In this episode we banter and tangent like the best of them, end up in a very famous box and talk about the Second most awesome legion with the word IRON in their name
Social media/shout-outs
Facebook: The Varangian Heresy Podcast (The Varangian Heresy Podcast Group)
Twitter: Varangian Heresy
[email protected]
website: waiting to be updated properly
Instagram: VarangianHeresy
Golar's 222nd gaming club in San Antonio has graciously offered a fully painted, magnetized and LED lit Warhound Titan. And once they offered the Titan, they upped the ante. If the raffle can raise $2000, they will throw in the two sister Warhound Titans as well. The additional two Titans are also fully painted, magnetized and LED lit.
The raffle tickets will be $5 each. You can purchase 11 tickets for $50 and 25 for $100. You must purchase your tickets at the South Texas in Flames event (or if you have a friend going, get them to purchase your tickets.) Not coming to STiF3 but want to help anyway? Click the link below. It has all the information and a way to donate. Thank you all in advance for helping out. I know Goochman appreciates it. And I know we can get this bike for him! Any funds raised over the amount needed for the bike will go to the family to help out. <--- shownote it, will pimp on facebook
Damn it - Send in your army for Lincon
TVH event series FAQ updated
Speary McStabbyface up for pre-order (…us-Dreadnought)
New Kids on the Block : Edge of Empire, Heresy or not podcasts
Man Must Die - Hiding In Plain Sight
Main topic
Special Guest reading from JP of Age of Darkness fame
Iron Warriors talk with Niklas from the Don't Loose Your Head podcast
They can be fiound here on facebook -
Metallica- Am I Evil- (Studio Version)
Global Campaing. Aus 30k + Facebook.
26/2 Heresy Event
Freddie does STiF/Adepticon….Dallas?
Skirmish in Scaraburg
25-26 March. Skövde
6-10 April, 2017
Gothcon, Easter 2017. Refer to previous episode
The Sureyan Folly
6 May, Örebro. 1000 points crusade lists. 12 spots.
Jens of Northern Heresy TOs
Avarii VI
13-14 May. Malmö. 2-player team event at Spelens Hus.
Lincon Heresy
27 May 2017. 43 going. Part 1 of the Varangian Events Series
Scorpious Insurrection
12-13 August 2017. 21 going. Part 2 of the Varangian Events Series
Scandus 2017
7-8 October. 24 going. Part 3 of the Varangian Events Series
Podcasts and channels
30k Channel
Seize the Initiative
Eye of Horus
Age of Darkness
Road to Terra
Sons of Heresy
Geno Five Two
Radio Free Istvaan
The Imperial Truth
Don’t Lose Your Head
Northern Heresy
Spacemen with Guns
Edge of Empire
Heresy or Not