+++It is there. Plain to see for those who look with closed eyes. The dreamers. The guardians. The Children now walking the stars. The Anchorage is lost to us, yet another one takes its place+++
This is the Primer episode fopr the Varangian Hereey's month in the Second Golloch War global heresy campagin
We go over the past and present fluff history of the Space Orbital SEC Idre Anchorage 7 and discuss the games specific mission for this month's gameplay
Below are some links related to the episode
Space Orbital SEC Idre Anchorage 7 on AUS30k.com -
The Golloch Cluster on AUS30k.com -
Global campaign facebook page https://www.facebook.com/groups/thesecondgollochwar/
Join ion, fight your foes and decide the fate of the orbital platform