On this special episode of Unspookable we look back at The Black Plague and other historical pandemics to see how working together and trusting science can help in times of confusion. We also hear from our child contributors who discuss social distancing and how they're handling being home from school.
Host: Elise Parisian
Written by: Ellenor Riley-Condit
Created, Produced, Edited by: Nate DuFort
Music Direction and Composition: Jesse Case https://www.jessecasemusic.com/
Logo by: Natalie Khuen http://nataliek.myportfolio.com
Episode Artwork: Sarah Stitches
You can find Unspookable on Twitter and Instagram at:
Unspookable is part of the Soundsington Audio Network committed to making quality programing for young audiences and the young at heart. To find out more go to http://www.soundsingtonmedia.com