This week the gang covers the latest news, talks about their recent Naxxramas escapades and goes over everything they loved and hated over this last year.
3:12 - Housekeeping and reviews
Con Before the Storm WoW Classic Panel
10:59 - What have we been doing in WoW Classic and Vargflocken Naxxramas progression
14:07 - Beginning of the news
14:28 - Scourge Invasion is over
17:03 - Player Loses 30k from WeakAura…k-from-weakaura
22:22 - TBC Classic Is Releasing on May 4th, New ‘Leak’…e-released-by-may
35:11 - Favorites and least favorites in WoW Classic
36:32 - Favorite dungeon
45:28 - Favorite zone
55:05 - Farvoite quest or questline
1:02:54 - Favorite class
1:06:47 - Favorite phase
1:16:45 - Least favorite phase
1:21:12 - Favorite raid
1:27:04 - Favorite gear drop
1:33:12 - Favorite moment
1:39:13 - Questions from Twitch chat
1:44:55 - Addon of the week - End of year addition
1:51:18 - Closing