On the 24th of June 2023, amidst rising tensions within Russia, the Wagner mercenary group rebelled against the Russian Government. With news outlets suddenly flooded with images of erected barricades and military vehicles on the streets of Moscow - it was initially unclear what was going on. While details of the event remain murky in the West, it is clear to say that this rebellion posed the most significant challenge to Putin's authority in the 21st century. So, what exactly happened in Russia, and who are the Wagner group?
In this episode, James welcomes Professor Rory Cormac to the podcast to examine the role coups have played throughout history, and determine if any of these examples can be applied to modern-day Russia. By exploring the role of propaganda and the funding of covert government organisations, they delve into how the Wagner group attained such power and question whether this marks a turning point in Putin's authoritarian rule.
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