Enjoying the ad-free show? Please consider supporting it! Patrons get bonus episodes, perks, and entry into quarterly raffles. www.patreon.com/verypinkknits The new perk starts December 1st, a pattern download for a fair isle hat named Celtic Thistle.
Many thanks to Turtlepurl for supporting the podcast! NEW WEBSITE - www.turtlepurl.com Check out their self-striping sock yarns. Coupon code information December code: DEC22VP For 10% off all sets of self-striping yarn!
WYIF/WYIB (with yarn in front, with yarn in back) Correcting a Dropped Garter Stitch https://verypink.com/2021/06/16/slow-motion-correcting-a-dropped-garter-stitch/
Our links - Friend us on Peloton for more high-fives! We’re kcknits and VeryPink. On Duolingo, Staci is StaciPerry2. Casey’s Instagram Casey’s website VeryPink Instagram Verypink.com VeryPink Knits YouTube Channel