The Bathurst Rebellion, which took place in 1820, is one of the most significant early uprisings in Australia’s convict history. It was an armed revolt by convicts working as agricultural labourers at the Bathurst penal settlement, located in the New South Wales interior. The rebellion was sparked by harsh conditions, mistreatment by overseers, and the severe punishment meted out to convicts who attempted to escape or protest.
Join Holly & Matthew as they explore the Bathurst Rebellion, examining the factors that led to the revolt, its tragic aftermath, and its place in the larger history of convict resistance in early Australia.
Sources cited: - R v Entwistle, Gahan, Kearney, Gleeson, Dunn and Stephen. 1830. NSWSupC75 (Supreme Court of of New South Wales, November 11). Accessed August 4, 2021. x/1830/r_v_entwistle_gahan_kearney_gleeson_dunn_and_stephen/.
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