Though prolific in his words and prodigious in his deeds, Leo was utterly self-effacing. Classically educated, he never quoted the classics. He preached with Gospel simplicity. He strove always to let Christ shine through his sermons and his letters. Yet he made history for three world-changing interventions. It was Leo who stopped Attila the Hun’s rampage through Europe. It was Leo who put a decisive end to the ancient heresies about the natures of Christ. And it was Leo who kept the barbarian Vandals from murdering the Romans and burning the city. Tradition calls him “the Great.” He earned the title.
Leo the Great, Sermon LXXXII: on the Feast of the Apostles Peter and Paul
Leo the Great, Letter XCV: to Pulcheria Augusta
Leo the Great, Tome of Leo Audiobook
Mike Aquilina’s website
Mike Aquilina’s books
Theme music: Gaudeamus (Introit for the Feast of All Saints), sung by Jeff Ostrowski. Courtesy of Corpus Christi Watershed
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