Ida Daugaard presents ( United We Rise Podcast Nr. 075 (live at Werkstatt)
🗯🗯 Is there positive developments you recognized during the pandemic? 🗯🗯
That nature has recovered a bit while we have stayed at home. It seems like the earth has gotten a well needed break from all the air traffic population and the air has gotten cleaner. A few years ago I was really shocked to realise there were no bees and rarely no insects in my little garden house during the summer. But last year I spotted a few and it made me hopeful.
🗯🗯 Did you gain something positive from this time with Corona? 🗯🗯
A well needed break with a lot of time offline.
🗯🗯 Did your approach on creating music change during the pandemic and did it maybe even influence your style? 🗯🗯
I have been more focused on ambient music and I'm looking forward to share my journey with you later in the year.
✘ Ida Daugaard (Laut & Luise - Berlin)
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✘ Werkstatt (Copenhagen)
✘ United We Stream (Berlin / Global)
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