawson
Tonight a good friend and colleague of previous guest Jason Hewlett stops by Unexplained Inc. for the very first time. Kelly Claire Berge is the leader of what is arguably considered the oldest not-for-profit paranormal research group in all of Canada. Here are some of the talking points touched upon in this episode:
- Kelly's life-altering apparition that she saw in the summer of '72
- How would one potentially join the VPS as in investigator?
- Kelly's intense and dramatic spiritual awakening
- NDE's and guardian angels
- Those 'TV Ghost Hunters' again!
- Final thoughts on Phantom Phil's photo from Halloween
- Phantom Phil's Shamanic course on Psychopomp and how it loosely ties to paranormal investigation (or could)
- Psychic mediums and why the VPS doesn't use their aid
This one really started to heat up as we were running out of time so Kelly will return one day for a second round. Here is where you can find out more about her work and the VPS:
Listen to Unexplained Inc. here:
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In this edition of Unexplained Inc. we are joined by someone who put their passions of motorcycle riding, photography and the paranormal all together and created Ghost Biker Expeditions. Her name is Miranda Young and she is a business partner of former Unexplained guest Dr. Kristy Sumner. Miranda joins us from the Scott County Jail near Huntsville, Tennessee where she works.
In this episode she talks about their current offerings / activities and explains that spirit activity is very lively in that place. Although she didn't have any paranormal experiences growing up she has a fascinating story involving her elementary school that was allegedly haunted. She also explains the spiritual side of being a biker and how it has helped her grow her business and its tie ins to paranormal investigation.
Perhaps the best part of this is show is how Miranda explains that her travel expeditions led her to uncover a treasure trove of hidden haunts that few outside of their selected counties even knew about. Also hear what kind of tricks she has up her sleeve to communicate with spirits...it may surprise you!
Check out Ghostbiker Explorations here:
For the first time since the spring Karly Van Every returns with a longer, deeper and more substantial chat with Phantom Phil on a variety of topics that include:
- Breaking down on of Karly's Youtube videos on Residential Schools and energy loops
- How to work through and avoid staying in victimhood
- Shifts in the collective consciousness
- The concept of Soul Families and the different types of them
- Conversations and downloads from inter dimensional beings
- Downloads from the dream world and spirit animal totems
- Alternate realities
Plus a surprise collective reading involving the Autumn Solstice
This one goes in a number of amazing directions so sit back, relax and make sure you pack an open mind and you will enjoy!
You can visit Karly's website and book services with her through here:
You can view Karly's Youtube channel here:
On this edition of Unexplained Inc. after two near misses we finally have Stef from the Scottish And Scared podcast to grave our presence...in this episode she tells her stories of her own paranormal encounters and how they affected those around her!
This episode follows a different format as Phantom Phil goes through each episode of the Scottish & Scared podcast as they true trade stories and analysis...this is an amazing history lesson of a small country north of England...it include various themes as cryptids, curses, true crime, vampires, castles and of course the Loch Ness Monster!
You can listen to Scottish and Scared here...or wherever you consume your podcasts:
In this episode Lindsey from the Rogue Ways podcast returns to discuss the relationship governments and power structures around the world have their hands in the occult and (possibly) dark magic rituals than you probably want to believe....this episode was inspired by the craziness of the upcoming US Presidential Election...in this episode we break down:
- Lindsey's UFO stories she didn't get to on her last appearance
- Canadian PM William Lyon McKenzie King
- The Elite Families and generational bloodlines
- Bohemian Grove
- Hitler, the Nazis & The Thule Society's relationship with Vrill
- Princess Diana's death & The Royal Family
- Disgraced former British PM Edward Heath
- Why this upcoming election may be a no-win situation
Further reading on Bohemian Grove:
Psychic Soiree Fundraiser Oct. 29-31st...Some tickets still available:
Purchase yours at the site below:
In the June 2021 edition of the Light-Worker series Unexplained Inc. welcomes Katherine O'Shea for a very emotional power-packed chat...here is what is discussed:
- Phantom Phil battles through strong emotional swings that Katherine thinks is leading to an awakening
- Katherine's journeys to Japan and Hawaii
- Her upbringing as an empath
- Katherine's shocking assessment of her past cancer battle
- The summer solstice Day of Brightness Festival
- The upcoming festival for the autumn
- Katherine's relationship with Lindsey Scharmyn
- A special pet reading for Angel Card Amy's dog Larry to conclude
In the outro Phantom Phil breaks down some history making breaking news involving his favourite NFL team and how it can relate to healing and how one can find their own safe space
Book Katherine for one of her pet reading services here:
Jake and Jeremy have a chat with Phantom Phil while representing the Infinite Rabbit Hole podcast. Two out of the three hosts come by to discuss these topics:
- The history of their podcast
- Their logo design
- Jeremy's Sasquatch encounters
- Cryptids
- Aliens & monoliths
- A wild corona theory
Plus...when will Phantom Phil appear on their show?
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Jason Hewlett from beautiful British Columbia has used all facets of media to get into the field of paranormal investigation...like the title says he is a Jack of all trades entered around his passions....we discuss his background as well as these topics:
- Will the real Jason Hewlett please stand up?
- His new series about hunting for Bigfoot
- His paranormal experiences growing up
- How he got started as a paranormal investigator
- Cryptid legends in western Canada
- Sea monsters
- UFO disclosure...world changing announcement or epic letdown?
Lots of laughs and intriguing information on this latest edition of Unexplained Inc...find and interact with Unexplained Inc. here:
FB: Unexplained Inc.
Twitter: @phantomphil3
Instagram: unexplained_inc. and phantom_phil_unexplained
Check out the Paranormal Network here:
In this episode Phantom Phil is joined by a special (and recurring) guest for the case studies from now on. It's a familiar voice in a slightly different format...
The 1993 thriller Fire In The Sky is examined in this episode and is based on the 1978 book of the same name. The book is based on an allegedly true experience of an alien abduction case in northeastern Arizona.....in this episode you will hear:
- A summary of the movie compared to the true events
- Phantom Phil's own geographical experiences of Arizona
- The theme of curiosity
- The skeptical criticism of this story
- How one could potentially beat a polygraph test
- An obligatory reference to Motivational Metal
- Who IS that guy wandering around in the woods?
Unexplained Inc....check us on FB & Twitter
Soundstripe: Get 10% off signing up through this link:
Link to buy tickets for the Psychic Soiree at the Homer Watson House
***This event has been extended***
Running from Oct. 29th-31st 2020
Like the title says this one gets deep.....Part two of a special edition of the Close Encounters Series...here is what to expect on this edition of the Friday Night Fright...
- Kevin discloses his relationships with the E.T.'s in this realm and others
- E.T's have a sense of humour
- Why the final battle of good and evil is being played out in front of our eyes
- Phantom Phil's E.T. confession
- Kevin's take on where we are at in the world and where we are all headed
- The plan of the world's dark under-lords
- Why there is hope in bleakness
Unexplained Inc. or Facebook
@phantomphil3 on Twitter
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Pyramids On Mars on Facebook
Kevin Estrella has been called the Canadian 'Joe Satriani' due to his superlative guitar playing and songwriting abilities with his band Pyramids on Mars. Not only has his playing garnered him international recognition but it lead him to a higher purpose. This Hamilton, ON native provides an amazing story in this two-part edition of the Close Encounters series....here is some of what you'll hear in part one:
- His influences for Pyramids On Mars
- How his life changed forever at his Hamilton residence on a summer evening
- Synchronicities that lead him to this change and the hereafter
- How he believes his music is 'tuning in' to extra terrestrial contact
- ET's communicating through Twitter while living in underground bases
- How the relationships he has built with these ET's have made him become more awake and conscious with his lifestyle
Plus more....
FB: Unexplained Inc.
Twitter: @phantomphil3
[email protected]
Pyramids On Mars
It's been one year since Unexplained Inc. did it's original case study...
To celebrate Phantom Phil and Angel Card Amy reach out to two Unexplained alumni for analysis on the true story of Jack The Ripper...
The movie is From Hell featuring Johnny Depp...
The case explored looks at Jack's identity, the free-masonic and occult connections and how the conspiracy unearthed in the movie may not be too far off from what actually happened in London during the late 1800's
Dan from Ghostwalks connects one of the potential suspects from his hometown of Hamilton
Jacqui from Lantern Ghost Tours who lives in London gives first hand experience about the Whitechapel district
The material is grisly but this is one case-study you don't want to miss...especially when Phantom Phil finds himself down the rabbit-hole (again!) to connect the dots between the story and the alleged true events...a perfect mess for Easter Weekend!
Unexplained Inc.
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This is the debut edition of what will be known as the Monthly Lightworker Series on Unexplained Inc...the first spot goes out to a face from the past of Angel Card Amy...
Jon Roote volunteers a lot of time and energy to those who feel lost and forgotten. He donates his willingness to help to food banks, homeless shelters and to those who are just trying to survive the unforgiving streets. Alongside his work Jon also comes by to talk about these subjects:
- What makes a lightworker
- Setting boundaries as a lightworker
- Spirit animals
- How the broken can heal us...not the other way around
- His Native heritage
- Energy vampires
- Modes of healing
This episode explains itself. There is a mystery guest appearing to do a full rundown of the Unexplained Inc. case study series to commemorate the segment's debut in April 2020 and its finale in March 2022.
There is also a major announcement on the current state of the show and it's future...plus a pesky intruder that thinks they can bump Unexplained Inc. off the airwaves!
Support our wonderful friends at the Sinister C&C:
Promo code PHANTOM10 for 10% off any purchase
Frankie Val hosts a series of daily livestreams and a podcast known as Quite Frankly. Frankie started out doing a topical show involving geo-politics, news and other popular culture subjects. His show then evolved into including supernatural and unexplained content in relation to those that are truly running the world.
Frankie stops in for about 45 minutes but could have easily gone another four hours. After Phantom Phil heard his appearance on the Tin Foil Hat podcast in February he wanted to have him on to talk about these specific subjects:
- Art Bell's past interviews with Father Malachi Martin....the mentor of Ralph Sarchie
- Demonic possession and Father Martin's analysis of it...just the tip of the iceberg
- The pending arrival of the Antichrist
- Just why are we being separated from God or Christ Consciousness in our everyday lives?
- Is the Antichrist a single person or a group level of thinking (think of it like the inversion of Christ Consciousness?)
- At the bottom of the A.I. rabbit hole what unspeakable horrors may you end up finding?
- Why should we continue to have faith in the midst of all this craziness?
Mandatory Reading:
Frankie alludes to this blog post in the episode and was kind enough to share it with me...give it a read and you'll think twice about sending friends or loved ones emojis on a regular basis...mind will be blown!
Crouching Emoji, Hidden Demon:
Connect with Quite Frankly Here:
Since this was a shorted episode....Episode (B) of the Two Year Anniversary will be longer
Support our wonderful friends at the Sinister C&C:
Promo code PHANTOM10 for 10% off any purchase
Astrologer extraordinaire Amanda Rose Campanaro returns to Unexplained Inc. This time specifically talking about the mysteries of the Moon. The Moon is an enigmatic wonder and has some wild stories and theories surrounding it. They go deep into as many as time allows and here are some of the highlights.
- Did Amanda appear on a tarot deck?
- What wild synchronicity does this episodes have with Amanda and Phil's zodiac signs?
- Why Amanda gave up 'lunar rituals' and enlightens others to possibly suggest stopping too
- Personal documents of how the full Moon affects people's behaviours
- What about the werewolves?
- Documenting claims from ex-CIA pilot John Lear and the true nature of The Moon
- Is the moon hollow? Possibly containing a secret extraterrestrial base?
- Why didn't another Apollo mission land on the Moon?
- David Icke's research on the hollowed-out moon theory
- A deep dive on how the Moon may be a satellite for the odd frequency of Saturn therefore making Earth a prison planet?
- Yogic Doomsday
Plus an odd tie-in to the Daniel Jackson interview...some additional resources available below:
Follow Amanda and connect with her here:
Video documenting the claims of John Lear:
Phantom Phil called this the Yoga Apocalypse...its actually known as Yogic Doomsday
Support our wonderful friends at the Sinister C&C:
Promo code PHANTOM10 for 10% off any purchase
This is the last case study featuring Angel Card Amy. She will be contributing to the show in other ways after this one..
Needless to say there is a strong argument to be made that their isn't a bad film in the Conjuring franchise. In the entire 'Warren-verse' most of their high profile cases made it to the silver screen which one has to wonder will this be the last entry?
Hard to say but this film was based on true events that shook the quaint town of Brookfield, CT in the early 1980s. In fact it was the first ever reported murder in the town's history and the accused Arne Cheyenne Johnson said that the 'devil made him do it'.
Of course this gets stretched into a full length movie involving major plot points with no connection to reality. However they get more details right in this one that most may believe. But it also wouldn't be the examination of a Warren case without some alleged shenanigans.
Sit back with Phantom Phil and Angel Card Amy as they do one final review on this film and horrific true crime case and wrap it up naming their all time favourite case study. Phantom Phil also states five lessons he's learned from doing this segment for almost the past two years. It's been a wild ride with this segment and we thank you True Believers for the love and support!
Here is a clip of the Warrens being interviewed by Tony Spera...a lot of quotes from this are reviewed in the episode:
Support our wonderful friends at the Sinister C&C:
Promo code PHANTOM10 for 10% off any purchase
Meet Michael...he's a witch and he has a podcast. He is also here to knock down the walls of any preconceived stereotypes you may have about witches and witchcraft.
Here are some of the topics discussed:
- Aforementioned stereotypes and the portrayal of witches in children's fairytales
- Why he started a podcast and why he chose more 'short-burst' episodes
- Why hexes are manageable and curses are deadly
- Spell Casting through the media (this gets a little geo-political)
- 'Curses' in professional sports
- The relationship with science and skepticism
- Instagram scammers in the spiritual community
- Eastern magic and the similarities to Shamanism
Plus much more...this is one abstract wild ride:
Check out The Mage's Well Podcast Here:
True Believers don't forget to visit our friends @ Sinister C&C and get a 10% discount with the code 'Phantom10'
Kelly & Michelle Kaliher got together and fused their passions for the culinary arts and paranormal investigation to create the Sinister Coffee And Creamery in Portland, OR...here are some of the topics discussed in this episode:
- How the business was forced to pivot during the pandemic
- Michelle's experiences growing up with hauntings and how it affected her
- Kelly & Michelle moving into a haunted house together in 2008
- How they named their coffee flavours after paranormal true crime cases
- A possible portal on the Pacific Coast?
- Famous sites they've investigated including Alcatrazz and why they couldn't get into the Queen Mary
- Why Portland needs to be 'kept weird'
- Plus much more
Give Them a follow here...read the blogs and shop (currently shipping within the US only)...and visit Ghostly Connections...which will soon feature Unexplained Inc.
Shop here and True Believers get a 10% discount with the code 'Phantom10'
Follow theme here:
Hello again True Believers we are joined by Jeremy of the IRH podcast...an Unexplained favourite...joined by Kenzar who is soon to become the newest member of the IRH podcast in their upcoming fifth season in the spring.
In this episode we talk about unexplained weather happenings or what is also known as crypto-meteorology....this one takes us to some very unexpected places including:
- Raining amphibians...in the movies and the real world
- What could best be described as 'raining blood'
- Storms and tornados that people thought were literally bringing 'the end'
- Locust attacks
- Unbearable heat and never-ending cold
- A place in the world that holds an annual festival of raining fish
- How a fierce storm in the UK may have forced a peace treaty and changed history
- Jeremy brings up the bizarre Kentucky Meat Shower and its possible disgusting origins
- Phantom Phil takes us on a journey to the NFL's Fog Bowl from 12/31/88...the most bizarre 'weather' game in NFL history....just in time for Super Bowl weekend!
- Can we manifest certain weather with our intentions?
Watch the NFL Timeline on the episode of the Fog Bowl here:
Here is some ball lightning to confuse your day:
Follow Infinite Rabbit Hole on any of these platforms here:
The conclusion of the special 100th episode...obviously couldn't fit in clips of every single great guest but here is what was chosen. The show gets divided into three parts with clips from five different episodes: Here they are:
The Case Study:
#2 - The Exorcist
#11 - Ghost
#33 - Child's Play
#54 - From Hell
#87 - The Possession
Great Guests:
#44 - David Weiss
#34 - Rene from Arizona
#89 - Kelly-Claire Berge
#88 - Jason Hewlett
#91 - Patrick Cross & Boo
Lightworker Series:
#66: Katherine O'Shea
#58: Lyndsey Scharmyn
#62: Courtney Dawson
#81: Karly Van Every
#95: Amanda Rose Campanaro
Thank you True Believers! Stay curious 'cause if you ain't curious you may as well already be dead!
100th episode A Breakdown:
One year ago Phantom Phil and Angel Card Amy did a case study on the 2014 film Deliver Us From Evil. Eric Bana was in the starring role as Ralph Sarchie. This year Unexplained Inc. alumni Jason Hewlett delivers the actual Ralph Sarchie to the show!
For those who don't know Ralph was an NYPD detective in the toughest part of the Bronx and would study demonology. He would basically become a cop by day and an investigator / exorcist by night. Here are some topics covered in this episode:
- Working on set for Deliver Us From Evil and seeing Eric Bana play out his life.
- His role on the short lived television show The Demon Files
- What happened when his story had a chance to bet turned into a comic?
- His working relationship with Ed Warren
- His thoughts on Archbishop Ron Feyl Enright
- Why he won't root for the New York Yankees anymore
- Plus an outro with Jason Hewlett
This chat could have gone longer which means there will likely be a part two. Hear this absurd and hilarious reason why this one got cut a little bit short...it's all in good fun!
Unexplained 100 Episode B....The Best Of...will be dropping shortly so stay tuned!!
In this episode Phil Jacobs stops by to tell about his extraordinary journey into the world of sound healing. His story is one of perseverance and reclamation. It is truly astonishing to hear about the depths he sank in the world of substance abuse to where he is currently at. Here are some of the other topics discussed:
- Phantom Phil's personal experience with sound healing
- A perspective on the genius of Eddie Van Halen you've likely never heard before
- The Emoto Effect
- Aligning with greater consciousness
- Phil's background as a musician and what led him to this amazing light work
- Psychedelics
Phil gives us a sample size of his sound healing work at the end of the interview...it is highly recommended you wear headphones to get the full experience***
Connect with Phil Jacobs here:
Zach McCrary hosts The Comics We Love Podcast and is an authority of knowledge in this world. In this episode we discuss how comics are not all about sci-fi & superheroes. The horror genre has been a major impact for that industry and how it almost caused mass censorship for the medium. This episode also includes:
- A brief discussion of comics in the digital age
- What defines a comic vs. a graphic novel?
- The possession themed comic Roman Ritual
- The comic based tie-in to Unexplained 100 guest Ralph Sarchie
- Horror movies based on classic comics or vice versa
- Top 10 horror comic book series...a list from www.gamesradar.com
- Additional entires to this comic genre
- KISS & Alice Cooper's entry to this world...plus the KISS bloodletting ceremony
Check out The Comics We Love on any podcast platform & connect with Zach here:
In this edition of the Friday Night Fright...Unexplained Inc. welcome's Becky Gydesen who is the lead investigator and owner of the Tucson Ghost Company. She also runs tours through the Tucson Ghost Society. In this interview you will hear...
- Some of the results of their most current paranormal investigation
- What kind of hauntings she experienced growing up in Ohio
- How the opportunity to run this company unexpectedly fell into their lap
- Ghost towns of Arizona...the famous ones and some lesser-knowns
- How members of her family aid her during and after investigations
- Why her company does not use the aid of psychics or mediums
- UFOs and other weird sightings in the state of Arizona
- Plus much more
Check out the company's website here: http://www.tucsonghosttour.com/index.html
Social Media
Facebook: Tucson Ghost Company, LLC, Tucson Ghost Society
Twitter: @mysteriesradio
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/TucsonGhostCompany
In a very special edition of the Unexplained Inc. case study I am joined by Angel Card Amy and a returning guest to the program Dr. Kristy Sumner PHD of Soul Sisters Paranormal. Kristy is not only familiar with this version of the Lizzie Borden story but has stayed in the Borden House and conducted an investigation with her team.
Not only will the three break down the movie and some of the true story but Kristy's findings from her investigation are quite amazing. Also at the end Amy and Phantom Phil may have detected some unusual activity from Kristy's recording location. Which happens to be the haunted Scotty County jail in Tennessee.
Check out soul sisters paranormal here:
Check Out The Findings from the Borden House investigation here at their website:
In part two of this interview with Amanda (www.mindfulmagickmethod.com) we pick right up where we left off and swing for the fences with these topics:
- The coverup of the 13th sign
- Flat Earth and how does it connect to astrology?
- Why we are actually quite far away from the Age Of Aquarius
- Why still remaining in the Age Of Pisces is still good for the growth of humanity
- What were the planetary alignments for 2020 & 2021 and what were those years actually supposed to be about for us?
- Does 2022 give us hope for optimism? The answer in the stars and planetary alignments may surprise you
- A brief discussion on destiny vs. freewill and surrounding personal power
- Everybody's favourite alignment: Mercury In Retrograde...what to do...what to do???
- What other projects Amanda has on the go for 2022
Additional Links:
What age are we living in anyway?:
The Galactic Zodiac:
The 13th Sign and NASA:
On this Christmas Eve edition of Unexplained Inc. we dive into part one of a two part chat about astrology. Amanda Rose runs the website www.mindfulmagickmethod.com and has been on a long winding road in her spiritual journey. She joins us for an expansive chat on her path and all things astrology. Here are some of the talking points of part I:
- Her spiritual journey and how she picked astrology as her main modality.
- What was her 'lightning bolt' moment to choose this path?
- Breaking down the differences of tropical and true sidereal astrology
- The Gregorian calendar
- The Biblical Star Of Bethlehem and the mystery of the Three Magi (Wisemen)
- Ophiuchus...the mysterious 13th sign and it's mythology
Links for additional research:
The Biblical Star Of Bethlehem:
Biblical Magi:
Magi as Pagan Astrologers?:
The 13th sign: Ophiuchus:
This is likely my favourite episode on a personal level!
Before the breakdown I want to remind the True Believers that this episode has been sponsored generously by Fiverr.com...Fiverr will provide you with all of your freelancer needs from promo, editing to graphic design...the Unexplained Inc. logo came from someone hired on Fivver....find your next partnership today!
Ray & Gio from the Daily Transcendence podcast break down numerous subjects and the discussion goes into some pretty interesting places. If you're a fan of consciousness and the 'nature of reality' type of discussions this one is for you! Jump in the deep waters of a stream of consciousness chat on many things spiritual and metaphysical!
Other topics they go deep on:
- Oneness vs. Division
- Synchronicities
- The breakdown of the ego
- Problems within the 'truther' community
- Pet peeves in the spiritual community (and music)
- Manifestation hacks
- Phantom Phil's odd story of Jan. 6th, 2021
- An lead to the December Light Worker Series on all things astrological
Plus much more!!
Watch The Daily Transcendence here:
Listen to their podcast here:
Follow them here:
Recommended following:
Matthew McKinley - Quantum Of Conscience:
Bill Donahue:
Buy Reality Transfuring. Steps I-V Here:
By the sound of a crackling fire you will hear on this episode:
Ghostbusters talk...
- Fitz's tremendous story about 'accidentally' seeing the first one in the theatres...
- How the second one doesn't hold up the test of time...
- How Lil shut off the female-led remake early in the film
- Why Phantom Phil loved Ghostbusters: Afterlife so much
Knock Once For Yes:
- Breaking down classic episodes including (another) haunted doll, haunted castles, she-wolf creatures, a white rabbit with red eyes (yes you read that right!) and a surprising breakdown of ouija boards
Christmas Ghost Stories:
- Their favourite spin-off versions of Dickens' A Christmas Carol
- Other chilling holiday haunted tales from the UK including The Mistletoe Bride
And of course...the joys of Christmas Crackers
Check out Knock Once For Yes Here:
In this episode Phantom Phil and Angel Card Amy break down the 2014 feature film Annabelle and it's true story. The true story involves Ed & Lorraine Warren while the movie...pretty much doesn't...find out why!
Why did this film work on some levels but not others?
Did the leading actor have to be that annoyingly condescending?
Is the demon Malthus one of the scariest to ever appear on screen?
Why does the doll in the movie look drastically different than the one in real life?
What unexpected visitor to the Warren's museum make the legend of Annabelle grow?
Are the Annabelle sequels worth watching?
Patrick Cross of the Burlington Ghost Walks and a friend of Unexplained Inc. makes his long awaited return with his partner Sooty. She has a haunted doll named Boo that causes all kinds of trouble. Find out how Boo caused chaos at a past Christmas dinner, almost closed down a famous Niagara Falls restaurant and may in fact have a drinking problem. Other haunted dolls from the collection get mentioned as well but the most amazing part might be when Patrick does an EVP session with Boo right near the end of the interview...the results...are interesting to say the least!
Patrick's tours are resuming in June 2022 but you can check the website here:
Find Patrick Cross on FB here: https://www.facebook.com/patrickcrossghosts
Jason Hewlett first appeared back in May of 2021 on Unexplained Inc...since then he has been busy and has a second book to promote alongside his partner Peter Renn:
It is called I Want To Believe: An Investigators' Archive
You can buy it here at this link:
Here are the main topics of discussion.
- Hear why Jason and Peter had more of a painstaking effort writing this than the first book
- They recorded how many interviews for the book in one day?
- 'TV' ghost hunters vs. the less sensational ghost hunters
- Debunking Phantom Phil's 'Ghost Photo' from Halloween Night
- The emergency alien disclosure podcast...oh what might have been!
- Famous (and lesser known) cryptids of Canada including fairies, wolves, sea monster and much more
- Which cryptid did Phantom Phil compare to Brock Lesnar??? Scary stuff!
- Jason and Phil pay tribute to Remembrance Day with some personal anecdotes
- Plus much more!
View the Paranormal Network here:
This episode kicks off with a special intro from Phantom Phil that was recorded after his Ghost Tour on Halloween Night...some findings get discussed that may surprise you!
The Case Study: The great director Sami Raimi had his name attached to the 2012 film The Possession although his actual involvement is highly skeptical. Maybe this is why Phantom Phil gives the movie a raging thumbs down...no worries however as this movie is based off the true story of the mysterious Dybbuk Box...and it goes to some unusual places...here are some other topics of discussion:
- The red flags and raging loopholes that wreck the quality of the film
- This movie really needs to stop trying to imitate the story arc of The Exorcist
- The demon in the movie vastly differs from the one in our physical world
- Was that movie ending for real? Yes...yes it was!
- Where did the Dybbuk Box originally come from? How many are there?
- Which infamous possessors of the box got used as 'consultants' on the film?
- How did Zak Bagans acquire the Dybbuk and what did he do with it?
- Which celebrity-friend of Zak's had a negative encounter with the Dyybyk?
- Breaking announcements from Phantom Phil in the show's outro
Finally...this is an article that allegedly debunks a lot of the topics discussed on this show...a very fascinating read if you want to dig deeper into this mysterious story
Archbishop Ron Feyl Enright joins us from southern California to talk about some of the highs and lows of his distinguished career as a servant of God. Although he is retired from active physical work he is still mentoring and coaching many who set out on this path.
In the early 1980's Ron helped form the Order Of Exorcists to take on the controversial and heavily debated topic of exorcisms. His organization runs independently of the Vatican but claims to have a direct lineage in practices of exorcising demonic activity that goes all the way back to Jesus Christ himself.
In this episode you will hear about:
- The formation of the Order and how it expanded to a worldwide organization
- How the training is done to select its members
- Their stance on bringing in psychics to their investigative teams
- The strict screening process client must go through to enlist their help
- The signs of demonic activity
- Actual demonic possession is rare, however Hollywood has captured it more accurately than perhaps we want to believe
- Some of the wounds Archbishop Enright and his team have endured and survived over the years.
Plus much more...some topics were too sensitive to get into fully but this is a chat with an ultimate authority on demonic activity / possession and listen for yourself as to discern why the Archbishop has declared this to be all real and why more awareness needs to be promoted about it...stay curious and Happy Halloween!
You can find everyone out about Ron and his organization at this website:
True believers...scary season continues with a look at a controversial subject in the field of law enforcement....this is what is known as forensic or psychic detectives...are they really helping or harming law enforcement when trying to solve crimes? We cover all angles of this discussion...
Robin (my brother) has hosted and researched for The Trail Went Cold Podcast for several years and is an Unsolved Mysteries junkie...he's a skeptic when it comes to psychic abilities and has some concrete cases as to when these psychic aides hurt various investigations...especially one big name celeb that we don't go easy on! You can listen to his show here...
Medium Courtney Dawson is a returning guest to Unexplained Inc. and for this episode provides the knowledge of how a psychic could be used in these types of investigations and the differences of their abilities...she also shares some personal anecdotes from her work to demonstrate how certain modalities can be used in certain cases and she has some strong valid arguments as to why law enforcement could do without these aides...you can book Courtney's services through her website here:
Here is the Readers Digest article referenced in this show....deicide for yourself if these 20 cases truly were solved by the aide of psychics:
Hello True Believers and welcome to October!
It may well be out favourite month of the year and what a better way to kick it off than with a case study of the movie many on social media declared 'too scary to finish'...
Phantom Phil and Angel Card Amy will examine why that statement is not quite true but is attached to a pretty amazing movie nonetheless...it is based on true events (like all other case studies) but classifies just as much of a psychological thriller than a classic horror movie...
Here are some topics discussed:
- The ongoing tension conveyed in the film
- It's unique soundtrack
- What moments gave Phil & Amy chills...and it's not the traditional 'jump-scares'
- Sister Death
- The movie's amazing lack of 'stupid character syndrome' that plagues most horror films
- The true events this film is based on...and how it may be a lot more scary than initially reported
- The eerie resemblance between some of the true events and shots in the film
- Does this movie leave the door open for a future sequel?
Enjoy and stay curious...cause if you ain't curious you may as well already be dead!
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@phantom_phil3 on Twitter
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Jeff Fernandez from the increasingly popular Shadowbanned Conspiracy podcast is back to banter with Phantom Phil about the mysteries of space...school is back on and your REAL education on what you think you know about our relationship with space is about to begin...
Here is what is on the curriculum:
- A revisitation of Saturn
- The Moon...did we even go there? Why are the people involved acting so strangely? Could the Moon actually lead to an unexpected apocalypse for humanity?
- The Billionaire space race of 2021...how it connects to the study of 'climate change' and the concept of a breakaway civilization
- The Secret Space program and Stargates
- A brief lesson on The Electric Universe theory
- A look back on 9/11 twenty years later
Find out more About Shadowbanned here:
In this episode Angel Card Amy and Phantom Phil break down the popular and profitable sequel to the original Conjuring...which they studied back in May 2021...find out why they both like this film a little bit better plus these tidbits...
- The thought provoking underlying themes of the film
- The effective use of jump scares and camera focus
- Phantom Phil cringes @ Ed Warren's Elivs impersonation
- Did the movie nail down the characters or the real events themselves
- An in-depth study at the Enfield Poltergeist case this film was based on
- Were the Hodgson family legitimately haunted or was it all an elaborate hoax?
- Could their unexplained events be a mass manifestation of negative energy surrounding their home and their lives?
- In what ways is the film historically accurate and also way off balance at the same time?
- What did the Warren's actually do (or not do) in this investigation off of the silver screen?
- Which odd act of synchronicity happened during the recording that made Phil and Amy burst into laughter?
Maurice Gross...investigator of the Enfield Poltergeist getting hammered on British television by a skeptic professor:
The highly debated Hodgson sisters interview...is a demonic entity really speaking through Janet? Or is this some kind of a strange vocal trick? You be the judge...either way...it's very very strange:
Follow Unexplained Inc. here:
Unexplained Inc on Facebook
@phantomphil3 on Twitter
unexplained_inc or phantom_phil_unexplained on IG
Also simply known as 'V'....Vasundhra is based in Vancouver, B.C. and went from the corporate world and stepped forward into a journey of light work and spiritual practice which now defines her life...she runs the website www.myspiritualshenanigans.blog
She is also a spiritual coach as well as a writer. She has written countless blogs and two books which you can order right herehttps://myspiritualshenanigans.blog/books-by-v/
But the main purpose of the website is to give bloggers of different spiritual practices of all backgrounds a forum to share and connect their work. High tide raises all ships and this website is a wealth of knowledge for anyone willing to walk the spiritual path.
But her connection to Unexplained Inc. runs a little bit deeper. In the summer of 2020 Phantom Phil made the declaration to study Shamanic Healing...after various lockdowns and logistical holdups he finally found courses to take in spring of 2021...V has graciously welcomed Phantom Phil to blog about his Shamanic journey in a three part series entitled Drum, Rattle & Soul: My Journey Into Shamanism....
Part one can be read here...https://myspiritualshenanigans.blog/journey-into-shamanism/
Part two will be posted on Monday August 30, 2021...stay tuned to Unexplained Inc. social media for more details...
Also discussed...
- The lessons of V's journey
- The conflict of heart vs. ego
- Criticism in the spiritual field
- The law of attraction
- Synchronicity and spirit animals
- Spiritual coaching
Plus...have a listen to Phantom Phil's extended outro explaining the sudden lineup change for this episode and how it became a major blessing in disguise! Also some teases for very exciting future announcements involving the show...stay curious!!
Happy Friday the 13th...
In this episode Phantom Phil welcomes AJ, Katie & Stephanie who are all siblings and put together the Crime Family Podcast...while on a seasonal break they come by to discuss some of these topics:
- The evolution of their show and fascination with true crime
- The Constanzo case
- A checklist for detecting cults
- Demonic possession
- Scientology & Nexeum
- Unsolved Mysteries cases that look at unexplained activity in the legal system
- The movie Frailty and some true crime cases it is similar too
- The case that sparked the Satanic Panic
Plus much more...
Follow them on IG
Season Two Premieres on Sept. 29th
Also on IG
FB - Unexplained Inc.
Twitter: @phantomphil3
In this edition of the Case Study Phantom Phil and Angel Card Amy look at a lesser known movie from 2007 known as Borderland.
Borderland is of course based on a true story where a group of high school graduates cross the border form south Texas into Mexico for a good time and it all goes wrong. One of the group gets kidnapped by a cult masking as a drug cartel.
This cult performs gruesome human sacrifices in a twisted inversion of Santeria. In this episode you will hear the breakdown of the film and the true story of Adolfo de Jesus Constanzo. In the 1980's Constanzo got connected with Mexican drug cartels and started a cult performing these very sacrifices represented in the movie in the name of an inverted black magic practice based out of Santeria.
Find out how it all went wrong and imploded for Constanzo and how accurate the movie was in this story's portrayal. Phantom Phil also tees up the following episode (a special Friday the 13th edition of Unexplained Inc.)...and did Angel Card Amy have a premonition about the Case Study in September?
If you dare to watch...here is a clip of an actual Palo Mayombe initiation ritual:
Unexplained Inc.
Facebook: Unexplained Inc.
Twitter: @phantomphil3
Instagram: angel_card_amy
Email: [email protected]
Phantom Phil is proud to present this edition of the Light-Worker series for July with someone he met in person in the middle of June:
Julie is a psychic medium that never took any courses or received any certification. With that being said everything she has learned came from direct downloads from Spirit. This arguably makes her connection to the other side stronger than most...here is what they talk about in this episode:
- Julie's Near Death Experience as a teenager
- Her downloads from Spirit
- Some good old-fashioned ghost stories
- Mediumship as a business
- Balancing her workload as an autism mother
- Not everyone is cut out for this line of work
Plus much more...
***Phantom Phil had an impromptu reading after the recording was over and was pretty floored at the accuracy and clarity of the details that came through***
You can book, connect and find everything else about Julie here:
CJ from Infinite Rabbit Hole is nice enough to invite Phantom Phil on board for a fun and informative chat with Jennifer Galasso who is an author and tarot deck designer...in this episode you will hear...
- A brief history of tarot
- How it was demonized after a certain horror movie release
- How Jen energetically connects with her designs
- Old psychic 1-900 numbers
- Symbols and meanings of the cards
- Haunts and ghost tours of New England
...and much more
Find and purchase Jen's work here:
Gio D. is one half of the DT Podcast...in this lengthy yet informative episode he chats with Phantom Phil about:
- The origins of his show and the synchronicity that brought it all together
- Some of Phantom Phil's journey
- Metaphysics
- Alien disclosure
- Their shared experience with 'Flat Earth' Dave
and much more...
Unexplained Inc. can be found on FB, Twitter & IG
True Believers...enjoy this gift:
For those in the know I have been apart of a forthcoming project called the Void Podcast Network...at the beginning of each seasonal solstice us founding members will get together to represent our respective shows to discuss certain 'fringe' issues:
This one was recorded going into the US Government and Military potentially giving the public disclosure...well...lets just say the reveal was disappointing (and remember...Phantom Phil called it :)...but this chat is NOT....it goes to a number of levels with a number of colourful personalities....may you get what you are seeking in this chat and we look forward to bringing you many more in the future!
Featuring: Jeremy & CJ from the Infinite Rabbit Hole Podcast:
Featuring: Jeff from the Shadow Banned Podcast:
And of course....Phantom Phil from Unexplained Inc!
Stay curious!!!
Due to a scheduling conflict Stef from Scottish And Scared had to postpone her appearance until later this summer...
But what the True Believers get in return is an amazing deal...Ben Axe is a fellow podcast host on the Buzzsprout Network and dropped his first episode the exact same day as Phantom Phil...what are the odds???
Also discussed in this episode:
- Their mutual fascination with the paranormal at a young age
- Both Ben and Phantom Phil bookend the episode by discussing their own past nightmares
- How Ben took the initiative to become a paranormal investigator
- What some investigators do that grind Ben's gears
- Some of his favourite local haunted spots in his native Ohio
- His own paranormal experiences and haunts throughout his life
- Also...some unexpected pro wrestling talk...just because
Find Paranormal Axetivities here:
Jeff from the Shadow Banned Podcast and member of the upcoming Void Podcast Network stops by for an extended chat...here is what is covered:
- The evolution of his podcast
- How he got into conspiracies many years ago
- How his approach differs from a lot in the truth community
- The cult of Saturn
- How the planet may influence life on Earth energetically
- What was Saturn before it was further out in space with a ring around it?
- The Black Cube of Saturn
- Numerical manipulation
Plus much more...
FB: Unexplained Inc.
Twitter: @phantomphil3
Instagram: unexplained_inc.
Shadow Banned
Find it on FB or Instagram
Download wherever you listen to your podcasts
The June case study is here with phantom_phil_unexplained and angelcardamy (follow us both on Instagram)....and they are doing a 2009 movie based on a story that was investigated and possibly concocted by Ed & Lorraine Warren...
In this episode they break down the movie and the true story behind it. Phil and Amy bring different angles to the table as Amy talks about the experiences reported by the family while Phantom Phil takes the angle of debunking it and what other famous investigator from CT got in on the action in this case??
Tune in and find out all this plus more interesting facts on this haunting...a tried and true paranormal experience or an elaborate hoax by a financially and emotionally desperate family trying to navigate substance abuse? You decide!
Mystery Mike
Declassified Dave
Slick Fronk Sanders
These individuals make up the enthralling podcast Hush Hush Society Conspiracy Hour. You can listen to their show right here:
They talk about how their show came together and WHY it is head and shoulders above a lot of conspiracy podcasts. Then Phantom Phil picks their brains on Hollow Earth (w/ a small taste of Hollow Moon) Theory...here are some topics covered:
- Hollow Earth in famous literature
- How it is perceived in ancient cultures
- Scientific data
- Famous explorations
- Godzilla vs. Kong
Phantom Phil also wants to know what would happen if were bought a rural property and just started digging? Who may show up? Hush Hush provides an articulate answer to this!!
FB: Unexplained Inc.
IG: unexplained_inc.
IG: phantom_phil_unexplained
Twitter: @phantom_phil3
Angel Card Amy coms back for the May case study...and again...it gets wild:
- The rundown of the 2013 box office smash
- Which famous cameo is in this movie that almost goes unnoticed?
- The true story behind the movie known as the Perron Family Haunting
- Did Ed & Lorraine Warren help or hurt the investigation?
- Why Andrea Perron decided to write books on her experiences and make her story go public
- What has Andrea been up to since The Conjuring star has faded? It may surprise you
- Did the entities follow the Perron family after they moved out?
- How do the current owners of this house feel about the success of the movie? Not what you think...the shocking video link is below and a MUST watch
The Perron House Owners Speak out....about their harassment
Lindsey is making her third appearance on Unexplained Inc...the first two appearances broached some dark topics so we decided to lighten things up on this one...for the most part anyway...here is what is discussed:
- Lindsey's background as a school teacher and what caused her to leave
- Flaws in the education system
- The success of the Day of Brightness Festival and how it will continue
- Spiritualism & The New Age movement...what's good about it and what's bad?
- The dark side of spiritual gurus and the New Age movement
- The divide between spiritualism & christianity
- Doreen Virtue's exodus from spiritualism to becoming born again
- Soul contracts / agreements and why it really upsets certain people
- Lindsey opens up about some of her own past traumas she has been able to overcome
Find everything about Lindsey and Rogue Ways here:
Articles and videos for further exploration of these topics:
Doreen Virtue's list of 'New Age' practices to avoid:
What happened to Doreen Virtue? Another look at this exodus from Dr. Phillips
James Jani's film: The Dark World of New Age Gurus
DW Documentary: America's New Gurus - In Search Of Enlightenment
Ed & Lorraine Warren are known to many as the first international celebrity paranormal investigators. Their names are attached to such infamous cases like the Amityville incident, the events that inspired the Conjuring movies, and the doll Annabelle....including many more...
But what if the Warrens were more interested in promoting their own celebrity and bottom line than actually helping those they were trying to investigate? What if they took credit in these cases without providing much insight of evidence or doing any actual investigative work at all?
Ben Radford & Celestia Ward from the skeptic podcast Squaring The Strange return to Unexplained Inc. to examine some of these cases and debunk several myths surrounding thie romanticized story of this couple. In fact they question whether the couple had any credibility or positive impact on the realm of paranormal investigation whatsoever...this is not a discussion to speak ill of the dead but is a realistic examination into their legacy...here are some other topics:
- Ben's personal experience with the author of Haunting In Connecticut
- What does it actually take to become a demonologist?
- The Warrens' relationship with Det. Ralph Sarchie
- Their paranormal artifacts museum which is fully stocked with creepy items.
- How money is still being made by their name to this day
- The dark secret surrounding the personal life of Ed Warren
- The overall impact of the Warrens' legacy on this field
Hate comments being read by a Youtube about trying to 'expose' the Warrens:
Ralph Sarchie documentary
Squaring The Strange:
Shapeshifting Reptilians...are they real? Or a by-product of some mentally ill people's fantasies? Phantom Phil and Jeremy make a case for both...here are some topics discussed in this lengthy episode:
- The origins of the Reptilian story
- Reptilian representations and depictions in ancient societies
- Critics of the Reptilian theory
- Are Reptilian-Human hybrids really running the world in the shadows?
- The research of the wonderful David Icke
- Are they actually evil or good?
- When believers in this theory took things too far
- Jeremy's fascinating connection between this and the Christmas Day Nashville bombing
Plus much more...including some laughs
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phantom_phil_unexplained & unexplained_inc. on IG
Robin from The Trail Went Cold...aka...Phantom Phil's brother....returns for another appearance on Unexplained Inc...fresh off the case study of Jack The Ripper the two look at cases that had some paranormal / unexplained happenings...here are some that get looked at:
Various cases during the era of the 'Satanic Panic'
"The Night Stalker" Richard Ramirez
The Norwegian Black Metal Scene
Murders allegedly caused by Demonic Possession
The creepy and infamous 'Rain Boy' case
Discussions on how hard it can be for the legal system and law enforcement to investigate
This one gets pretty weird and is NSFW or for any sensitive ears
Check out the Trail Went Cold....here: https://www.trailwentcold.com
Police instructional video during the Satanic Panic:
In a one-year anniversary special Phantom Phil is joined by two light workers....one of them is very familiar to you:
This segments were recorded before a major lineup change to this week's show
1) Angel-Card Amy....hear Amy's big announcement as a full-time light-worker and what she is doing to expand on it...also you'll hear about how she got involved with Unexplained Inc. in the first place...Follow her on Instagram @angel_card_amy
2) Karly Van Every....similar to Amy, Karly is a psychic intuitive as well as a reiki practitioner...we talk about her current studies and how she almost became a music therapist...how spirit communicated the term 'reiki' to her as well as her work online...
Her website is karlyvanevery.com
Be sure to check out her Youtube channel here:
3) Since there was a last minute guest change Phantom Phil offers up a bonus....he offers some additional thank-yous who helped him get the show started...plus the audio of his most recent IGTV weekly broadcast....Final Thoughts with Phantom Phil...this one dives into how the show started and the hurdles he had to overcome to officially launch...watch his weekly IGTV videos when you follow him on Instagram @phantom_phil_unexplained
Unexplained Inc. is on FB, Twitter and Instagram
In the conclusion of this intense discussion here is where Jacob and Phantom Phil pick up on where the Bible is pointing out the current end-times:
- Nations against nations and the business of war
- The modern day crisis of race relations and self-victimization
- The underreported famines across the world
- The higher frequency and intensity of earthquakes
- Christian persecution
- False prophets
- Why they both feel the Covid-vaccine is NOT the Mark of the Beast
- How the Mark of The Beast will be unmistakable and recognizable when it arrives
- A.I. and the trans-humanist movement
- A hopeful ending to this heavy discussion
Plus...Phantom Phil shares some incredible synchronicities that took place during the editing and post production of this episode...stay curious!!
Check out the Infinite Rabbit Hole podcast where your podcasts are available!!
FB: Unexplained Inc.
Twitter: @Phantomphil3
IG: Unexplained_Inc. or phantom_phil_unexplained
Jacob appeared on Unexplained Inc. in January alongside Jeremy from the Infinite Rabbit Hole Podcast. This is a swap cast of sorts as while Jacob is a guest on the show he takes over most of the discussion. He is a devout Christian and is studying to be a pastor. He believes in the last six months or so he has correlated world events to prophecies he's examined in his Bible Studies. This was agreed to be a long chat on the subject and was split into two parts...here is what the True Believers can expect in part one:
- The beliefs that shape Jacob as well as Phantom Phil
- The role of atheism as a sign of the end-times
- What the end-times are and how far long we are in living them
- Getting a straight answer on the definition of 'demonic'
- Was Nostradamus valid or a false prophet?
- Bible verses that lay the ground work for this thesis
- Specific Bible verses that show modern day happenings like herd mentality, social engineering, God's word being distorted for personal gain in congregations, and the business of war...plus much more
This is a polarizing chat will hopefully get you talking and become more aware of the crazy times we are living in...and maybe what we can or can't do about it!!
FB: Unexplained Inc.
Twitter: @phantom_phil3
Instagram: phantom_phil_unexplained
Email:[email protected]
Welcome to Episode #50....True Believers will be enthralled by Phantom Phil and Angel Card Amy's breakdown of Tim Burton's adaptation of Sleepy Hollow which was released in late 1999. They look at the tremendous cast, the locations and the folklore of the story of the Headless Horseman. From the animated Disney version to the modern day occultist Fox TV series from the 2010's it all gets covered in this case study.
However, after some digging from Phantom Phil there is more. Upon looking into the settlements and history of the actual town of Sleepy Hollow, NY (especially its cemetery) he proceeds to dive deep into a rabbit hole and may have uncovered something completely unexpected. His hypothesis states that the story of Sleepy Hollow could very well be a cover for an even more nefarious agenda surrounding this tiny town on the Hudson River just north of New York City. It's quite a ride as episode #50 of Unexplained Inc. delivers on its very own motto showing why you should 'stay curious'....as you'll never know quite where you will end up!
Michael Wann runs the website of Susquehanna Alchemy...
He can de described as an:
Content Creator
So what does he do? Michael has lived a fascinating life and has led him down the path to believe there is more to life than what we all perceive...this led him to investigate locations and historic happenings that occurred along the banks of the Susquehanna River that runs from New York state to Maryland / Washington D.C.
We will find out how this findings on this river all relate to astrology, electricity, globalism, the Saturn cult, magick through movies and television...plus an elevated conversation of how we perceive reality and other manifestations...and why oh why is there a replica of the Statue of Liberty in the middle of this river in rural Pennsylvania? All this and more as I recommend you strap in and get caffeinated during Michael's energetic discussion and how it all connects!
Michael's Youtube:
Michael's website:
https://www.facebook.com › SusquehannaAlchemy
Jacqui Travaglia started Lantern Ghost Tours in Australia and was able to branch out to her new home base of London, England...in this episode her and Phantom Phil discuss:
- Her current travel adventure
- Her history of growing up in a haunted house
- Struggles and growing pains of starting the business
- Amazing worldwide tour spots
- Who to hire (and not hire) as a tour guide
- Some unfortunate mishaps
- Plus an unexpected spiritual visit
Love month is just around the corner. How will you celebrate it?
Make it extra special by doing a ghost tour with your loved one this Valentines Day!
Pentridge Prison D Division Ghost Tour will be operating on February 14, 2021 (Sunday).
Sounds like something you guys haven't tried before? Book now! https://lanternghosttours.rezdy.com/85097/pentridge-prison-d-division-ghost-tour-victoria?fbclid=IwAR07FuTNuF-X7QEw8X-iZ2vij6pUZuNdQNuSVb9Fo7XSUj_6A7fH0bQR_cg
Sign featured in Deliver Us From Evil:
Invocamus te vi ingrediaris ab inferis
We call upon you with force to enter from hell
Scott Derrickson comes back to direct another film inspired by true events involving demonic possession. This time the story is based on Ralph Sarchie an NYPD detective turned demonologist who has seen his share of unexplainable happenings. Join Angel Card Amy and Phantom Phil for this case study that includes:
- A full rundown of the movie and it's deep underlying themes
- The story of Ralph Sarhcie and his connection with The Warrens
- Phantom Phil's one problem with the Father Mendoza charachter
- The Doors
- Is Ralph Sarchie really doing to work of the good lord?
Follow us on FB, Twitter & Instagram
Stay curious!!!
Amanda Drago returns to Unexplained Inc. to announce that the segment of the Psychic Mailbag is no more...
However she still will have a more limited role in the podcast and will likely return in the spring for her next appearance...she also talks about the development of her work online and how it is flourishing...also the concept of 'shadow work' is explored...
Also hear how Phantom Phil picks up the pieces and moves ahead with a brand new segment taking place on Unexplained Inc. on the last Friday of each month...starting on this episode!!
Buckle up as this one gets wild!!
David Weiss has been a long time researcher / podcaster in the realm of proving that our Earth is flat...while facing immeasurable ridicule for this endeavour he has forged on and gone 'all-in' with this cause. In this chat with Phantom Phil we will hear how he made this discovery, the channels he uses to promote these discoveries, why we should question everything in mainstream culture, the Moon landing...or lack thereof...Scientism...Antarctica....where aliens might actually be coming from instead of outer space... and the true agenda of being sold on a planet shaped like a ball as well as who's behind it and why!
David Weiss' links...discussed on this episode:
Flat Earth Sun & Moon Clock app https://qrco.de/bbizVA
YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCz6s_ScG0PZThdwhKsUFSRw/videos
FaceBook. https://www.facebook.com/TheFlatEarthPodcast
102 year old Ruth was taught the earth is flat in the 1920's: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Wt5qSwinIs&list=PLEzivhxtxgbv2hEBOrfkjHnRnpbH9hlXR&index
Unexplained Inc.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/phantomphil3
Twitter: @phantomphil3
Instagram **NEW**: phantom_phil_unexplained
Angel Card Amy and Phantom Phil do a case study on the provocative 2005 film...in this episode you will hear:
- A breakdown of the film, cast and crew
- The true story involving the possession of Aneliese Michel that inspired the film
- A polarizing and bizarre tale of possession from Ireland that made it into court in 2020 with an absolutely shocking verdict in the end
- The full January lineup for Unexplained Inc. at the end...
Like, subscribe and follow.....Facebook, Twitter, Instagram
Kicking off the New Year with the Psychic Mailbag...
Amanda Drago also gives a partial energetic forecast for 2021...
Phantom Phil's intro is recorded alongside the ringing in of the New Year on EST...
Phantom Phil's outro is a message for the New Year inspired by Lamb Of God...
A special announcement involving the future of this segment...
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Email: [email protected]
***Listener note***
Some audio issues unfortunately do appear in this episode...although minimal they are noticeable....we apologize for the inconvenience
On a special Christmas night edition of the Friday Night Fright Phantom Phil and Angel Card Amy return with a case study on 2015's Krampus...this movie is based on legend and scared many growing up in central Europe....here is what you can expect on this episode:
- Amy's friend writes in to share her experience growing up in the Czech Republic with this legend
- What major point in this movie do Phantom Phil and Angel Card Amy disagree on?
- Which cast member viewed the Unexplained Inc. Instagram story for this episode?
- What other Christmas themed monsters are in folklore?
- The story behind the legend and how its popularity is rising in North America
- Krampus related sightings have been few and far between but Phantom Phil authors a theory as to why they might be on the rise in the coming years
- A tee-up for the January lineup
Follow us on FB, Twitter and Instagram
Subscribe and stay curious!!
In this episode Phantom Phil decides to take it easy as we ramp up for the holidays...unexplai ned phenomena gets discussed but not to the usual degree as he delves into the world of spiritualism.
Rev. Karen Charles and Dir. Nick Richbell are affiliates of the First Spiritualist Church Of Galt in Cambridge, ON....Spiritualist churches are all over the country and offer a different take form what your traditional church likely is. While there is no specific dogmatic texts or scriptures to study the church also embraces energy healing, mediumship and just having you be you.
Nick is also on the board of the Survival Research Institute of Canada which studies evidence of consciousness transcending death. If you're a spiritualist and looking for a sense of community this place just might be the one for you!
Check out their FB page
Email: [email protected]
[email protected]
D.C. who is better known as Denny was haunted by the spirit of his deceased Grandfather at a young age that would lead to future paranormal encounters in his dreams. Here is what else goes down:
- Denny talks about his crazy unexpected entry into paranormal investigation
- How he became a ghost-story teller turned tourguide
- How the pandemic turned into a positive for Denny
- More crazy stories, thoughts and opinions on investigations, television and some of his own sightings and stories
- Denny's choice to make a seasonal podcast instead of a weekly one
- Phantom Phil has an extended intro to offer up his theories on the bizarre silver monolith phenomenon that is sweeping the world
...and did anyone outside of Toronto see that flash in the sky earlier this week??
Check out Unexplained Inc. on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram
thephantomhub.com....for episodes, blogs, exclusives and links to merchandise store
This month Amanda tunes into spirit to answer your mailbag questions and this is quite possibly the most participation in this segment so far...keep it up True Believers! You will also hear Amanda share tips on how to ground and stay calm during the craziness of the 2020 Holiday Season....it is Black Friday after all!!!
Check Unexplained Inc. out on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter....stay curious!!
CJ from the Mystery Stone podcast makes his return alongside Ninja-Chris to talk another podcast he is involved in....Cryptid Technical. The two have a fascinating and at times absurd conversation about the world of cryptozoology. Plus CJ shares an amazing unexplained encounter he had the previous weekend....this video of it shared on all social media channels of Unexplained Inc!
On this edition of the Friday Night Fright...Angel Card Amy joins Phantom Phil for a case study of 1988's Child's Play. While Chucky is considered by many as the original 'doll of evil' the two will examine the story of Robert The Doll from south Florida and will see if it did truly inspire this famous horror franchise.
You will also hear:
- Phantom Phil's Halloween encounter with another 'haunted doll'
- A breakdown and critical analysis of 1988's Child's Play.
- The movie's connection to The Twilight Zone
- The strange story and legacy of Robert The Doll
- A strange happening during recording about an hour into the episode
- A special tee up for next week's Friday the 13th episode!
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@phantomphil3: Twitter
In this Halloween bonus episode as a thank-you to the True Believers, Phantom Phil and Angel Card Amy share experiences of seminars and tours of the haunted history of Kitchener's most iconic historical sites...The Homer Watson House and Gallery...enjoy!!
Psychic medium Amanda Drago returns to answer your questions in the mailbag. Plus as a bonus for Halloween weekend she tuned in and recorded a walkthrough with a crew of True Believers while exploring the grounds of an old Ontario monument.
Topics covered:
- Dreams and visions intersecting
- Spirit animals
- Empaths
- Consequences of being 'too open' to spirit
A bonus episode will be posting on October 31st too!
Facebook: Unexplained Inc.
Twitter: @phantomphil3
Mike and CJ host the Mystery Stone Podcast. It dives into a plethora of spiritual and metaphysical subjects on their show. Here is what goes on during their chat with Phantom Phil...this one gets deep and philosophical:
- How the practice of magic is real and has been around for a really long time
- The concept of duality and the relationship to our world
- The difference between the left hand path and right hand path
- Black Sabbath & Star Wars
- Phantom Phil's manifestation moment at a lake
- A tee up for the next episode involving the occult & government
Unexplained Inc....FB, Twitter....thephantomhub.com
Soundstripe – A subscription based service that delivers high-quality and royalty-free music to licence for your podcast, videos or any other projects. All music used on Unexplained Inc. is delivered through this service. Click this affiliate link to sign up and get 10% off…promo code FRIGHT
Psychic Soiree Fundraiser: Oct. 29th-31st....limited tickets still available!
My Arbonne website:
Amanda Drago returns with another addition of the psychic mailbag...
She also has a major announcement concerning her work...
Also to get listeners in the Halloween mood early she stares a startling story about an attachment she came across in her work and how she got rid of it...
A discussion about attachment in general takes place...
Phantom Phil lays out another significant announcement for Unexplained Inc...
For future Psychic Mailbag episodes...send your questions to:
[email protected] (FB, Instagram, website)
[email protected] (FB, Twitter, phjantomhub.com)
In this episode 2/3 of the podcast Squaring The Strange join the show and the topics discussed included are:
- The unlikely encounters that led to the formation of the podcast
- the vibration of fear
- examine past Unexplained Inc. case studies
- when conspiracy theorists get dangerous
- Psychic phenomenon
Burning Questions....
How did returning guest Ben Radford piss off the late medium Sylvia Browne?
Will Unexplained Inc. get its first dose of 'hate mail'?
Plus...Phantom Phil has initial announcements for October
Next week...Psychic Mailbag
[email protected]
[email protected]
For the September Case Study Phantom Phil breaks down the 2018 movie Slender Man and goes into the bizarre real-life cases associated with this phenomenon...
In this episode:
- Phantom Phil's breakdown of the 2018 movie
- An overview of crimes committed that were blamed on the Slender Man
- A tie in to a pro wrestler and an old Dick Tracy villain
- The phenomenon comparing to the Satanic Panic and heavy metal lyrics
- The Tulpa effect and Phantom Phil's bizarre run-in with it in the physical realm
- The quantum effect and other info on this bizarre manifestation
[email protected]
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This is the August edition and long-awaited return of the Psychic Mailbag....
But there is more....in this episode there is also:
- Phantom Phil's breakdown of his ghost tour of Niagara On The Lake
- Amanda's analysis of that very tour
- Random and organic connections with Spirit Guides
- Amanda's strange and intense psychic experience during her hiatus
- Potential upcoming projects for Unexplained Inc.
- Phantom Phil shares a deeply personal spiritual experience he has never told anyone!
[email protected]
[email protected]
thephantomhub.com...new blog 'Raging Against The Machine'...available now!!
Join Phantom Phil for the unexplained podcaster of the month...
This month's edition is the host of Pyramids On Mars UFO Radio... Kevin Estrella....his show can be heard on the Artist First Radio Network
Kevin is a returning guest to Unexplained Inc.
Instead of his own E.T. encounters Kevin focuses on the evolution of his show and the more fascinating guests he has spoken to. However have no fear as he does share some more recent encounters and influences on his music. Here are some other topics discussed in the episode:
- Kevin's recent concerts from home
- Potential future live-streaming
- The evolution of Kevin's show
- The most memorable guests of Pyramids On Mars UFO Radio
- E.T. / Human hybrids
- Underground and underwater bases
- Vegetation on E.T. crafts
- Dinosaurs & the existence of dragons (that is not a type-o!!)
In this episode Phantom Phil welcomes long-time investigator / tour guide Patrick Cross. Patrick has been doing tours in downtown Burlington alongside Lake Ontario...in this episode you will hear:
- The entities that terrified Patrick's family growing up in Toronto
- Real estate laws in terms of paranormal disclosure
- Patrick's many media appearances including the hauntings at City TV
- Hidden haunted treasures of Burlington hiding in plain sight
- The continuation of his ghost-touring business amid the pandemic
Plus a tee up of next week's podcast and a new blog entry from Phantom Phil?
[email protected]
Unexplained Inc. on Facebook (new ghost-walk photos uploaded)
The Psychic Mailbag is temporarily closed and will have questions and stories read at the end of August...however Amanda was nice enough to join Phantom Phil for a brief but informative discussion on psychic related topics that include:
- A global shift of intense energy
- Phantom Phil's experience with premonitions
- How premonitions tie into Shamanism
- Amanda's own remote viewing experiences
- A strange theme now appearing in Phantom Phil's dreams
Plus Phantom Phil gives a preview for upcoming shows in the month of August!
You can reach Phil and Amanda
[email protected]
[email protected]
In this edition of Unexplained Inc...Phantom Phil does a case study on the 2002 movie 'The Mothman Prophecies'. This movie is allegedly based on true events but what is even more strange are the true events connected to the story after the movie was released...you will also hear:
- A study as to how this movie works as a psychological thriller
- A brief history of sightings in Point Pleasant, West Virginia
- How Point Pleasant feels about the sightings in present day
- Mothman sightings including one that pre-dated the ones in Point Pleasant.
- The connection between sightings and large scale tragedies
- A crazy theory tying together a spike in modern Mothman sightings in and around the city of Chicago
Check out every episode of Unexplained Inc. here!
Check out the Path To Purpose Blog
Check out Motivational Metal
The Links / Affiliates page is now up and running!
Questions or stories for the next Psychic Mailbag can be sent to:
[email protected]
[email protected]
Fitz & Lil are based out of the United Kingdom and host a paranormal podcast called Knock Once For Yes. Not only are paranormal experiences a major part of their livelihood it played a major part in how they ended up together in the first place. In this episode you will hear:
- The forming of Fitz & Lils relationship
- Their separate paranormal experiences growing up
- Their experiences of paranormal activity while living together
- Ghosts with 'perverted' humour
- The decision to start their show
- Promoting a podcast and thriving in a crowded medium
In the beginning Phantom Phil has an important announcement that ties together with the conclusion of his Path To Purpose blog series and is joined by Lindsey Scharman for the reveal. The entire blog can be read here at:
In the first episode of Unexplained Inc.'s Podcaster Series the host of the Rogue Ways podcast joins the show for an amazing chat. In this episode you will hear:
- The origin of the Rogue Ways podcast and what it's about
- How Lindsey is coping during pandemic life
- Lindsey's ordeal battling a negative attachment
- Her bizarre introduction to the Tarot
- The thirteen families who supposedly rule the planet while practicing the dark arts
- The duality between light and darkness
***Programming Note***
Phantom Phil dishes up a lengthy outro for program schedule changes and a major announcement in regards to an extension of the show
Unexplained Inc.
Rogue Ways Podcast
Amanda Drago for psychic mailbag
Blogger and traveller Stephen Barnes joins Unexplained Inc. Stephen writes and posts articles for www.exlempore.com (a hotbed for paranormal content) about his own travel experiences.
One of Stephen's passions is to travel to famous haunted areas. He has actually set foot in Rose Hall near Montego Bay, Jamaica. He shares his experience at the infamous residence and shares his research which helps to curlily between fact and legend. We will find out where else Stephen has visited and where he would like to go. Also he suggests some haunted hot-spots in his native home of Newfoundland.
Stephen's article on this subject can be read here:
[email protected]
The Friday Night Fright returns with another case study on the movie franchise of The Amityville Horror....this episode mainly focuses on the original from 1979 with brief nods to sequels and the 2005 reboot.
Phantom Phil breaks down the movie as well as the true events that inspired the book that in turn inspired the screenplay. A breakdown will also be seen from the point of view of the investigators who believe that the paranormal aspects of the story are all real and one who isn't buying it....this person also has appeared previously on Unexplained Inc.
[email protected]
Ed & Lorrain Warren interview:
Live Science article
In this episode Amanda and Phantom Phil read your questions...
Then the two have a discussion of the scarcity vs. abundant mindset and how you can tune in and navigate through these tough times
Plus Phantom Phil gives a preview for July episodes of Unexplained Inc.
Amanda Drago:
[email protected]
Unexplained Inc.
[email protected]
We look forward to your future submissions!
Mindset Coach Joanne Trumper:
Better late than ever as in episode lucky #13 Phantom Phil is joined by RRLC Paranormal again. However most of this episode is dedicated to the children of the investigation team Riley and Connor.
Both of them talk about their experiences and how they've grown to become vital members of the paranormal investigation team.
Riley also appeared with his Mom on Season 1 of My Paranormal Nightmare which can be seen here about 28 minutes in: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xPBbkUIM_Bc
Ron and Leslie also chime in to verify their children's claims and both kids step up in terms of being important to the team and just wanting to help others that have experienced what they both have had to endure.
This is a must listen for any parents or guardians with children trying to work through and understand paranormal experiences...both positive and negative...also Phantom Phil has a programming announcement at the end of the show
Today on Unexplained Inc. Phantom Phil welcomes author/investigator/podcaster/educator Ben Radford...in this episode you will hear:
- How Ben became a paranormal investigator
- How his educational background helped him investigate scientifically
- Strange happenings in his home state of New Mexico and the US southwest
- How a 'skeptic' should really be defined
- How people should use the same critical thinking skills for digesting media
- His findings on the study of Rose Hall in Jamaica
Check out hi-bi weekly podcast Squaring The Strange:
Unexplained Inc.
[email protected]
This edition of the Friday Night Fright is a swap cast of sorts with the true crime podcast The Trail Went Cold...
In this episode Phantom Phil is joined by his older brother Robin who is the host of the Trail Went Cold....they do a case study on 1990's Ghost and how it may possibly tie into a true crime story with paranormal elements that aired on Unsolved Mysteries right around the same year....this is a fun chat that will have you looking at this movie in a different light
Also Phantom Phil takes a moment in the intro to share his thoughts on how we can move forward from the tragic happenings in America right now
Facebook: Unexplained Inc.
Twitter: @phantomphil3
Email: [email protected]
www.trailwentcold.com....also available on FB and Twitter
The title pretty much explains itself...this is a segment that will be airing at the end of every month of Unexplained Inc....Amanda responds to your psychic and spiritual questions and we will read your stories if you submit any....
After the Q&A period Phantom Phil gets Amanda to lend her expertise to next week's case study...which is also accompanied by a major announcement!
Amanda Drago
Unexplained Inc.
[email protected]
Ron & Leslie Knowles return to the podcast to discuss their business RRLC Paranormal. Their first appearance was about the terrifying hauntings they had that got them into this business. This chat is more light-hearted and describes the ins and outs of starting and maintaining a paranormal investigation service....some topics include:
- Their own equipment and supplies
- The importance of e-books
- How to prepare for an investigation
- Highest and lowest cases they've had
- Why they allow their children to accompany them
- What they really think about paranormal investigators on TV
- What to avoid when trying to book this service...ie: payment of any kind
Facebook: Unexplained Inc.
Twitter: @phantomphil3
Email: [email protected]
In this edition of Unexplained Inc. the case study returns. This time Phantom Phil explores the facts and (or) fiction of Indiana Jones And The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull. In this episode you will find out:
- Why this much maligned movie took so long to make
- How the alien connections in the movie are seeped in reality
- The Crystal Skull is a real phenomenon, and it is not singular
- Canada's connection to the legend
- The characters behind this fascinating story and their connection to the Indy franchise
Plus....a breakdown of upcoming shows in May
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: Unexplained Inc.
Twitter: Unexplained Inc @phanatomphil3
In this edition of Unexplained Inc. Psychic Medium and Reiki Master Amanda Drago stops by for a chat with Phantom Phil. Amanda and Phil are going to be doing a monthly Q&A mailbag together starting at the end of May. Details on how to submit your questions are in this episode, which also includes:
- A background of Amanda and her work
- How she is still working during the pandemic
- Signs from spirit animals and numbers
- How her and other psychics predicted 'big change' for 2020
- Figuring out what you can and can't control during the pandemic
- Phantom Phil tees up next week's Case Study from a much maligned movie
Follow and subscribe on I-Tunes, Spotify, Dezzer, Podchaser and of course Buzzsprout
Visit Amanda Drago @ www.amandadrago444.com
In this edition of the Friday Night Fright Phantom Phil talks to a couple who have seen a thing or two inside their own house as well as their own children.
In the first episode of the Close Encounters series Ron & Leslie Knowles the founders of RRLC Paranormal come by for a chat and have a story that needs to be heard. In this interview you will hear...
- Life inside of a haunted house
- The difference between good and bad spirits
- How to stand up to spirits causing trouble
- The trials and tribulations of their son and his unique gift
- How a paranormal team called in to help ended up making things worse
- How to apply means of protection in these situations
- How these events helped spearhead the formation of RRLC Paranormal
Also Phantom Phil talks about an article sent to him about a town in Indonesia that is getting a little 'spooky' with their means of enforcing social distancing in their community
For future note: The Close Encounters Series is the chance for YOU to tell your story about any encounters with the paranormal and unexplained phenomenon...
If you feel your story is worth sharing and want to come chat....drop me a line @:
[email protected]
In this edition of your Friday Night Fright Phantom Phil welcomes his first guest ever...
Daniel Cumerlato is the founder of www.ghostwalks.com and is based out of Hamilton, Ontario, Canada....in this interview you will hear:
- How COVID-19 is affecting his business
- Some crazy tales from Daniel's five year run as a paranormal investigator
- Why he chose his locations for ghost walks
- How the actors can make or break a tour
- Which famous international tour out of the US severely disappointed him
....and more!
Plus....Phantom Phil learns some life lessons after a strange trip to Walmart and ties it into this current episode and how we may want to look at the outside world
Welcome back to Episode #2 for your Friday Night Fright....as Unexplained Inc. opens it's doors for the first ever case-study in the shows history.....this edition's study will look at the cultural phenomenon known as The Exorcist.
In this episode you will hear:
- Trivia about the making of the movie, cast, crew and reactions to the film
- Whether or not the remaining movies in The Exorcist franchise are worth watching
- Phantom Phil's surreal experience seeing the Director's Cut in a live cinema
- The true story of possession that inspired the book and the movie
- A brief discussion on if possession is real or just an extreme form of mental illness
In this episode we meet the host Phantom Phil and learn about his beliefs and reasoning for doing an unexplained / paranormal podcast.
Find out how Robert Stack, library books, heavy metal and his older sibling (who may or may not be an established podcaster) influenced his decision to start this show.
Also find out what is coming up in the month of April and why the show's format will not be redundant. This is an exciting foundation for what is promised to be a mind-bending show in the genre!
Soon to come....artwork, website and social media info!
En liten tjänst av I'm With Friends. Finns även på engelska.