We’ve talked about genetically modified fish in this podcast before, not always in the most positive light. In this episode: Ben, Charles, and Amy flip that attitude on its head and talk about some of their favorite line bred, hybrid, and transgenic fish!
What are your favorites? Let us know!
Here is a list of all of the fish discussed in this episode and some associated notes.
Sunset Platy – Xiphophorus maculatus
Cherry Barb – Puntius titteya
Glo Fish Danio – Danio rerio
Apistogramma agassizii “Fire Red”
Apistogramma macmasteri “Red Neck”
Apistogramma cacatuoides “Super Red”
German Blue Ram – Mikrogeophagus ramirezi
Copper Plakat Betta – Betta sp.
Marble Plakat Betta – Betta sp.
Red Dumbo Halfmoon Betta – Betta sp.
Albino Cory Catfish – Corydoras aeneus
Electric Blue Acara – Andinoacara sp.
Green Tiger Barb – Puntigrus sp.
Red and White Ryukin Goldfish – Carassius auratus