Welcome to the VetGurus podcast! Where else can you find out how to stop seagulls getting drunk, learn about a new species of venomous snake, hear about breeding rhinos in Australia and debate the pros and cons of animal research? Nowhere else! That's why you listen (sometimes) and why we provide you with the best (or maybe the most obscure) news items.. and keep the emails coming in with news items for us to share.
Our main topic this week is vomiting in dogs. Brendan and Mark chat about cases of 'garbage guts' - acute vomiting in dogs. They discuss their top 10 - or maybe 20 - tips for dealing with these cases, such as how long do you 'rest the gut'? What diagnostics to consider (or not)?
Drunk seagulls
Rhinos in Australia?
New species of venomous snake discovered
Animal research: Necessary evil?
The Joint Conference of the Asian Society of Conservation Medicine (ASCM) and the Wildlife Disease Association Australasia (WDAA) in Bali Oct 28th to 29th 2018
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Chemical Essentials. Cleaning and disinfection products and solutions for a wide variety of industries throughout Australia, as well as specific markets in New Zealand, Singapore and Papua New Guinea. The sole importer of the internationally acclaimed F10SC Disinfectant and its related range of advanced cleaning, personal hygiene and animal skin care products.
Specialised Animal Nutrition. Specialised Animal Nutrition is the Australian distributor of Oxbow Animal Health products. Used and recommended by top exotic animal veterinarians around the globe, the Oxbow range comprises premium life-staged feeds and supportive care products for small herbivores.
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