This week fx(hash) was all about animated projects and Will & Trinity are here to cover the movement. We have news, market updates, Verse talk, rotating buildings, the return of Amy Goodchild and lots to look forward to.
Twitter: @WaitingToSign
Instagram: @waitingtobesigned
Donations: waitingtosign.tez, wtbs.tez, wtbs.eth
Episode Art: Forecast #96 by Amy Goodchild
Projects of the Week:
Forecast, Amy Goodchild
Modificador de eventos, Marcelo
Cosmic Rays, Melissa Wiederrecht
RAUSCH, @grasser_alex
AERO, Estienne
seekers, ECKER_0_
Platonics, Phaust
Intro music by The Gas Station, as heard in *Sunset Dancers* by Laurean0
Outro music Always Be Listed by Pixelwank