In the mid-19th century, William Walker led a group of fellow US Expansionists to Nicaragua, in an attempt to seize the country as their own. Some of the first successful filibuster’s, they were on a mission to bring a form of US Democracy to central America - the unexpected catch in a somewhat familiar story of colonisation? They were welcomed with open arms. But soon, Walker’s promises of a new state and open democracy faded away, and a terrifying reign of terror set in. So, what happened in Nicaragua in the 19th century? And just who was William Walker?
In this episode, James welcomes Professor, and Author, Michel Gobat to the podcast to help unravel this difficult story. Looking at the politics of 19th century America, the conservative rule that had defined Nicaragua up to this point, and delving into what the contemporary sources say about Walker - is it possible to piece together a complete image of what Walker achieved? And just what happened to him after his reign of terror finished?
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