The fab four’s fourth fab album, Beatles for Sale, isn’t just absolutely freaking underrated. It offers perhaps the last of their comparatively-less-ubiquitous knockout tunes. Side 2 illustrates this point perfectly, where just about Every Little Thing is magical*. (*May not include cover songs!)
And yet, the UBP’s very own Tony “Dave Dexter Junior, Junior” Mendoza wants to make this album even better. How will he do this you may ask? That’s why you literally have to listen! (No, really this time we’re not f**king around.) Spoiler alert: just when the “lawyers” said Rush and The Beatles was too legally sick of a collab, The Spirit of Hard Rock Radio on WFUK - Your Home for Appleton Foxes Baseball - proves that in Tony’s world, the timeless wavelengths remain, well, timeless. And also, wavelengths.
You can’t spoil a UBP “Beatles For Sale” party, because a UBP “Beatles For Sale” party don’t spoil! Oy, unless it’s too hot at this meshugana picnic! Which one of you shcmucks brought egg salad, it’s a thousand degrees out here!? And also:
🇫🇷 Is Queen Latifa’s best song about a French record pressing plant “U-N-R-T-I”?
🌎💨🏍️ (Angry Chicago guy:) How come nobody ain’t calls Earth Wind and Fire reverse racists* for not hiring Erik Estrada to sing “Celebrate Good Times, Come On” on their tours? (*Not a thing)
🐴🛖 Why does T.J. think the random, current Sheriff of the Norwalk Republican Town Committee played Arnold Horshack on “Welcome Back Kotter”?
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