Nadine ( presents United We Rise Podcast Nr. 047 (Crew-Love-Special)
🗯🗯 Where did you record the mix and how did you feel? 🗯🗯
Recording this mix was quite special for me. Normally I did my recordings at the club where I used to work as a Nightmanager. As its closed due to Corona I had to think of another plan. So I locked myself in with a bunch of my favorite records on a friday night and did a vinyl only podcast (as I don’t have digital stuff at home). At the beginning it was not easy to get into the vibe as I am really missing the dancefloors but after some time it all flowed naturally.
🗯🗯 What are your wishes for the time after Corona? 🗯🗯
I hope the scene will be refreshed. The more I had time to think about everything the more I see the point that the scene was a bubble just about to burst anyway. It has lost its roots and what it is all about. Now I had the time to rethink where I musically came from and where or what I want to be in the future.
The most important thing for me is that no more clubs will have to close. Fingers crossed. I am really missing these special places.
✘ Nadine (Quality Time Booking / United We Stream - Berlin)
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