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Waiting To Be Signed

E54 - Assisted Living

78 min • 15 januari 2023

We have an extra large episode to cover the drops, drama and charity auctions on fxhash this week. Big props to Cure3 and the 5 artists that released works in support of Parkinson's research (links below). Big slops to the proliferation of "assisted minting" tools that monopolized most of our drops of the week.... Follow along with the visuals via our accompanying fxtext article, and consider collecting to support the show! 

Twitter: @WaitingToSign

Instagram: @waitingtobesigned

Donations: waitingtosign.tez, waitingtosign.eth

Episode Art: Action; System #12 by Anna Lucia 

Projects of the Week:

Action; System, Anna Lucia

Element, lunarean

Eucalyptus and Sagebrush, Nat Sarkissian

all that remains, msoriaro

Step by Step, Yazid

Proto alphabet, x0y0z0

Chrysalis, Monotau x arsiliath 

Kyma, Collapsar Beauty

Trust, Chris McCully

Digital Expression, Playman 

Thébaïde, antoniowerli | fxhash 



Intro music by The Gas Station, as heard in *Sunset Dancers* by Laurean0

Outro music by Nor44, as heard in My Demons

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