The Beths discuss a current buzzword: "wellness." Beth J shares about her recent chronic illness diagnosis, recounting the ways her body has demanded that she pay attention to her new and changing needs. Over the past year, she found herself in pain she had never before experienced, requiring hospitalization for the first time in her life, and ultimately receiving a diagnosis of Crohn's Disease. Through this journey, Beth J learned to honor her body's limitations and to more deeply treasure the strength and physical abilities that she does have in the present moment. Beth Z shares about her exploration of biohacking, the practice of making small, evidence-based lifestyle changes based on her own body's specific responses to behavioral factors. Through experimenting with her habits surrounding diet, sleep and exercise and observing her responses to stimuli, Beth Z has gathered valuable information about how to honor and care for her body. She discusses the ways that caring for her physical health relates to her mental, emotional, spiritual and psychological health. Wellness, both Beths agree, goes far beyond physical appearance; wellness, when honestly pursued, permeates every aspect of the human experience.
Learn more about Bethany Zabiegalski's work as a lifestyle coach and wilderness guide at The Heart Wants Adventure. Learn more about Elizabeth Jeffries' work including her book Through the Kaleidoscope, the story of her departure from fundamentalist evangelical Christianity and her wholehearted embrace of her sense of natural wonder.
Location: Rachel Carson Trail, Pittsburgh, PA
Record Date: August 22, 2020