In the final installment of our Lester Roloff series, hosts Olivia and Jen have a surprise for listeners—a powerful guest appearance by another courageous survivor, Cindy. Cindy opens up about her journey growing up in an IFB church and the rebellious teenage years that led her to be sent to the Rebekah Home for Girls. She shares her harrowing experience there and how, in an unexpected twist, the "Christian Alamo" played a pivotal role in her eventual escape.
This episode goes beyond Cindy’s past, diving into her life now, where she provides thought-provoking insights into accountability, parenting, and reflections on what she might do differently if given the chance. The conversations are deep and meaningful, resonating strongly with both Olivia and Jen, who hope listeners find this episode not only informative but a blessing as well.
A huge thank you to Cindy for her bravery in closing out our Lester Roloff series and for bringing awareness to the abuse she endured within the church, her home, and Lester Roloff’s enterprise.