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Weekly Spooky – Scary Stories for Halloween!

Ep.70 – Be Mine - This Valentine's Day They Want Your HEART!

37 min • 10 februari 2021
Episode Notes
On a cold Valentine's evening a young woman finds out she has a secret admirer, and they want more than just her heart... And they'll do ANYTHING to get it!
Be Mine by Shane Migliavacca
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Music by Ray Mattis
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She’d just sat down on the bed, with the cat snuggling up next to her, when the knock at the door came. Blake looked over at her roommate Cassie, buried in her phone and closer to the door.
Cassie didn’t answer. 
“Nope, guess not.” 
Blake looked down at her cat, Dean. 
“Sorry buddy.” 
She stood, as the cat looked up at her completely disappointed. 
Blake crossed the small, messy dorm room as another knock came. 
“I got it.” 
“Huh?” Cassie mumbled. 
Opening the door, Blake was greeted by Maggie from down the hall. The girl beamed at her from behind a pair of thick glasses. 
“Here.” She thrust a pink heart shaped box at Blake.
“Uh, thanks. I guess.” Blake said, taking the box. 
Maggie frowned. “It’s not from me. It was sitting on the table in the lobby with your name on it.”
“Oh, thanks.” A box of candy… for her? There was nobody she could think of who’d do something like that. 
“Going to the Valentine’s dance tonight?” Maggie asked, before Blake could shut the door.
“Nope, got a paper to finish.”
“That sucks.”
Blake shut the door. It really did suck, but not for the reason Maggie thought. She was struggling with the assignment, dragging her feet on it since day one. Now the deadline was looming. 
There was a pink envelope taped to the box’s front with Blake’s name written in glitter. Inside was a Valentine’s card with a cute cat on the front which read ‘Your purrrfect’. 
Underneath the card’s message was another, written in red ink. It read ‘Roses are red, violets are blue. I choose you. Meet me under the east bleachers at 8 pm’.
“What’s that?” Cassie asked. 
“It’s alive.” Blake answered. 
Blake rattled the box. “Someone left me a Valentine's gift.”
“You got a secret admirer.”
“Guess so, they want me to meet them tonight, under the bleachers.” 
“Probably some townie rapists looking to assault a rich college girl.”
“I’m not rich.”
“They don’t know that. Pop that fucker open.” Cassie said, sliding forward on her bed. “Bet there’s a human heart inside.”
“Nope, candies.” Blake answered, popping a chocolate into her mouth. 
“Damn.” Cassie groaned. “Gonna meet this mystery admirer?”
“No time for love Dr. Jones. I’ve got a paper to finish.” Blake pet the cat, still lounging on her bed, before picking up her coat and book-bag. “I’m off to the library. Billy’s letting me in.”
“Oh kinky.” Cassie laughed. “There’s your secret heart sender.”
“Billy? I’m pretty sure he’s gay.” 
“Well, so are you.” Cassie stated.
“It doesn't work that way. He doesn't have the kind of… parts I like.”
Blake slipped on her coat, and rested the strap of the book-bag on her shoulder. 
“What about you, meeting Steve at the dance?” 
Cassie’s gaze drifted over to her phone lying on the bed next to her. 
“Naw, he’s busy tonight. Just gonna chill here with the cat and some TV.”
“Oh, sorry. I knew you were looking forward to it.” 
A smile crept across Cassie’s face. “Hey, we could go together.” 
Blake could see the hopeful look in her friend’s eyes, which made what she had to say painful.
“I’m sorry… I-I wish I could.” She said. “If I don’t hunker down and finish this paper… I can’t screw up. My parents sacrificed a lot to get me here.”
She could feel her heart start to beat a bit faster as she imagined going back home after flunking out… the disappointment etched into her parents’ faces.
Blake felt sweat trickle down her cheek as she started to breathe more rapidly. 
‘Control’, she told herself, taking in a deep, slow breath. 
“Don’t worry about it. I wasn’t totally serious about it.” Cassie said, perhaps sensing her friend’s stress. “I’m better off staying in tonight anyway.” 
“Everything okay?” 
“Yeah, just a little bummed. Nothing big.”
“You sure? I could stay.”
“I’m sure. Go. Get that paper done.” 
“Okay. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be. I never am.”
Blake stepped out into the hallway, making her way past a group of girls all dressed up for the dance, before stepping outside into the bitter February air. The cold cut through her as she started across campus. 
Taking a pair of earbuds from her coat, she hit ‘play’ on her phone. She’d put together a mix for tonight… something to get her motivated and keep her going. 
Walking along a lit path, snow and ice crunched under Blake’s boots. Taking in a deep breath of cold air, she felt her heartbeat going back to normal. 
Since middle school, Blake had suffered panic attacks. She had trouble keeping her grades up… trouble fitting in. She’d found ways to cope with it over the years with the help of the school counselor, Miss Cheryl. 
Getting this paper finished would relieve a lot of stress. 
Most of the campus buildings were dark, only lit by a few lights left on inside and some spotlights outside. So many shadows, perfect for a townie to be lurking. Blake wanted to laugh off Cassie’s comment, but here… alone in the night… she wasn’t so sure it was something to laugh at. 
Stopping to adjust her heavy book-bag, Blake became aware of something as the song she was listening to faded out. Footfalls on the snow. 
She turned, picturing a salivating pack of townie boys ready to pounce. 
Ready to swing her book-bag like a mace, Blake wouldn’t go down without a fight.
She turned and found herself face to face with a campus security guard.
“Hey… hey miss.” The man nodded. “Where are you headed tonight?” 
Not wanting to get Billy in trouble, she fibbed. 
“Meeting a friend to study.” She smiled. 
She noticed his name-tag read ‘Stu’. He looked like a ‘Stu’ Blake thought.
“I see, nose to the grindstone and all that. Commendable.” 
Blake could feel his eyes on her as she continued on. She felt a little better knowing there was somebody out keeping watch while most of the campus was at the dance. 
The library, designed in the mid-sixties, stood out against the rest of the campus which had been renovated in the last few years. 
She knocked on the staff door around the building’s back. After a few minutes of standing around waiting, and thinking Billy wasn’t even in there, the lock clicked and the metal door opened. 
A young man, a thin shadow of stubble covering his lower face, peeked his head out. His eyes darted back and forth before stopping on Blake.
“Is it secret? Is it safe?”
“Billy.” Blake said, wearily. 
He smiled broadly. “Sorry, couldn’t resist… all this clandestine shit.”
“It was your idea for me to use the staff entrance.”
“Didn’t want somebody seeing you come in the front after hours. Old man Styles would have my ass for breakfast.” 
Blake shivered as the wind gusted. “Gonna let me in already? My non-existent lady balls are freezing off. ”
Billy stepped aside and Blake entered what appeared to be the library’s office area… a cluttered mess of desks and cabinets. From somewhere in the library, Elvis crooned away as they stepped into the main room. Only half lit, the library was a maze of bookshelves and shadows. 
“Feel free to set up shop anywhere, I’ll be down here doing inventory awhile, so don’t worry about getting the boot.”
Blake smiled. “Thank you for this. There’s just too much chaos back at the dorm to focus, besides Cassie didn’t go out tonight.”
“Oh, she didn’t go to the dance?”
“Naw,  got stood up.”
“Kind of the same for me, all my help bailed so they could go to the dance.”
“Well, at least you got the King.”
“Music isn’t gonna be a problem is it?” 
“Nope. Brought my own.” Blake pointed to her earbuds. “Where’s it coming from anyway?”
“Old man Styles has a record player hooked up to the PA. He’s got a shit ton of vinyl in his office.” Billy pointed over his shoulder at the head librarian’s office. “Helps the night go quicker.”
Blake headed upstairs, and plopped down at a desk off in a corner.
With her paper and reference material laid out on the desk, Blake popped open an energy drink and took a sip.
“Sweet, sweet caffeine.” 
She un-paused her music and got to work. 

Cassie’s finger hung over the ‘send’ button. How long ago had it been since she’d sent it? She wasn’t sure. 
She read the message again:’ I know about the two of you’. 
The message remained unseen by Steve. A part of her regretted sending it, the part that still loved him… even though she’d seen them together. 
Fuck it. Fuck him, the shit.
“More Cheaters coming up.” The TV promised. 
Cassie pet the cat lying next to her.
“Here I am on Valentine’s Day, petting my gay roommate’s pussy, watching Cheaters all alone.” 
Cassie groaned, tapping the back of her head against the wall. 
“Sorry kitty, but I gotta bounce.” 
Cassie put on some lipstick, looking at herself in the mirror.
“Fuck you Steve.” 
Putting on her jacket, Cassie looked at the cat curled up on her bed.
“I’ll leave the TV on for you. Learn from Cheaters pal… don’t fall in love.”
Snow had begun to fall, whipped along by the wind. Cassie was in the mood to do something bad. 
She could head to the dance, maybe find some action there. No, all those couples… dancing… kissing.  She’d feel more alone then back in their dorm room. 
Instead, Cassie headed towards the library. 
She hugged herself as wind blew across the path, swirling snow in its wake. 
Cassie approached the sliding glass doors and peered inside. 
She knocked on the glass.
“Hello? Anybody around?” 
She shivered and knocked on the window again. There seemed t
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