“ 'If Helm dislikes a crooked staff that is thrust on him, he breaks it. So!' With that, he smote Freca with such a blow with his first that he fell back stunned, and died soon after."
We interrupt your regularly scheduled programming to bring you this special announcement: a new feature film set in Middle-Earth is in the works! New Line and Warner Bros. surprised everyone yesterday with an announcement that they are planning a full length anime adaptation of Rohan's war with the Dunlendings, set around 250 years before the events of Lord of the Rings. This story is found in the appendices to the Return of the King, and features the legendary Helm Hammerhand. Join us as we talk about this exciting news.
If you'd like to weigh in on our casting speculation or anything else under the sun, you can get in touch here:
Deadline article about War of the Rohirrim
Intro and Outro Music: Sunday For Larks, written by Matthew Rolland and performed by Run Boy Run. https://www.runboyrunband.com/
Logo by Aubreigh Brunschwig
Special Thanks to Anuj Agarwal and Feedspot for the shoutout! We are one of the top 15 #LOTR podcasts to listen to in 2021.