In this video, Patrick Bet-David discusses the stark difference between the effects of COVID on Disney World and Disneyland. The same franchise was affected in dramatically different ways, solely based on policies implemented by the governors from their respective state. The outcome of the policies implemented in Florida has now led to a yearly $700 million in sales-tax revenue from Disney World alone. However, the opposite is true in California. Disneyland has not created any sales-tax revenue during Governor Newsom’s shutdown. Furthermore, his decision to extend it has forced Disney to lay off 28,000 workers in California. Bob Iger, a member of Newsom’s recovery task force has also resigned as a result. Dara Maleki, a restaurant owner who has franchises near Disney World and Disneyland, has seen a 90% drop in sales in California, while only a 30% drop in Florida. The effects from policies implemented in both states are having a strong impact on many businesses, jobs, and ultimately, the economy.
Watch the full video here: