Join Beth J and Beth Z this week for a hike in the woods north of Pittsburgh, PA! This morning, Beth J read something on instagram and it got her thinking. She read a post about a "life mission," and she questions whether that is a meaningful concept for her. Instead, she asks, how can we value our life experience over our life mission? Beth Z shares some of the wisdom she has gleaned from Robin Wall Kimmerer's book Braiding Sweetgrass and explores the lessons we can learn from the natural world -- specifically, plants. She asks what nature teaches us about gratitude, and how we can all adopt a grateful mindset.
Learn more about Bethany Zabiegalski's work as a lifestyle coach and wilderness guide at The Heart Wants Adventure. Learn more about Elizabeth Jeffries' work including her book Through the Kaleidoscope, the story of her departure from fundamentalist evangelical Christianity and her wholehearted embrace of her sense of natural wonder.
Location: North Park, Pittsburgh, PA
Record Date: August 27, 2020