I wanted to find some fanart of District 13, perhaps President Coin, and was genuinely surprised by the fact that I found next to nothing, so I decided to use this beautiful artwork of Katniss laying Prim to rest by
MelodyMoore because it deserves to be seen. https://www.deviantart.com/melodymoore/art/Hunger-Games-Katniss-and-Rue-549799167
These chapters are the ones in which we see inside District 13 for the first time, meet President Coin and Plutarch's assistant Fulvia, and Katniss decides to leverage her position to get some promises out of the ones now pulling her strings.
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https://discord.gg/rEF2KfZxfVThis version of The Hanging Tree is done by the Danish National Symphony Orchestra and is sung by Andrea Lykke Oehlenschlæger & Diluckshan Jeyaratnam. You can watch the video here!