Strength Magazine to the mid-90s, thru early 2000s. Was the closest thing we got to Poweredge(That reference, may go over some of your heads. But, thats fine.) It was our Source Magazine. The voice of the streets. The underground. Shining light on all kinds of new companies, photographers, artists. Even some of your favorite skaters, to this day. Got their start in Strength.
Tune into Part 1, as I go one-on-one with one of the gentlemen behind it all- Aaron Hoover. We talk the humble beginnings of the Strength Magazine. Hear untold stories, and shenanigans of the infamous 1997 Unity Tour. We also talk Reda, Jahmal Williams and, all good things 90s skateboarding culture!
With special guest appearance by Bobby Craves(@Certain.Ones). You do not wanna miss this one!
Once again, another great episode. Thank you again for your time, Aaron! Really enjoyed going back in time. Some good days, and heres to many more ahead!- Clyde Singleton