In 1987, a series of horrific murders plagued the remote Kimberley region of Western Australia. The first known victims were shot at a campsite near the Pentecost River Crossing, where three people were killed in an ambush. In a chilling pattern, the killer continued across the harsh landscape, killing two more before police could catch up to him.
Join Holly & Matthew as they explore the terrifying events that rocked the Kimberley, and the twisted journey to uncover the truth behind these brutal murders.
Sources cited:- Dennis, Anthony, and Michael Perry. 1987. "Outback terror ends in morgue." The Age, June 22. Accessed August 4, 2021. AAIBAJ&sjid=cpIDAAAAIBAJ&pg=4824,22439.
- The Sydney Morning Herald. 1987. "Not our son, say parents of 'Top-End' gunman." December 18. Accessed August 4, 2021. AAIBAJ&sjid=weQDAAAAIBAJ&pg=6669,1419801.
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