Western Christianity—Latin Christianity—began in Africa and made its way across the sea to Italy. All the great orthodox Latin writers of the first through third centuries were African. The distinctive western liturgy was likely a product of Roman Africa. Christianity came to Africa at a time of literary renaissance, and the Church is still the beneficiary of that particular Christian culture.
Mike Aquilina, Rabbles, Riots, and Ruins: Twelve Ancient Cities and How They Were Evangelized https://www.amazon.com/Rabbles-Riots-Ruins-Ancient-Evangelized/dp/1621646785/Mike Aquilina, Africa and the Early Church: The Almost-Forgotten Roots of Catholic Christianity https://catholicbooksdirect.com/products/africa-and-the-early-church-the-almost-forgotten-roots-of-catholic-christianity
J. Patout Burns Jr., Robin M. Jensen, Christianity in Roman Africa: The Development of Its Practices and Beliefs https://www.amazon.com/Christianity-Roman-Africa-Development-Practices/dp/0802869319
Thomas Oden, How Africa Shaped the Christian Mind: Rediscovering the African Seedbed of Western Christianity https://www.amazon.com/Africa-Shaped-Christian-Mind-Rediscovering/dp/0830837051/
Mike Aquilina’s website https://fathersofthechurch.com/
Mike Aquilina’s books https://catholicbooksdirect.com/writer/mike-aquilina/
Theme music: Gaudeamus (Introit for the Feast of All Saints), sung by Jeff Ostrowski. Courtesy of Corpus Christi Watershed http://www.ccwatershed.org/
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