Miss Monique (https://soundcloud.com/alesia-arkusha) presents United We Stream Podcast Nr. 010
🗯🗯 How Did Corona change your artist life? 🗯🗯
Of course, I felt some changes, but I can’t say that is was something big. Before the virus situation (except events) I worked a lot on my Youtube channel, label Siona and production. So, during the lockdown I stoped traveling but I didn’t stop working. I had more time to record new videos for my channel, worked on new releases, searched new music for Siona and chatting with listeners. I tried to use free time for other parts of my work. Also this helped me a lot to try don’t be focus only on the virus situation.
🗯🗯 Where did you record the mix and how did you feel? 🗯🗯
I have studio at home, where I usually record videos and this mix was recorded there.
🗯🗯 What are your wishes for the time after Corona? 🗯🗯
I would like to say my wishes during these times. I think, time after virus will be a little bit easier than we have right now. I wish to all people to try to take from this situation something good, for example to do what you didn't have time for before or open something new for yourself and stay positive no matter what.
✘ Miss Monique (Kiew / Ukraine)
SC - https://soundcloud.com/alesia-arkusha
FB - https://www.facebook.com/MissMoniqueUA/
Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/user/DjMissMonique
Insta - https://www.instagram.com/djmissmonique/
✘ United We Stream (Berlin / Global)
FB - https://www.facebook.com/unitedwestream/
WB - https://unitedwestream.berlin/
INSTA - https://www.instagram.com/unitedwestream/
✘ ARTE United We Stream