96 avsnitt • Längd: 50 min • Oregelbundet
An irregular podcast looking at wargaming, from historical gaming such as Black Powder, Bolt Action and Chain of Command to Scifi and Fantasy with Warhammer 40k and Frostgrave.
The podcast Wargames, Soldiers and Strategy is created by The History Network. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
This episode of the Wargames, Soldiers & Strategy podcast is a little different. Rather than charging headlong into a pre-planned topic, the team handed the reins over to you—our loyal listeners! So, for this episode, they gathered your questions and suggestions for future show themes and tried to give you some answers.
Links: 3 men in a shed wargaming Table Ready Terrain, Warbases Monty v Rommel, Rapid Fire! The Bad and the Ugly, Dead Man's Hand Winter War, Trenchworx
In this episode of the Wargames, Soldiers and Strategy Podcast, the team explores the science of terrain placement—how to set up your tabletop for the best possible game.
Don’t forget to subscribe to Wargames, Soldiers and Strategy! Visit the website to get the latest issue.
Links: The Baron’s War, Warhost PBI, Peter Pig Armies of the United States, Warlord Burrows and Badgers, Oathsworn
In this episode, the team takes a look back at 2024, sharing their personal highlights from the year and reflecting on the standout moments in the world of wargaming. They also discuss their exciting plans and projects for the year ahead, giving you a glimpse of what’s to come.
As always, Guy brings us up to speed with the latest news and releases from the wargaming community.
Links:Subscribe to WSS Space Battles: A Spacefarers Guide (Wombat Games) Table Ready from Warbases The Wars of the Roses, Hail Caesar (warlord) SAGA Age of Chivalry Victrix Wargames Atlantic Liberation of South Vietnam
In this episode, Guy and Chris head to Firestorm Games in Cardiff to participate in a Barons' War tournament. Guy catches up with the tournament organiser for an insightful chat while Chris shares his thoughts on tournament gaming—a rare experience for him!
As always, we also bring you all the latest news and updates from the wargaming world.
Links: War of the Roses, Hail Caeser (Warlord) Spectre Mythos (Spectre Miniatures) Armies of Germany, Bolt Action (Warlord) Conquest: Alexander & Hannibal, Strength & Honour (Too Fat Lardies) Debris of War German Veteran Infantry Platoon (Warlord)
In this episode, on top of all the wargaming news, we dive into a common challenge for wargamers of all experience levels: finding new people to share the tabletop battlefield with. Whether you're new to the hobby or a seasoned wargamer looking to expand your circle, we discuss tips, tactics, and resources for finding like-minded players, from local clubs to online communities.
Links: Vanguard Normandy (Warlord) https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/warlordgames/vanguard-normandy The Silver Bayonet: Italy: The Shades of Calabria (Osprey) The Armies of Westphalia and Wurzburg 1807-1814 The Fall of Berlin (RKX Miniatures) Des tranchées aux barricades: Revolt in the Desert Warfare 2024 Battleground Firestorm Games Footsore Miniatures
In this episode, the Wargames, Soldiers and Strategy team bring you all the latest news from the world of wargaming. They also dive into the topic suggested by regular listener ChatGPT — wargaming on a budget. The guys explore how to get the most out of your gaming experience without breaking the bank.
Links: WSS Online Freakz: Mutant Murder Machines Reisswitz Press For Ireland and King James! The Jacobite Infantry at the Battle of Aughrim 1691 IWM Podcast Festival BeerandPretzels.co.uk Partizan
In this episode, the team reunites to catch up on all the exciting things they've been up to during the summer.
Chris has had a sneak preview of Bolt Action 3. He shares his exclusive first look at the updated rules, and the team dives into a discussion about the pros and cons of new rule versions.
Guy also brings us the latest updates from the world of wargaming.
Links: WSS Subscription Bolt Action 3 (Warlord) Guards of Traitor Toll (Grey for Now) Sarissa CMYK Nam ’68, Tour of Duty (Plastic Soldier Company) LaserCast
This episode of the Wargames, Soldiers, and Strategy podcast is a mixed bag. We kick things off with the launch of the Great War Games Survey for 2024. Following up on last month's chat with Joe Bilton, we'll delve back into terrain and Jasper's experiments with the wonder product of decorators' caulking. Additionally, Guy brings us the latest news from the world of wargaming.
Links: Great Wargaming Survey WSS Online General D'Armee 2 (Reisswitz Pres) Blood Red Roses (Society of Ancients) Tint Tiny Terrain (Baccus) Baccus; Teeny Tiny Terrain - The movie!
In this episode, Jasper brings us some big news about Wargames, Soldiers and Strategy, and we talk to terrain guru Joe Bilton who gives us some hints and tips.
Links:WSS Online, a new way to read Server Down, websites out ‘Nam 68 (PSC) Bolt Action: Third Edition Stargrave: Dead or Alive (Osprey)
In this episode of the Wargames, Soldiers and Strategy podcast, the team reflect upon what in the media has inspired them with their gaming.
Deathship One Chain of Command Far East Handbook Forgotten Battles: Raids in the European Theatre 1939-1945 Band of Brothers (2001) Hornblower (1998-2003) Sharpe (1993-2008) Cross of Iron (1977) Attack (1956) Bridge Too Far (1977) Theirs is the Glory (1946) The Rest is History Spartacus (1960) Spartacus: Blood & Sand (2010-2013) Rome (2005-2007) Mersada (1981) Gladiator (2000) Bequest to the Nation (1973) Black Hawk Down (1997) Full Metal Jacket (1987) Sahara (1943) T-34 (2018) Fury (2014) The 317th Platoon (1965) The Winter War (1989)
In this episode of the Wargames, Soldiers, and Strategy Magazine Podcast, the team reflects on Salute, the UK's largest wargame show. Rovering reporter Guy brings all the news from the show, and Mark gives us their thoughts.
Links War game scenarios: The Italian wars battles 1494 - 1559 Hail Caesar Epic Battles: The Punic Wars Bolt Action 3 V For Victory Arnhem Heroes by Empress Miniatures The Silver Bayonet: Egypt: Shadow of the Sphinx WSS Magazine Instagram WSS Magazine Facebook Offensive Miniatures AB Miniatures Eureka Miniatures Bad Squiddo Games Footsore Miniatures TooFatLardies Battlefield Accessories Great Escape Games Pendraken Warbases Atlantic Games Sarissa
In this episode of the Wargames, Soldiers and Strategy podcast, we think about how to get our painting mojo back. Also, Guy and Chris are joined by Troy, the man behind Sonic Sledgehammer Studio on YouTube.
Links: Sonic Sledgehammer Studio Aly's Brown Liquid Marine Juice Ballads of a Cosmic Frontier Soldiers of Napoleon, Great Battles - Wagram, Campaign Supplement Spectre Operations To The Strongest! Celtic Fringe & Montrose Campaign Book Bring and Battle
In this episode of the Wargames, Soldiers and Strategy podcast, we discuss 'what is old is new'. Guy talks to Rapid Fire's Colin Rumford and Richard Marsh.
Links Rapid Fire Dead Mans Hand Redux (great Escape Games)Frostgrave: Mortal Enemies (Osprey) This Quar's War: Clash of Rhyfles (Wargames Atlantic) A War Transformed (Osprey) Achtung Panzer! (Warlord) Society of Ancients Battle Day
In this Wargames, Soldiers & Strategy Podcast episode, Jasper talks to Murray Dahm and Peter Von Dop. Both have penned supplements for Hail Caesar and discuss what it takes to bring history to the tabletop.
Links: Gangs of Rome, Footsore Miniatures Wargames Atlantic When nightmares come, Osprey Krautcover Setting the East Ablaze Hail Caesar, Warlord Games
The team returns for the first episode of 2024! Guy brings us an interview with Martin Goddard from Peter Pig, and the boys discuss their projects for the new year.
Links: Warpaint: Plains Indian Shield and Horse Decoration Warhammer: The Old World
In this episode of the podcast, Guy talks to Warlord’s John Stallard about his book Talking Miniatures. The book is a series of conversations with Games Workshop and Citadel alumni about their time with the company in the 1980s and 1990s.
The Wargames, Soldiers & Strategy magazine team also discuss the latest news and what they have been up to.
Links:Talking Miniatures Caesars’s Gallic Wars (Warlord) Lard Magazine 2023 (Too Fat Lardies) The British Army 1960 - 1990 (1st Corps) Spellbound (BelloLudi)
Tucked away at the back of each Wargame Soldiers and Strategy magazine is ‘Parting Shots’, hints, tips and laughs for the wargamer. Guy recently put out a call on social media for new material for the page.
In this episode, on top of the latest hobby news, the team discusses Guy's bulging mail sack and what hits and tips he received. They also reflect on some previous advice that has already appeared in the magazine.
Links: The Silver Bayonet: Canada (Osprey) Wargamer's Journal: The Perfect Notebook For Wargaming Dead Man's Hand Redux: 2nd Edition Starter Set Conquerors and kings (Peter Pig) Battleground Scouts Out
In this episode of the Wargames, Soldiers and Strategy magazine podcast, as well as all the latest news, Guy talks to Brad Moran, a member of the Bolt Action Alliance, about fair, balanced and fun play games.
Links: Mad Dogs & Englishmen: Far Flung Conflicts, New Zealand Kickstarter: Ghouls by Paul Muller (Bad Squiddo Games) Kickstarter: 7TV: The 80s Genre Guide (Crooked Dice Games) Kickstarter: Dead Man’s Hand Redux (Great Escape Games)
In this episode, on top of the latest wargaming news from the newsroom at Bowers Towers, we’ve got a report from Al Murray and James Holland’s We Have Ways Fest. Jasper and Angus talk to Too Fat Lardies Nick Skinner about his experience running Chain of Command at an event not aimed at wargaming.
Links: Colours Stargrave: Bold Endeavour (Osprey) The Silver Bayonet: Canada (Osprey) Bolt Action: Campaign: Case Blue (Osprey) With Hot Lead and Cold Steel (Osprey) 7TV – the cinematic skirmish game
With the summer upon us, the Wargames Soldiers and Strategy team discuss how they take their wargaming on holiday.
Jasper also tells listeners why they should participate in the 10th Great Wargaming Survey.
Links: The Great Wargaming Survey, 2023 Black Beards vs Maynard, Firelock Games Senussi’s Little Miniature War 1915-1917, Caliber Books Blood Red Skies: Wing Commander, Warlord Operation Plunder, RKX Miniatures The Lost Expedition, Osprey Strength and Hour, Too Fat Ladies Studio Historia
Guy and Chris have been on manoeuvres to Mel the Terrain Tutor's workshop to take some pictures for the magazine. Whilst there, Chris grabbed an interview with Mel.
The renowned miniature painter Kevin Dallimore kindly agreed to do the front cover for our ‘Rise of the Redcoats’ theme in Wargames, Soldiers and Strategy issue 123. Now, that cover model is being sold on eBay to raise money for the Royal British Legion. You can find all the pictures on Guy's blog.
The team also discuss the latest news and what they have been up to.
Links:Guy's Blog eBay for the Kevin Dallimore figures The Terrain Tutor Firelock Games The Doomed, Osprey Games
What do you do when your wargame cupboard is full?
In this episode of the Wargames, Soldiers and Strategy podcast, the boys discuss having a clearout and give you some ideas on how to create more space.
Guy also brings us the latest hobby news.
Links: 7TV Dracula, Crooked Dice Refighting History, Vol 2: The War of the Austrian Succession, Charles Grant The Damned, Wargames Atlantic American War of Independence, Brigade Games First to Fight: USMC 1942-1945 Vol 1 Guadalcanal Campaign The Roaring Lions, Bavaria Miniatures Just Lasered
Salute is arguably the largest wargames show in the world. In this episode, Guy and Jasper give their impressions of the show after spending the day there, and Mark tells us about his experiences of running a demonstration game of Strength and Honour at the show.
As usual, Guy also brings up all the latest wargames news.
LinksTales of Men, Myths and Monsters: Rules for adventures in Greek Mythology, Calibre Books French, Franco-Prussian War, Perry Miniatures Fireforge Games What a Cowboy, Too Fat Lardies Blitzkrieg Commander: The Forgotten War Partizan
The team tackle what makes the perfect set of rules. In a wide-ranging discussion they toy with the perfect layout for a rule book, favourite dice to use, fancy mechanisms and even the style rules are written.
Guy also brings us the latest news from Bowers Towers.
LinksPike & Shotte Epic Battles, Warlord GamesWhat a cowboy, Too Fat LardiesBattlegroup Centag, The Plastic Soldier CompanyThe Silver Bayonet: The Carpathians, OspreySlingshot Journal, The Society of AncientsCrystal Mark, The Plain English CampaignWSS Instagram
In this episode of the Wargames, Soldiers and Strategy podcast, Mark poses what our favourite armies might be, what rules do we play with them and whose figures?
Links Pike & Shotte, Warlord Speedpaint 2.0, Army Painter Combat General, Venture Miniatures Resin Plus, Warlord Seven Days To The Rhine, Great Escape Games Far Distant Ships, Long Face Games Black Ops, Osprey Sons of Yamato: Imperial Japanese Forces at War Hammerhead Partizan Society of Ancients Salute
In this episode of the Wargames, Soldiers and Strategy podcast, the team discuss their wargaming goals for 2023. As ever, Guy also tells us what is new in wargaming.
Links Speed Paints 2.0 (Army Painter) The Doomed (Osprey) A War Transformed (Osprey) Tough Gut (Bolt Action/Osprey) With Hot Lead and Cold Steel (Osprey) Charlie Foxtrot We Have Ways Podcast Salute
The Wargames, Soldiers and Strategy team are back with the first episode of 2023. The chaps discuss their plans for 2023.
Links Phase Line: Black power Red Earth Never Mind the Billhooks Deluxe Atlantic Digital MyMiniFactory Only-Games.co
We're closing in on the end of the year, so to change things up, Mark decided to test the depth of the military history knowledge of the WS&S podcast team members. Unfortunately, he only managed to expose the height of their ignorance...
Guy also has a round-up of the latest releases that have arrived at Bowers Towers.
LinksHail Caesar 2nd Edition Wargames Annual 2022 Battlegroup Westwall
On the back of Jasper and Guy's wargaming Operation Market Garden at the Hartenstein Hotel Airborne Museum in Arnhem, Jasper talks to Kelly McManus and Jared Fishman from HMGS Next Gen Gaming. Kelly works for Dey Mansion, and with Jared's help, he organised a games day at the museum.
LinksDeyDey Mansion Washington's Headquarters, 1780 HMGS Next Gen Gaming In The Grand Manner Hail Caesar Rubicon Full Spectrum Dominance Battlezone Forlorn Hope
In the latest episode of the Wargames, Soldiers and Strategy Magazine podcast Guy and Jasper tell us about their Operation Market Garden game in Arnhem with the Too Fat Lardies.
In the news, Guy brings us the latest releases and then has a chat with Bob and Brad from bobmac 3d. The team then discuss their experiences with 3D printing.
Jasper hosts this episode of the Wargames, Soldiers and Strategy Podcast, with Guy, Mark and Chris he discusses the merits of playing 'a game in a box', that is, buying a game with the rules and everything to go with it in one package.
Also in this episode, Guy talks to Graham Davey, the publisher of the new game 02 Hundred Hours.
Links: 02 Hundred Hours (Grey For Now Games) The Last Samurai Rebellion (Osprey) The Men Who Would Be Kings (Osprey) Fighting the Dragon Xenos Rampant (Osprey)
In this episode of the Wargames, Soldiers and Strategy Magazine podcast, the team discuss the butterfly effect. This is not how a butterfly might flap its wings and cause a typhoon, but rather, how the flitting from project to project and following one's whims leaves us with heaps of unpainted lead as projects flounder.
In the news this episode One King!, Frostgrave: Fireheart, Panzer Korps supplements Hard Luck Boys and Eisenkreuz,plus the launch of the Great Wargame Survey.
Links Helion, One King! Osprey, Frostgrave: Fireheart Osprey, Open call for Wargame Submissions Hoplite Research, Hard Luck Boys Eisenkreuz The Great Wargames Survey Cavalier 2023
Set in France in 1940, Guy and Chris are playing a large ongoing campaign at their club. They explain to Jasper and Angus how they planned it and how it worked and offer some tips for running your own campaign games.
LinksHold Fast! Black Sea Lion Rampant Wargaming Campaigns Pendraken
In this episode of the Wargames, Soldiers and Strategy podcast, the team discuss what makes a good article for the magazine. Guy gives us his criteria and the twitterverse tells us what they think.
References: Cold War Commander Vlad's Army Wars of Orcs and Dwarfs
In this episode of the Wargames, Soldiers and Strategy magazine podcast on top of the usual news round-up, Guy has a chat with Warwick Kinrade about his new rule set Soldiers of Napoleon.
Links: Warwick Kinrade Strength & Honour Karwansaray Forgotten Battles Castles in the Sky Poldercon Legionary Partizan Britcon
The WSS team in this episode discuss films, how they have influenced our gaming and how they might be used to inspire scenarios.
Links: Blackpowder Red Earth Fire on the Frontier Three Ages of Rome Wargames, Soldiers and Strategy issue #76.
Over the winter the Wargames, Soldiers and Strategy team have taken part in the Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge.
With the arrival of spring, the challenge has finally finished. Guy, Jasper, Chris and Angus catch up on what they achieved over the winter months and reveal who had the highest score.
In this episode of the podcast, Guy brings us the latest wargaming news, the boys chat about what they have been up to, their scores on the analogue hobbies painting challenge and the WSS Twitter poll on how gamers felt about wargame shows and game days.
Links:Rubicon Models Rapid Fire! Blitzkrieg Battlegroups Back of Beyond
In the latest episode of the Wargames, Soldiers and Strategy Podcast, Guy is joined by Paul Eaglestone from Empress Miniatures to discuss their new Vietnam ruleset, BOHICA.
The boys also catch up on the Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge.
LinksEmpress Miniatures Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge Rapid Fire, Blitzkrieg Battlegroups
In this episode, Leon from Pendraken tells the Wargames, Soldiers and Strategy team about putting on the show Battleground. He also tells us about moving the workshop and the new exciting things they have coming up in 2022.
With the Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge about to start, Guy, Jasper, Angus, Mark and Chris also discuss their plans.
Guy and WSS regular Chris King headed up to London for Salute, the UK's largest wargame show. Jasper talks to them about their impression of the event.
With winter looming our thoughts shift to the annual analogue hobbies painting challenge. We are joined by Curt Campbell who organises the challenge.
We also discuss Warlord Games Epic Battles. Do we need a new scale?
Subscribe to the magazine at: wssmagazine.com
Links:Viva la Revolution, viva Mexico SAGA Age of Invasions Warlord Games Analogue Painting Challenge
As the world returns to some sort of normality, Guy has been to Partizan. He gives us his show report, and all the latest news.
LinksRising Tides, Sally 4th Fenland Miniatures Blitzkrieg Miniatures Campaign in Italy, Bolt Action Wargames Atlantic Speedpaint, Army Painter
Following Jasper's 30km battlefield tour of Arnhem by bike, the Wargames, Soldiers and Strategy team discuss the benefits of visiting battlefields.
Guy also brings us what is new in the wargaming world.
Links Pony Wars Baccus 6mm The Silver Bayonet Partizan Warlord Games Day SELWIG Battleground
In the latest episode the Wargames, Soldiers and Strategy magazine podcast Guy has been out and about visiting the UK Games Expo. He gives us his report. Also, it is that time of the year again, the Great Wargaming Survey is now live. You can take part here.
Links: Perry Miniature Five Parsecs From Home Ironsworn Rubicon Models Pendraken (Battleground Show)
In the last episode, the Wargames, Soldiers and Strategy team touched upon 'range' as a concept on the tabletop. The guys thought they would revisit the topic and consider how range effects the games we play, from how far we can shoot to fudging the scale of the table.
LinksFireforge Games 7TV Fantasy Bonza Games, Delta One Zero
Is there a game mechanic that you really like? The Wargames, Soldiers and Strategy team discuss what bits of games they look for, and enjoy in a set of wargames rules.
Plus from the nerve centre of Bowers Towers, Guy brings us all the latest news.
Osprey - D-Day: US Sector Osprey - Oathmark: Bane of Kings 7TV - Fantasy
Crossfire Sharp Practice Chain of Command Force on Force Frostgrave Saga Mouse guard Muskets & Tomahawks Mortal Gods Twightlight of the Sun King
In the 50th episode of the Wargames, Soldiers and Strategy podcast the boys chat terrain, answering questions sent in from some of Guy's stooges. They also cover the latest news from Osprey, Great Escape Games and take a look at A Taste of Victory.
LinksAbsolute Emperor, Osprey Publishing Great Escape Games A Taste of Victory
In this episode of the Wargames, Soldiers and Strategy podcast, we explore if things were better for wargamers in the 'olden days'. Guy has a list of thoughts supplied by a 'friend' which he believes proves things were better in the past.
Guy also brings us news of O Group and War on the Ground.
LinksO Group War on the Ground The Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge Barons War
In this episode of the Wargames, Soldier and Strategy podcast the chaps chat about about the magazine, answering some of those questions you might have wondered whilst flicking though it's pages. Plus, Guy brings us all the latest gossip from the newsroom of Bowers Towers.
LinksAnalogue Hobbies Winter Painting Challenge 'O Group' from the Too Fat Lardies Stargrave Glory 1861 SPQR
In this episode of the Wargames, Soldiers and Strategy magazine podcast, Guy and Angus talk to Karl Perrotton from cooked dice, Dr Peter Wright and Eddy Price about the development process of Crooked Dice's 7TV fantasy rules, a collaboration with Edge Hill University.
Guy also brings us what is new in wargameing.
LinksSalute In Her Majesty's Name 2 'Nam The Way It Was Rapid Fire, contact steve at [email protected]
In the last episode of 2020 Guy, Jasper, Mark and Angus discuss their wargaming highlights of 2020. Plus, this year they are all talking part in the analogue painting challenge, they lay out plans for the winter painting season.
Links: Ultra Combat Modern A Billion Sons Epic scale from Warlord Strength and Honour
From the newsroom in Bowers Towers, Guy updates us on what is new and shiny in the world of wargaming. The chaps are joined by Chris King to discuss their successes and failures when playing wargames online.
Links: Lion Rampant, the Crusader States Oathbreakers Undaunted Normandy Black Ops
The Wargames, Soldiers and Strategy team are back to discuss the surprise from the results of the Great War Games Survey, that gamers preferred last over metal miniatures.
Saga Age of Hannibal 1/48 Fantasy the Rift Wars 1/48 Combat Canvas Eagles
With the Great War Games surgery 2020 finishing at the end of August the WSS boys are back to discuss the preliminary results, with a surprising change in the top five of favoured wargame genres.
LinksSwordpoint Battlegroup Pacific War Mortem et Gloreium A Gunslingers Paradise
As the WSS team had the virtual pub quiz earlier in the month they never caught up on the news. In this episode Guy fills us in on what is new in the wargaming world.
Frostgrave 2e Oathmark: Battlesworn Napoleonic Camp Followers Ultra Combat Modern Rapidfire Reloaded
The team are back and finally have got round to organising the pub quiz! Joined by quizmaster Chris King, with some questions supplied by Sydney Roundwood, the boys divide into two teams...
Guy, Jasper and Angus return for a new episode. They discuss their recent Kriegsspiel with the Too Fat Lardies (they lost) and we have an interview with sculpting genius Paul Hicks.
Get the magazine at:
In the latest Wargames, Soldiers and Strategy Magazine Podcast the team discuss how they've managed to how to keep gaming in 'lockdown'. Guy and Mark have been playing a Kriegspiel with 'Lardy' Nick using Discord, Angus and Jasper have tried the Table Top Simulator on Steam to play Chain of Command.
Links:Barons Wars 2 Duncan Rhodes Painting Academy Scale 75, Instant Colour Rangers of Shadow Deep, Across the Wastes
In this episode of the podcast the boys are joined by Nick Skinner of Too Fat Lardies renown. The topic under discussion is old rule sets, are there any old games that need revisiting?
*** Special Offer *** Until the 15 April 2020, if you use the promo code lockdown on the karwansaray or WSS websites you will get €4 Euros of any one purchase, which means essential you can get a magazine for free!
The guys are back with what is new in wargaming, plus what they've been up to. Also, Guy visited Crusade in January and recorded a lecture from Gareth Glover covering the 52nd Foot at Waterloo.
LinksSoldiers of Rome Muskets and Tomahawks Battlegroup NORTHAG
The band get back together to discuss the latest news and what Santa might have brought us for Christmas. Parting shots, in WSS106 discusses new years revolutions, Guy and Mark tell us about that and Jasper brings us upto date with the latest data pulled from the Great Wargames Survey.
LinksMinistry of Gentlemanly Warfare Warlord Games Airfix Contact Front
In this Christmas episode of the Wargames, Soldiers and Strategy podcast Guy brings us all the latest news from the WSS newswire and the boys discuss what they hope is in their sacks on Christmas day. Also, the Analogue Paining Challenge is almost upon us. Last year Mark was triumphant, who is planning what to bet him this year.
Guy brings us the latest news from WSS HQ plus with Jasper gives us an update on their trip to Crisis at Antwerp. Some of the worlds best statisticians have been studying Great War-games Survey, 2019, we bring you up-to-date with their findings.
LinksZona Alpha Maximillain 1934 Judge Dredd Hagen Miniatures
Perhaps foolishly, we broadcast live to record the latest Wargames, Soldiers and Strategy podcast, we gave you the listener the chance to ask Guy (the editor) questions - seemingly on any topic!
The Wargames, Soldiers and Strategy team are back with a discussion on bridges in your games; how they might be problematic and some ideas for scenarios.
Guy also brings us all the wargaming news.
Links Too Fat Lardies Albedo, ACP164 Wargames, Soldiers and Strategy 104 The League of Augsburg
In the latest episode Guy updates us with news of Warlord Gamesnew Black Seas and Battlegroup's NORTHAG. With the Great Wargames Surveycoming to a close, Jasper updates us on some early thoughts about it.
Guy has been to the Warlord Games day and grabs an interview with the author of their new game Black Seas and he gives us his opinion on Warlord's new release SPQR.
With the Great Wargames Survey almost upon us Jasper discusses the previous results with Miles from little wars TV.
The Wargames, Soldiers and Strategyteam are back with news, reviews and what they've been up to in the hobby.Guy brings us a report from Waterloo Replayed, the giant re-enactment of the great battle in 28mm and he also give us his initial thoughts on Games Workshops new contrast paints.
Realities Edgefrom Osprey Saga Age of Magic SPQRfrom Warlord
With Jasper away in the USA, touring American battlefields we thought we'd reflect on our experiences of visiting sites and how we might transpose this to the table top.
Links Ragnar Rock Oil War Dark and Bloody Grounds Littlewars 7 Days to the River Rhine Warlords of Erehwon
In this episode the chaps review their time at Salute.
Earlier in the year Guy attended the Crusade Wargames show, at Penarth. Like last time he was there, he recorded Rob Jones talk on Medieval infantry tactics, it may have you rebasing your medieval army!
The boys have been busy, Guy fills us in on the latest news from Osprey, Cavalier books and we discuss Warlord Games new membership card scheme.
'Come and have a go if you think you're lard enough' in southampton was a great success and Mark tells us all about hosting it and what he has learned.
Finally theanalogue hobbies painting challenge, we reveal who of the four of us won with the most points.
With Poldercon, which Jasper organises, over for another year we thought we'd discuss participations games, why put them on, what makes a good one and how run one.
In this episode of the Wargames, Soldiers and Strategy Podcast we discuss the magazine publishing issue 100! Guy heads off to Meeples and MiniaturesHQ for a question and answer session with Neil and Mike about producing the magazine.
The boys also catch up on theanalogue painting challenge, of which Mark is well and truly in the lead.
Guy and Jasper are both taking part in the analogue painting challenge, while Angus and Mark aren't they are competing against them in their own WSS side challenge.
One week in they boys catchup on how they are doing.
A few months ago the boys discussed what was the undercoat colour of choice, it turns out there was no consensus, so we sent Guy out with hit microphone to gather opinion.
We also discuss:
We're in Antwerp, at Crisis for the latest Wargames, Soldiers and Strategy Podcast. Guy chats to Johan Van Acker one of the organisers and catch up with Alex Buchel, from Studio Tomahawk about 'Age of Magic.
In this episode Mark and Guy go head to head with he new early war supplements for Bolt Actionand Chain of Command, and Jasper gives us his considered thoughts on Black Power II.
The guys are also joined by Andy Hobday to tell us about War Banner Games / Footsore Miniaturesnew releases for Gangs of Romeand their new game Mortal Gods.
After a unintentional hiatus over the summer the WSS gang get the band back together and compare notes on what's new.
Guy also has a chat with Craig Cartmell, from the Ministry of Gentlemanly Warfareabout their new game Thud and Blunder.
In this episode of the Wargames, Soldiers and Strategy podcast we look at Participation games, their problems and how to run on.
Guy also brings us up-to-date on the latest wargaming news form Warlord Games, Peter Pig, North Starand Lucid Eye.
We're looking at Matrix Gaming in the latest issue of the podcast, a form of collaborative wargaming where the participants narrate the action though discussion and arguments.
Developed by Chris Engle you can find rules and more stuff for free here.
Not only do we talk to Chris, you can hear some actual game play from the Lardies and To the Strongest's Simon Miller.
In this episode of the podcast we discuss Salute 2018, and Guys has a cigar and brandy with Rick Priestley in a fireside chat.
Links Fate of a Nations Warlord: 3000BC - 1100AD Turf War Z Last Days, Zombie Apocalypse Flags of War, Kickstarter The Oddcast, from the Two Fat Lardies Hoards of Things
In this episode we discuss fantasy wargaming on the back of chatting to Joe Saleh from Lucid Eye Publications, about their new rules 'The Red Book Of The Elf King', and miniatures range to go with it.
Guy has been on his travels and at Crusade this year sat in the back row looking furtive with his tape recorded clenched in his sweaty hand! He recorded the great talk from Rob Jones titled ‘Putting the Chivalry Back into Wargaming: making medieval wargames more medieval.’
We also discuss new releases Blood Red Skies from Warlord and Outremer: Faith and Blood from Osprey.
We talk to Professor Tony Polland about attempting the biggest wargame ever, replaying the Battle of Waterloo, in 28mm.
We look at what is new for Christmas in the the latest episode of the podcast, it turns out there isn't much new to spend your hard earned cash on (though for some reason we missed Gangs of Rome).
The boys explain the analogue painting challenge, which both Jasper and Guy are taking part in this year. For the main feature we talk to Ancient Warfare Podcast regular, Marc De Santis. Marc has been dabbling in writing fiction for Gates of Antares.
It's that time of the year again where we review the results of the WSS Great Wargames Survey! Have you ever wondered what is the favourite wargames genre? Have a listen and find out...
In this episode Angus, Guy and Jasper are joined by Criag Cartmell from the Ministry of Gentlemanly Warfare, Fat Lardies Rich Clarke and some chap called Rick Priestly to discuss how they approach writing rules.
Also in this episode:
Forager, from Stand to Games Blood Red Skies Savage Core My Last Sunrise, Kickstarter Grognard Files Podcast
We've all had the problem of not being able to find someone to play with? In this episode Angus discusses ways to solve this problem and is joined by Neil Shuck (Meeples and Miniatures) to try a game of Command and Colours using the online gaming engine Vassal. And Murray Dahm (Ancient Warfare Podcast) they attempt to play a game of Frostgrave via a Google Hangout!
Plus we have a quick news round up and chat about what we've been up to.
Vassal Footsore Miniatures Combat Mission Black Ops Legends Of Fabled RealmsSlave 2 GamingMad Dogs With GunsRole 20Meeples and MiniaturesCommand and Colours: Ancients rules
The Wargames, Soldiers and Strategy team, with the Karwansaray the publisher, were present at Salute in London.
Between manning the stand and running round meeting people they didn't have much time but Guy and Jasper try to convey their impressions of Salute 2017.
Guy, editor of WSS, brings us the latest news from Peter Pig with Men of Company B, a new supplement for In Her Majesty's Name: Gothic, the Bolt Action Campaign book covering Operation Sea Lion and the 4Ground's newly announced fantasy war game Legends of the Fabled Realm (which they'll kickstarter later in the year).
Whilst attending Crusade Guy slunk into the back of a talk from well known historian Adrian Goldsworthy, sneakily he recorded it on his phone. Audio quality aside its a very interesting look at what from history wargames arm missing.
In this episode Guy, Jasper and Angus investigate the idea of Friction in wargames rules.
We're joined by games designer Rich Clarke (Two Fat Lardies) and historian Murray Dahm.
In this episode Guy, Jasper and Angus are joined by Adam Loper of Tabletop Minions to discuss the results of the Great Wargames Survey.
Regular columnists Rossco and Paul ponder time!
In the latest podcast we focus on terrain, or more specifically terrain boards and mats. Which is better? What do people prefer? With expert comment provided by Mel "the terrain tutor", Eric Lauterbach from the WWPD Network and from Cigar Box Battle Mats Cory Ring and Chris Ward.
As usual Guy, Jasper and Angus are joined by the berserkers from Brixham, Rossco and Paul.
Don't forget if you have any comments or suggestions you can email [email protected], or go to Facebook or look us up and leave a message on Skype at WSS Podcast.
Show Notes
Frostgrave Escape from Colditz EBob Miniatures Mel "The Terrain Tutor" WWPD.net Cigar Box Battle Mats Terra Tiles, from Rainn Studios Project 217 Eagle Rampant, WSS 80
In our second podcast we decided to look at the little men we craft into soldiers and how they are produced.
Angus chats with Leon Pengilly from Pendraken who produce 10mm led miniatures and carry possibly one of the most extensive ranges to game almost every period, and Julian Blakeney-Edwards from Victrix who produce 28mm hard plastic figures.
Regular columnists Rossco and Paul discuss lead vs plastic, and Ancient Warfare Magazine regular Murray Dahm looks at double envelopment and how we can attempt it at the gaming table.
You can find the podcast on Facebook.com/WSSMagazine.
In this pilot episode of the podcast Guy Bowers (editor WSS Magazine), Jasper Oorthuys (managing director at Karwansaray Publishers) and Angus Wallace (some guy who makes podcasts) investigate why people play wargames and where does the hobby come from.
You can find the podcast on Facebook.com/WSSMagazine.
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