Have you ever been judged or judged others because they weren't like you? While some part of this is natural, our differences are what make us interesting and give us great opportunities to learn about others. Now have you ever heard of the Salem Witch Trials? On part two of a very special two part episode of Unspookable we look at the history of witchcraft, how acceptance of these practices has changed over time, and what happens when people's judgment goes too far.
Host: Elise Parisian
Written by: Ellenor Riley-Condit
Created, Produced, Edited by: Nate DuFort
Music Direction and Composition: Jesse Case https://www.jessecasemusic.com/
Logo by: Natalie Khuen http://nataliek.myportfolio.com
Episode Artwork: Sarah Stitches
You can find Unspookable on Twitter and Instagram at:
Unspookable is part of the Soundsington Audio Network committed to making quality programing for young audiences and the young at heart. To find out more go to http://www.soundsingtonmedia.com