They came out of the gloom of the Manchurian winter, bugles blowing, and swept all before them – the Chinese had arrived and once again the Korean War took a dramatic turn. The threat of China’s Red Army had been dismissed by General MacArthur, but it proved a catastrophic mistake. The United Nations force was swept out of North Korea, a humbling for MacArthur as his forces endured the worst retreat in US military history.
Narrated by Paul Waggott
Written by Robin Scott Elliot
Production and Sound Design by Holy Smokes Audio
Executive Producers Tony Pastor + Neil Fearn
A Goalhanger Podcasts Production
William Roberts as General Douglas MacArthur
Lance Fuller as General Stratemayer
Julian Alexander as Bulldog Walker
Tim Licata
Zhang Hongtao
Wang Hui
Boyoung Jo
Thomas Mitchells
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