In anticipation of THE BIG DROP coming this week, T.J. and Tony (a.k.a. The Tab Two #sponsored #by #nutrasweet) dig into some of the teaser tracks already released, and then present the Super Replayable Super Re-Run Edition of our 2020 Deep Dish of Revolver.
Be sure to follow our socials for details about our LIVE REACTION TWITCH & SHOUT coming soon!
Originally released November 14, 2020
It's time to serve up a deep dish of The Beatles most colorful LP with a b/w cover.
In this episode, T.J. and Tony talk ADT, LSD, Geoff Emerick recording techniques, and the Alan Civil War. Plus diversions into the goth Lennon & McCartney, Rupert the Bear, The Frogs, and the Soul Train Scramble Board.
Revolver's track-by-track musings come augmented with enough collector scum needle drops to power a small, fab village, including a sample of their favorite punching bag, 60s Capitol Records honcho Dave Dexter.
Turn off your mind, relax and float tangentially.