The London Vet Show will once again host BVA Congress – where one session will discuss the impact of the cost of living crisis, and how the veterinary profession can continue to provide pragmatic and affordable care for all creatures great and small, while maintaining high standards of welfare.
BVA past‑president Robin Hargreaves is a panellist in the session – and he joins us for this podcast to explain how he thinks the profession will find imaginative solutions to the challenge…
Robin graduated from University of Liverpool in 1985 and has been in first opinion general practice since. Since 1988 he has worked exclusively with companion animals at Stanley House Veterinary Group, a large mixed practice in east Lancashire. Today, he is a director of the 18-vet practice and works full-time in first opinion clinical work.
Robin was BVA president in 2013-14 and now chairs the University of Liverpool Veterinary Alumni Association. He also sits on RVC council and is senior veterinary advisor on the veterinary panel of Agria Pet Insurance.