Embodiment and wellness can mean different things to different people, and the Beths agree that what's important is to define them for yourself. Beth J shares how her own practice of embodiment has transformed over the past few years, culminating in her most recent embodiment exercise: writing a letter to her body and writing a letter from her body to herself. At first, she shares, she cringed a bit at the thought of engaging with this exercise, imagining that it would be cheesy or silly. After going through the exercise, though, she discovered how freeing and grounding it is to recognize both the unity and the distinction between the body and the self. Beth Z discusses her own embodiment journey, exploring her decision to stop taking hormonal birth control and instead tracking data from her body in order to map her cycle. This journey has been both freeing and informative for her, allowing her to connect much more deeply with her body and to feel a closer connection with nature as well. For both Beths, the past several months have been ones of sinking deeper into their bodies, enjoying the sensations of living and aligning with natural cycles and patterns.
Grab a free 1-on-1 coaching session with Beth Z, and connect on Instagram.
Read Through the Kaleidoscope, by Elizabeth Jeffries
Recording date: December 6, 2020
Location(s): Beth J at Allegheny Commons Park West in PA, Beth Z at Litchfield Park, AZ
Theme Song by DiLisio