Pet travel, growing pet importation and expansion in global parasite distribution are all increasing exotic parasite risk to the UK.
Vet Ian Wright, head of the European Scientific Counsel Companion Animal Parasites, discusses current and future threats and prevention strategies.
Ian Wright, BVMS, BSc, MSc, MRCVS, is a practising veterinary surgeon and co-owner of the Mount Veterinary Practice in Fleetwood, Lancashire.
He has a Master’s degree in Veterinary Parasitology, and in addition to being head of the European Scientific Counsel Companion Animal Parasites (ESCCAP UK and Ireland), is guideline director for ESCCAP Europe. He is also an editorial board member for the Companion animal and Vet CPD journals.
He has written widely on parasitology topics, and is a regular contributor to Veterinary Times. His latest article, referred to in this podcast, is “Exotic parasites in imported dogs: diagnosing and preventing spread” – available online at
Much information about the topic is available on the ESCCAP UK and Ireland website [] , including resources vets can use to advise owners considering bringing animals back to the UK. These include a download that Ian says “gently broaches the potential pitfalls”, and the “Four pillars sheet”, which charts how to approach an imported pet if you have one in your practice.