One of the most prestigious and well-respected film journals on the web, Bright Wall/Dark Room is dedicated "to exploring the relationship between movies and the business of being alive." Over the past month, I was fortunate enough to speak with seven members of its editorial staff (including Bright Wall founder and editor-in-chief Chad Perman) about their favorite comfort movies and why they personally relate to and endorse each one.
Comprised of seven separate conversations that play surprisingly well together, this super-sized, feature-length episode gives you the chance to hear from the passionate, articulate people who've written and/or edited some of the magazine's most moving pieces. I want to thank Chad Perman, Kelsey Ford, Ethan Warren, Carrie Courogen, Elizabeth Cantwell, Spencer Williams, and Travis Woods for their time, insight, and for trusting me enough to bring Bright Wall/Dark Room to the pod waves. Enjoy!
Theme Music: Solo Acoustic Guitar by Jason Shaw, Free Music Archive
Originally Posted on Patreon (3/8/21) here: