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Vedic Worldview

Love is a Self-Referral Phenomenon

52 min • 3 april 2022

A quick update that early registration is now open for Thom's upcoming annual retreat in Sedona, Arizona, this Memorial Day weekend from May 22nd to 26.

This is Thom's first retreat in the United States since the epic Maha Kumbha Mela held earlier this year in Prayagraj, India, so Thom has many fascinating new stories to share. The Sedona Rounding Retreat is also your opportunity to gift yourself profound rest and industrial-strength meditation through the daily rounding program.

This is your chance to transcend uncertainty in the ever-changing world and celebrate spring surrounded by nature, supported by community, and immersed in wisdom with Thom.  Early registration discounts expire on March 17th, and you can find out more at

Jai Guru Deva.

None of us can imagine a world without love, but how many of us actually know what love truly is? 

Is it the romantic, idealized love that we see in story and song all around us, or is there something deeper, something ‘richer’ than what we’ve been ‘sold’ over the centuries.

As you would expect, the Vedic worldview holds that there is something deeper and richer to love than that which the vast majority of us experience.

Ironically, the thing that prevents us from experiencing true love for others, is the lack of Self love. Listen in as Thom explains the ‘mechanics’ of love and the Self-referral phenomenon that it is.

Episode Highlights: 

[00:45] I Love Your Shoes

[01:54] Let's Take Love Seriously

[02:40] Existence is Made Relevant by Consciousness

[04:15] Is-ness and Am-ness

[06:07] A Response Proves Consciousness

[07:38] Why Does the One Become Many?

[09:35] Love is a Desirable State

[10:48] The Love of Self for Itself

[12:00] Sympathetic Vibration

[13:44] Resonance

[14:45] What Makes Love a Selective Phenomenon?

[16:21] Self Recognizing The Self

[17:39] I Love When You Are Like Me

[19:03] Under the Same Roof

[20:34] We Don't Want a Mirror Image of Ourself

[21:59] Love is a Product of Relatability

[23:42] State of Consciousness Explains Behaviors

[25:12] Empathy - Experience What Other Person is Experiencing

[26:19] I Reject the Person Because S/he is Unlike Me

[28:09] Our Capacity to See the Bigger Picture

[29:44] Have You Always Been Such a Gorgeous Being?

[31:05] All Things Are Love in Potential

[32:17] Transcendence Helps Us Discover Sympathetic Vibration

[34:04] Consciousness Experiencing Consciousness

[35:37] The State of Oneness

[37:23] Step Beyond the Incessant Tendency to Think

[38:49] The Reservoir of Infinite Creativity

[40:24] Your Social Responsibility

[41:55] A Disciplined Approach to the Release of Attention

[43:00] What is the Mechanism for Love?

[44:29] Unity Consciousness - The Highest Pinnacle of Human Development

[46:21] When We Have Unity Consciousness, We're Living Love

[48:06] Discover the Self With Non-Self With Vedic Meditation

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