Episode Notes
An unwitting waitress falls in love with a man who seems to be out of time, but perhaps her time is up as an apparition begins stalking her.
Echoes by Shane Migliavacca
Music by Ray Mattis
http://raymattispresents.bandcamp.comProduced by Daniel Wilder
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I first met him last week. I'd heard about the new guy in town before that. Castle, New York was the smallest of small towns. Word travels fast when somebody new moves to town. People speculate on the stranger in town. Travis looked like he stepped out of one of those '50's biker films. Last Thursday he walked into the diner I work at. I couldn't take my eyes off him. And he knew it. He caught me looking at him and smiled that sly smile of his. My eyes darted away. I tried to make it look like I was just looking around the diner. But it was too late. He strode over to me.
"Hello there." He said.
I tried to sound confident. Like I didn't give a fuck, but my voice cracked. He smiled at me.
"Can I get a chocolate milkshake to go?"
"Heard they're like wow here."
I started making the shake as he leaned on the counter. He looked at his reflection in the glass case of donuts. Adjusting his hair.
"Yeah, they're really good." I said. I was trying to think of something cool to say. But I was managing to think of one damn thing.
"lived here all your life?" He asked.
"Ain't so bad. I've been to worse."
I finished the shake and brought it over to him. He gave me a wink and took a sip. Before I could say anything he slid a ten dollar bill across the counter. A large silver ring gleamed on his hand. He turned and started to leave.
"Let me get your change."
"The rest is for you dolly."
I watched him go. Dolly? I felt a bit offended. But at the same time I was feeling something else. Love? Lust?
Whatever it was it made me somewhat forgiving of the dolly remark.
"So, that's the new guy? Not bad."
I turned it was my coworker and friend Bren. She adjusted her raven hair.
"What'd he say to you Ronny?"
"Nothing much. Just wanted a milkshake."
"Yeah yours."
We both laughed. Bren has this obnoxious laugh that usually ends up making me laugh harder.
The next day he didn't show up. But the day after he was there again. This time wanting a milkshake and a burger. No matter who waited on him he always ended up talking to me. Usually asking me about some town thing or whatnot. Always coming in at the same time, every other day.
It continued like this for a month. We'd small talk a little and then he'd leave. I never saw him outside of the diner. Then one day he changed the routine.
I got of work one sunny Monday afternoon and Travis was waiting for me. He was leaning ever so slightly against the side of the diner. He smiled at me.
"Hey." I said.
"Hey." He answered. He flicked out a metal lighter and lit a really slim cigarette. "So what do you do for a kick around here?"
"There's the movie theater or the bowling alley."
"No. No. You." He took a puff.
"Me? Uh, not much."
"Naw? Dang shame. Pretty girl like you."
"Uh, thanks."
The flattery made me blush. Was he hitting on me? I sucked at this kind of thing. I wasn't sure if he wanted me to say anything.
"I haven't found much in town to get excited about." He took a long drag on his cigarette. "So I was wondering if you want to hang?"
I thought for a second. He's asking me out. I suck at dating. He's good looking and seems nice, but there's no way a date between us won't end in embarrassment for me and perhaps him too. How to talk him out of it?
"It's kind of been a rough day, you know? Mondays. I just want to go back home and chill."
"It don't have to be today."
"Oh, cool."
"So, wanna see a flick?" He said. "Show the new guy the sights?"
"Sure." I guess. Am I really going to really do this?
Yeah. I guess I was. Why not? I deserved some fun, right? Right. You do. Bren was always trying to get me to go out. This would really shock her.
"Tomorrow night good?"
I thought about it. Did he know I didn't have work the day after?
"Aces. It's a date then. I'll let you pick the flick. Cool?"
He looked a me. "You should always have you hair like that."
I touched my hair. I forgot I tie it back at work. This was probably the first time he saw it lose.
"It's so beautiful and red. Like a Rose."
My face lit up as I blushed. Great.
"Gotta run babe. Be seeing you." He did a little point at me and winked before leaving.
What had I got myself into?
Our first date went well. As did the next three. Before I realized it we were a "thing" in town. I think Bren was jealous. For our fifth date Travis wanted to take me on a picnic to Harmony Lake. It would be our first date in a less public place. I wasn't to worried. On every date Travis had been quite the gentlemen.
I was getting ready in the apartment I share with Bren. I stood doing my hair. Bren was watching me.
"You look good. Let it go." She said.
I turned from the mirror and presented myself. "You think?" Twirling around in my dress. It's maybe only the third time I've ever worn the thing.
"Your hideous."
"Seriously hon, you look amazballs."
She hugged me. "Have fun at the lake, try not to get too lucky."
"Hey. It's been awhile. But not that long."
Travis picked me up in his in his 1957 Plymouth Fury. It was a convertible. The thing looked like a shark that decided to crawl out of the ocean and start looking for meals on land. He tooted the horn as he pulled up.
"You look stunning babe." He said.
Ever the gentleman he wouldn't let me into the car until he got out and opened the door for me. Some real old song was playing on the car radio. I don't think he listened to anything after the '50's.
We headed out of town as The King sang on the radio.
"I can't get over your car Travis." I said. "It looks so good for it's age."
"I take care of this baby. Means a lot to me, sentimental value. I keep her cherry. I try to get maximum performance."
He steps on the gas and we're moving a little too fast through town. I look at him nervous as he speeds up.
"Don't sweat it Rose. I got this."
Travis had started calling me Rose. Honestly I didn't mind. He took my hand.
"I think today is gonna be special."
The lake looked beautiful in the summer sun as we walked to a nice secluded spot under a large tree. Travis left the car radio on. An old song started.
"Down in the willow garden where me and my love did meet"
He set down a large blanket. "My dear." He said. Ushering me to the blanket.
We'd brought quite the selection of food. Travis popped open a bottle of wine. Was that weird for a picnic? He caught me making a face.
"Don't tell me you don't drink wine?"
"No. Just seems a bit much for an afternoon picnic."
"Well it's a celebration too babe."
"It is? What are we celebrating?"
"Five dates."
I laugh. "Okay. I'll drink to that."
"My love she did not know"
The odd song played on as he pours us each a glass of wine. We eat and I take a couple sips of wine. I haven't had much in the way of wine, but this is really good. Wonder where he dug it up around here? As we ate we talk, mostly about me. He's always has so many questions. Every time I ask him something about him, he seems sad. Almost on the verge of tears. I don't want to bring up any bad memories. As we talk my head starts to feel light. The sun seems to get brighter. I get a whole hell of a lot of dizzy.
"Which was a dreadful sign"
"What's up Ronny?"
"Wow, getting a head rush."
I try to stand up but my legs feel like rubber. Travis catches me as I come crashing back down.
On the radio, the song keeps repeating.
"A dreadful sign"
He brushes the hair out of my face and gives me a sad smile.
"I'm so sorry doll."
"Wha-What? Sorry about..." I stammer. My mouth doesn't want to move.
"I'm sorry. You have to die. All beauty must die. It's my curse."
I summon up all my strength and push away from Travis. He tries to grab me, pull me back and I scratch his face with my nails. Trying to stand again I fall to my knees. The world shaking apart at the seams. My eyelids feel heavy. Every time I blink it's feels like it'll be my last. Maybe if I just sleep it'll be better. I'll wake up from this nightmare.
No! Fight it!
I start crawling on all fours. Dragging myself. Digging my nails into the ground. My nails....I scratched him. Have to get away. Have to fight. Get to the car.
"A dreadful sign"
I see someone standing by Travis' car. Can't make them out. Why won't they...
"Help! Please!"
"Rose. No one can help. I'm sorry."
He grabs me by the leg pulling me back. Travis turns me over. Glaring at me. The scratches on his face aren't bleeding.
"I like playing with you Rose." He said. "But my dear your breaking my heart."
"Fu-Fuck you."
I try to hit him, but I have no strength left. Why won't that person do something?
He stands up, pulling a large knife from his leather jacket.
"I could gut you. But that's no fun. Not any more."
He looks at his reflection on the knife blade. He adjusts his hair. I used to find his vanity cute. Bastard.
"The poison isn't killing you. Just making it hard for you to do anything."
"Why not."
I tried to move my head to see if that person was still standing there.
"A dreadful sign"
Why is that song repeating? Is that an effect from the drugs?
Travis notices me trying to look at the car. He walks towards the car. I can hear him talking to somebody I think.
"Go away." He says. "You're not welcome here."
He turns the radio off. The song ending with a loud hiss of static. I hear the car door slam shut.
Who was that? Who was he talking to?
After what seems like hours but is probably only minutes Travis comes back holding a large cinder block and rope.
"Comfortable doll?"
"Go to h