Have you ever laid awake, watching the minutes on the clock pass by, just wishing there was a magical way to fall asleep to pleasant dreams? Well, you maybe surprised to hear that throughout time and many cultures that there are all kinds of men and beasts that could do just that. We're taking a walk through the land of slumber to discuss The Sandman and all things sleep on this episode of Unspookable.
Host: Elise Parisian
Written by: Ellenor Riley-Condit and Victoria Tomis
Created, Produced, Edited by: Nate DuFort
Research by: Michael Grathwohl michaelgrathwohl.me.
Music Direction and Composition: Jesse Case: https://www.jessecasemusic.com/
Logo by: Natalie Khuen http://nataliek.myportfolio.com
Episode artwork by: Heshan Gunasekara
Special thanks this week to: Blythe, Bella, and Al.
You can hear more of Al on CadaverCast: A Father Son Monster Movie Podcast with his father Jef. Give it a listen to as they talk all things horror and to hear Al speculate on the plots of films he's too young to watch. CadaverCast is available everywhere you get podcasts
Siren Head was created by Trevor Henderson. Find Trevor online at www.twitter.com/slimyswampghost
You can find Unspookable on Twitter and Instagram at:
Unspookable is a production of Soundsington Media committed to making quality programing for young audiences and the young at heart. To find out more go to http://www.soundsingtonmedia.com