⭐️ Leslie Kean is an internationally renowned & highly respected Investigative Journalist & Author. Her incredible book, Surviving Death, was adapted into a Netflix series, and is the most paradigm shifting book I've read in my entire life. It changed how I view reality, & this podcast would not exist in the format that it does today without Leslie, & that book that she poured her heart & soul into. She truly is an inspiration.
Amongst other things, we discussed: children with past-life memories, near-death & out of body experiences, apparitions, psychic phenomena, consciousness, & both mental & physical mediumship.
"It's either their own psychic abilities... or it's the dead person who they say is there, and in my readings I can tell you it sure felt more like the dead person was there." - Leslie Kean
Please scroll down ⏬ for links + TIMESTAMPS
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🌌 Welcome to Unravelling the Universe.
We explore topics related both directly & indirectly to three questions:
1. What happens after we die?
2. Are we alone in the Universe? …or even here on Earth?
3. What is reality?
(UFOs / UAP, Consciousness, Parapsychology, and more)
🟢 Our links:
- All of our links: https://linktr.ee/unravellingtheuniverse
- Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/UnravellingU
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🟣 Leslie's links:
- Surviving Death: A Journalist Investigates Evidence for an Afterlife: https://www.lesliekean.com/surviving-death/
- Leslie's brilliant website: https://www.lesliekean.com
- An Excerpt from Surviving Death, about Franek Kluski: https://cdn.lesliekean.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/SURVIVING-DEATH-excerpt.pdf
- Leslie's Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lesliekean/
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/lesliekean
⏱️ Timestamps:
[00:00:26] Leslie's background
[00:02:43] Surviving Death book & Netflix series
[00:09:54] Children with past-life memories
[00:25:55] Psychic Phenomena & Mental Mediumship
[00:42:12] Apparitions, Consciousness & UAP
[00:48:26] Near-Death & Out of Body Experiences
[00:55:34] History of Physical Mediumship
[01:23:13] Stewart Alexander: Physical Medium (my next guest)
Thank you to Leslie Kean for having this conversation with me 🙏 and thank YOU for listening.
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#SurvivingDeath #podcast #mediumship #NDE #ufotwitter #consciousness #psychic #unravellingtheuniverse
https://linktr.ee/unravellingtheuniverse 👈 ALL links!
💥Unravelling the Universe - Episode #14