Welcome to E86 of Waiting To Be Signed, recorded 9.28.23 and released 10.2.23. In this episode we discuss:
- A potential trip to Miami for Art Basel + Tender's exhibition at the Untitled fair
- Verse announces their new "Galleries" feature!
- Transient Labs announces "T.R.A.C.E."
- Checking in on EmProps and their new tools
- Long Form vs Artist Curated vs "Minter Selected" releases and how they intersect with quantity and pricing (to be continued...)
- Perkwerk collab with Red Bull Racing for some successful releases, Pursuit & Echo of Intensity
- Unit London drops a hit on fx(hash): Edno, Wrappers, Sadok & Summer Daydream
- Lots of shoutouts!!!
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Support the show by minting our articles on fx(text) and donating directly to wtbs.tez & wtbs.eth
Episode Art is Sadok #39 by Olga.F
Intro and Outro music by Pixelwank