"I know we are going to take a very long road, into darkness; but I know I can’t turn back. It isn’t to see Elves now, nor dragons, nor mountains, that I want - I don’t rightly know what I want: but I have something to do before the end, and it lies ahead, not in the Shire. I must see it through, sir, if you understand me."
What does Amazon's move from New Zealand to UK mean for the show, and for all of our little hearts quietly breaking that we won't see New Zealand's beautiful scenery in future seasons? And the main event: we discuss our approach to analyzing cinematic adaptations of literary works.
Want to join the watch party? Contact us:
Professor Linda Costanzo Cahir, Literature into Film: Theory And Practical Approaches, McFarland 2006.
Professor Tom Shippey, Tolkien Book to Jackson Script: The Medium and the Message, https://www.swarthmore.edu/news-events/tolkien-book-to-jackson-script-medium-and-message
Eric Reinders, Questions of Caste in The Lord of the Rings and its Multiple Chinese Translations, https://youtu.be/pVpSWxa8Htw
Fellowship of Fans, EXCLUSIVE: REAL Reason Amazon Moved Production To U.K For LOTRonPrime [EXPLAINED] TSAS #7, Second Age Show, August 15, 2021: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KlgTPbLQv7E
Intro and Outro Music: Sunday For Larks, written by Matthew Rolland and performed by Run Boy Run. https://www.runboyrunband.com/
Logo by Aubreigh Brunschwig