Beth Z and Beth J just participated in a cacao ceremony moments before this conversation. They take a neighborhood walk to unpack their experience together. They both felt strong emotions bubbling up during the ceremony, and those emotions were coupled with the physiological impacts of the cacao and the breathwork that the facilitator guided them through. They explore the mental images that arose for them and the deep realizations they experienced -- for Beth J, it was an awakening to beauty and wonder in the natural world and for Beth Z, it was an awakening to her own power and individuality.
Learn more about Bethany Zabiegalski's work as a lifestyle coach and wilderness guide at The Heart Wants Adventure. Learn more about Elizabeth Jeffries' work including her book Through the Kaleidoscope, the story of her departure from fundamentalist evangelical Christianity and her wholehearted embrace of her sense of natural wonder.
Location: Brighton Heights Neighborhood, Pittsburgh, PA
Recording Date: September 12, 2020