VeryPink Knits – Knitting Q and A
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Many thanks to Turtlepurl for supporting the podcast! NEW WEBSITE - Check out their self-striping sock yarns. Coupon code information October Code: OCT22VP For 10% off all sets of self-striping yarn! Staci’s in-progress DK weight socks
Mimi Pettibone is also known as The Dream Detective. You can find more about her on here website, and these links. Enchanted Oracle Card Deck The Dream Detective Podcast Mimi also has guided meditations and lots more, you can see all of these on the home page of her website.
Our links - Friend us on Peloton for more high-fives! We’re kcknits and VeryPink. On Duolingo, Staci is StaciPerry2. Casey’s Instagram Casey’s website VeryPink Instagram VeryPink Knits YouTube Channel