Unhurried Living | Helping Christians Rest Deeper & Lead Better
Today Alan talks with author Dr. Todd Hall about his new book The Connected Life: The Art and Science of Relational Spirituality. In it, he talks about the reality of how isolated so many of us feel. The pandemic seemed to amplify and accelerate a sense of disconnection many of us were already feeling in some way or another.
But God invites us into relationship, and connection is a great way to describe what he invites to. God’s Spirit enables us to experience the reality of God’s loving presence with us. But so many feel distant from God rather than close to God.
Todd W. Hall is professor of psychology at Rosemead School of Psychology at Biola University, where he teaches courses on the integration of psychology and theology and positive psychology. He is a faculty affiliate at the Harvard Human Flourishing Program at Harvard University and a founding partner at Flourishing Metrics. Hall is an award-winning researcher, focusing on relational approaches to spirituality, virtue, and leadership. He is a coauthor of Psychology in the Spirit and Relational Spirituality, developer of several widely used spiritual assessments, and codeveloper of the Flourish Assessment.
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