Ahiṃsa is a term made famous outside India, in large part, as a result of Mahatma Gandhi's ‘non-violent’ approach to securing independence for India.
It’s often thought of as pacifism, rejecting violence altogether. For some, that means non-violence towards fellow humans, and for others, it means non-violence towards all living beings.
As is often the case, this common understanding of Ahiṃsa is incomplete. Thom explains the meaning of Ahiṃsa in this episode and clarifies the role of Ahiṃsa in our personal evolutionary process.
Episode Highlights
[00:45] Yoga – A Place Inside of Us
[02:48] Ashtanga, Samadhi, and Ahiṃsa
[05:16] Misinterpretation of Ahiṃsa
[06:54] Story of Meditation and Ahiṃsa
[08:37] Ahiṃsa in Practice
[10:26] The Reality of Ahiṃsa
[12:06] Inevitability of Hiṃsa in Life
[13:56] Pure Ahiṃsa Can Never Be Achieved by Human
[16:01] Yoga and Ahiṃsa
[17:57] Vedic Worldview on Veganism
[19:28] Gandhi's Non-Violent Approach to Indian Independence
[21:17] Influence of Vedic Philosophy on Gandhi
[24:04] Ahiṃsa in Warfare
[25:43] Ahiṃsa Unfolds Naturally through Meditation Practice
[27:32] Nishkama Karma Yoga
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