Did you know that more than eighty percent of our ocean is unexplored? Is that why just thinking of the ocean's vastness leaves some of us feeling uneasy? Or is it something more? What lurks in its dark, unmapped depths? We look to uncover this mystery and more as we discuss the Kraken on this episode of Unspookable.
Host: Elise Parisian
Written by: Ellenor Riley-Condit
Created, Produced, Edited by: Nate DuFort
Music Direction and Composition: Jesse Case: https://www.jessecasemusic.com/
Logo by: Natalie Khuen http://nataliek.myportfolio.com
Episode Artwork: Brianna Jacobi:
briannajacobi.com & https://www.instagram.com/briannakj_art
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You can find Reach: A Space Podcast for Kids on Apple Podcasts or wherever you get podcasts.
Unspookable is a production of Soundsington Media committed to making quality programing for young audiences and the young at heart. To find out more go to http://www.soundsingtonmedia.com