Good morning, Vietnaaaaaaaam!!! Lets start this week off, by picking right back up with skateboarding LEGEND- Mike York. Our discussion continues, as Mike talks his relationship & upcoming project with Palace. We both share detailed experiences with some former team managers. Plus- soak up some Bay Area game on how to be a team player- not just the star.
The skateboarding world needs more Mike York. Easily, one of the funniest & sharpest guys in the game. And, just a all-around good human to build with.
With guest appearances from Duval’s King Simba. And, skateboarding LEGEND Ron Allen. This is one is for the books!
Once again, I’d like to thank Mike for his time. And, a great conversation. Is this the last part? Is there a Pt.3? Tune in. And, find out! Lets GOOOOOOOO..!!- Clyde Singleton