Warcraft Reloaded – WoW Classic and Community
Warcraft Reloaded Podcast episode 194 kicks off with engaging community interactions, featuring the comment of the week and responses to Discord questions about recent activities in WoW Classic and Wrath of the Lich King.
Moving on to the news segment, the hosts delve into various topics pertinent to Season of Discovery. They discuss the intricacies of Gnomeregan Crafted Gear, potential concerns about the process, recent adjustments such as the Starsurge Nerf and Blood Moon Event, and analyze Phase 2 DPS Rankings. Additionally, they highlight the upcoming launch of WoW Classic Hardcore Self-Found Mode and share insights into the Subjugate Demon Hotfix.
In the discussion segment focused on Gnomeregan, they explore the significance of the Goblin Transponder and delve into an analysis of the boss armor and resistances within the dungeon. They also provide insights into the recent hotfixes implemented on February 14th, addressing Blood Moon adjustments and Gnomeregan tweaks.
Overall, episode 194 offers a comprehensive overview of recent developments in Season of Discovery, providing valuable insights and analysis for Warcraft enthusiasts.
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Episode URL: mtb.gg/3gv
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