In this impactful episode, Olivia and Jen sit down with Lisa, who shares her story of growing up in the IFB and the challenges she faced. Lisa opens up about her father’s attempt to abandon her in another country when she was just 4 years old and describes the difficulties of living under the strict rules of her IFB parents. She also bravely sheds light on the abuse she experienced at Hyles-Anderson College and First Baptist Church of Hammond (FBCOH) and what ultimately led her to leave the IFB.
In an open and heartfelt discussion, Olivia, Jen, and Lisa explore many topics, including forgiveness and how scripture addresses it. This episode is especially meaningful for those struggling with toxic relationships within the IFB and the challenge of forgiveness.
Note: There are a few moments of audio lag due to technical issues, but we hope you’ll stay with us through this powerful conversation. Thank you, Lisa, for your courage in sharing your story with us today.